I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 290

The screen of the mobile phone was shining constantly, and Gabriel’s heart was also caught in extreme contradiction, but Li Yan’s words were right in front of her, and the final ending of the RPG game was ahead. After she was silent for a while, she finally chose to open it. After all, Li Yan deliberately used this unique RPG game method to tell her about her experience. She couldn't ignore the words Li Yan desperately wanted to say to her.

[Location: Goddess Church

Warrior Uesugiyan: Everyone, I plan to fight the curse alone, completely defeat the Great Demon King Shura, and let us return to the way we were before, please cancel the guardian magic, let me defeat it at last.

Pastor Miss Yan Mo: Come on, and may the goddess guard you.

Pastor Vinet: Come on, we must defeat Demon King Shura.

Priest Gabriel:...

Warrior Uesugi: Miss priest, trust me, you can definitely defeat the opponent.

Priest Gabriel: The curse of the Great Devil is too strong, can you really defeat it?

Warrior Uesugiyan: I am your soldier, Gabriel. The soldier should not stand back. You must stand up in times of crisis. Trust the soldier standing in front of you. In order to restore everything to its original state, so that I can be completely Continue to adventure with you to protect the Valhalla Kingdom, I can only choose to go forward, so trust me, Miss kind priest.

Warrior Uesugi: I want to go down with everyone.


The night is getting darker and thicker, and occasionally noisy sounds can be heard outside the window. In the deserted night breeze, the moonlight enters this quiet single apartment. The girl sitting on the smooth wooden board will hold it weakly. The phone's hands dropped.

When did he act arbitrarily, claiming to be her fighter...

"What a cunning guy, using this set... It's too embarrassing to just watch a plot... It's just like a bad game."

Gabriel's golden bangs covered her eyes and said meaningfully.

Finally, she stood up and walked towards the door. After the doorbell rang for more than ten seconds, she opened them. Suddenly, the lights of the corridor shone into her room, making the door waited for a long time. They froze for a while.

"Venete, take me to Li Yan's."

Gabriel put her hands in her pockets, her hair was a bit messy, and she looked at Vinnett calmly and said.

"Uh...that, have you decided?" Weinet asked in surprise.

"Well, this guy wrote a stinky and long novel for me to see. Seriously, I can't stand it anymore." Gabriel took out his phone, tapped his finger, and said.

"...Novel?" Vinnett, Satania and La Fei Er were all taken aback, not understanding and looking at Gabriel.

Gabriel responded to a text message in his mobile phone text message.

——Priest Gabriel: We must come back alive and guard Valhalla together.

A forest area outside Tokyo.

This is the forest area where Li Yan once took Shiina Mashiro to the shrine to pass through. He has always noticed this beautiful forest, and this time he also set it as a hidden place for him to survive the difficulties.

With only the protection of the mermaid's power left, it may be very painful, even showing his weak side to the fullest. After liberating everything, he really has to compete head-on with the "great gift" Shura left him.

Is it one day and one night, or two days and two nights... It's difficult to judge this time. The only thing that worries him is that he can really go to the end?

Time: 7:50 minutes.

Standing on the edge of a highway on a high slope, facing a sea of ​​woods, there is no light to illuminate except the moonlight. It is so quiet, the endless sea of ​​trees in front of you seems to be really a rolling wave, sandy. Loud, very spectacular.

Finally, after waiting for a while, Jia Baili and others hurried over and came to him.

"Ah, that little girl appeared, did you really convince her?" Teacher Cat on Li Yan's shoulder looked at the four girls and asked.

Why doesn’t it know that these four foreign-haired girