I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 274

Suddenly, another group of invited monsters came, and Sasune was among them, and they came to Natsume and Li Yan, their cheeks were flushed, and they greeted them embarrassedly.

"Good evening, Miss Sasazhou."

Li Yan and others replied.

"Sure enough, the noisy gatherings are really annoying, I still want to go back to the water early to recuperate... Although I didn't help Natsume, I heard other monsters say that Natsume's mother is much better, and I am a little bit better. Don't worry, at least... the result is still good." Saizhou thought for a while, sat beside Li Yan, and said to Li Yan with emotion.

"Yes, so you take a good rest. In the future, you can bravely find Natsume. You can also find me. In the future, we will accompany you. Even if it may be a short period of time, the beauty is forever. Natsume and I are very lucky. I will know Miss Sasafune, so there is no need to be afraid of being alone."

Li Yan sat cross-legged on the blanket and said to Sasara.

"Ah... I understand. I also hope that the strength I left to you can help you..." Sasara said with a smile, but for a moment, I felt that I was missing something.

"?" Li Yan was taken aback for a moment, looking at her puzzled.

"It's okay, besides, don't talk to me now, I'm a little dizzy..." Saizhou immediately retorted, and turned his head quickly.


In silence, Li Yan looked for the young girl among the group of monsters.But after all, at the end of the event, the ghost girl did not appear, causing Li Yan to leave the banquet place sadly.

In the early morning, in front of the station on the Shinkansen, Li Yan and others waved goodbye to Natsume Takashi and a group of monsters hidden in the crowd. Li Yan sat by the window and talked to Hagi. A row of bells.

The Shinkansen train started to pull out of the station. On the way when it started to accelerate, Hagiura Bell watched Li Yan and kept looking out the window, and asked, "Oh, can't you still let your juniors go?"

"No...just take a look at the scenery, and next time I hope to come back, I can meet friends here." Li Yan smiled faintly, looked out the window, and said to Hagiura Ling.

However, the speed of the train was getting faster and faster, and when it began to come to a hill, suddenly, Li Yan inadvertently looked at the scenery, but on that hill, he stood quietly. Long brown hair, wearing a sailor suit, smiling "ghost" on his face as always.As if they had met for the first time, when the two eyes faced each other, it seemed that even time had stopped. Li Yan showed an expression of extreme consternation, just like that flashed past...

It turned out that she said that she hadn't seen each other for a while, that's the thing...

With a smile on Li Yan's face, he continued to look at the scenery outside the window. The field trip to Kumamoto Prefecture officially ended.

Chapter 166

In the early morning, wisps of sunlight sprinkled on the desk through the window, on a piece of manuscript paper, the pen rustled on the white paper, and the concentrated eyes under the black bangs quietly looked at the black and white world. In the fantasy world born in, the breeze was blowing on his body, so fascinating, filled this study room with the breath of literature.

In fact, Li Yan doesn’t write novels by hand at all, let alone write novels in his own warehouse. His real writing environment is in the living room, typing on his laptop, which looks like ordinary Of young people online are similar.

However, including the place, handwriting, and the window setting are all made by the girl with long blonde hair.

"Well...Is the progress made today?" Li Yan asked in a low voice embarrassedly. He scribbled in the drawing for two hours. It has been too long for him to maintain such a posture that he wants it now. Stand up and stretch your muscles and bones. The job of being Shiina's true white model is really uncomfortable.


Shiina Mashiro, who was painting in front of a huge canvas, completely ignored Li Yan's words. When she was painting, even earthquakes and tsunamis could not interrupt the "spiritual communication" between her and the oil painting.

"Isn't it..." Li Yan continued to silently write the formulas of college physics on the paper with a sad expression to kill the time of static models.

In order to prevent Shiina Mashiro from learning and progressing in oil painting art when he was addicted to manga creation, Li Yan had always suggested Shiina Mashiro to continue her journey of oil painting creation. Suddenly, after Li Yan returned from Hitoyoshi on Friday, Zhenbai found After Li Yan, he proposed to use Li Yan as a model to create a new oil painting.

Li Yan naturally agreed to such a request. After all, Shiina Masaki is a genius painter in the Western oil painting world. If he created an artwork based on him, it would probably match Mona Lisa, the rice picker, and Shishkin. Like Xiao and other models, it is obvious that being an ordinary person, being an ordinary person, will influence the world in more than a hundred years.

However, after trying to pretend that handsome spirit state, after two hours of killing, Li Yan gradually became tired, and his back began to bend a little. His eyes were obviously not sleepy enough, and he seemed a little tired, although he still maintained The posture of writing, but it seems loose and listless.

After another half an hour, it was already 8:40. Finally, Shiina Masashi looked at her painting calmly and intently, and finally decided to paint here temporarily, poking her head out of the oil painting. Said: "Holmes, it's all right."

"Ah!!!" Li Yan immediately lifted his spirits and put down his pen. When he stood up, he felt his hands and feet numb, and his crotch was also numb. He beat his muscles and bones a few times and understood those famous paintings deeply. How painful it was when his model was being painted.

"Finally... it's over. If I'm slower, I really can't help but move." Li Yan looked at Shiina Zhenbai and said.

"Thank you," Shiina said.

"Let me take a look at your paintings, how many paintings you have painted, and have they restored my paintings very well." Li Yan walked over with curiosity and carefully looked at Shiina's white oil paintings and said.After all, Shiina’s paintings have been sold for sky-high prices at auctions. Who knows how much the oil painting she has created so seriously is worth, witnessing the birth of a world-famous painting with her own eyes, and thinking about it is thrilling.

But the oil painting is just an outline, the layout of the environment can be roughly seen, and there is a person sitting there, and there is no general idea.

"..." Li Yan looked at this just beginning with some fear. He suddenly remembered the oil paintings of famous painters. Almost all of them had to be painted for many years, or even more than ten years to complete a work. A chill in his heart, if In this way, my legs will be limping sooner or later...

"I'll show it to you when the drawing is done." Shiina Masashi put away the paint and paintbrush and said.

"...Okay." Li Yan said in a complicated mood.

"Well, Shiina, how long will it take you to complete this work? And, what do you plan to name this work?"

Li Yan asked as she watched Shiina really use a cloth to cover the easel.

"This is unpredictable, but my thinking and inspiration continue to flow, and I can finish it soon." Shiina Zhenbai was taken aback for a moment, then he thought about it, and said to Li Yan.

"As for the name... I plan to name this work "The Old Thief"." Shiina Masashi continued to think about it and said.


Li Yan was troubled. Seeing Shiina really white, he wanted to explain something, but since it was the name decided by this world-class painter, he really didn't dare to revise half of it.

At this time, I can only admit it.

"Let’s stop here today. I’m going to meet someone in Jiangdong District. He will arrive at about nine thirty. Time is running out. Shiina, I will hand you the key. If you think you want to come back and modify the painting, Just come in directly."

Li Yan handed his other spare key to Shiina Zhenbai, and said.

"...Okay." Shiina Mashiro took the key and said in silence.

"By the way, how is your comics? I heard that the first batch of physical books have been published. What is the reaction?" Li Yan asked.

"I think it's okay." Shiina said, looking at Li Yan with bright white eyes.

It seems that she is still satisfied with the sales of her works, but she does not dare to praise Haikou, using the word "can" to summarize the sales of the first batch of comics.

Li Yan was slightly taken aback.

"Really, but I checked the status of your new work with Yinglili on the Internet. This is not a term of'okay.' The sales of your works are quite good, and the response is very strong. I will not comment on Yingli. Rashi’s work, Shiina, your work is classified as one of the best works in the detective series. The painting style is accompanied by a strong oil painting style. It is very beautiful, and the bloody scenes of the murder case are painted appropriately. The most important thing is that the logic of solving the case is very reasonable. , I feel that you have referred to a lot of materials. If you continue to paint like this, your paintings may soon be animated."

Li Yan looked at Shiina Zhenbai with a smile, stretched out his hand and gently pressed her shoulder, praised her for being happy.

Shiina Mashiro was slightly shocked, and she couldn't help but feel a very happy emotion emerging in her heart. She rarely has such a happy mood. Creation is her life, but sometimes creation is also painful. When her paintings are recognized by the world At home, she praised only a few points, like the plain water surface with a few more ripples, but now so hard to conceive, search for information, and paint with heart, she is praised by Uesugiyan in front of her, and it seems that she has stayed up all night and worked hard for many days. It seems to have a corresponding value.

"...Yes." Shiina nodded, and said with a slightly confident smile.

With an almost rare smile, Li Yan was almost dumbfounded. He had known Shiina for a while, and it was the first time he saw her smile.

For creators, good grades are certainly a joy, but what they hope more is the feeling of being recognized.

After going out, Shiina Mashiro hurried to his room, ready to work overtime to catch up with the manuscript. Manga creation will be quite difficult at the beginning, and it is necessary to publish two to three volumes of long serial story chapters to attract the first readers. Shiina Mashiro's editor is very optimistic about her first work, and has always urged her to draw the expansion of the second volume as soon as possible, and it is estimated that Mashiro will stay up for a few days.

Li Yan looked at the diligent figure who had left in the corridor. He didn't know why he felt uncomfortable. Sure enough, it was too hard to force himself to work overtime. He thought about it: "Shiina is really hard. I seemed to have just made my debut. Sometimes I work overtime to write works, but this kind of tired work is not happy at all. After her work stabilizes, I will teach her my happy creative ideas."

On Friday, he returned to Tokyo smoothly and ended his university outing courses. After attending a whole day of class yesterday, he no longer felt any discomfort in his wounds, even the wounds. He didn't find it, and this change made him a little surprised.

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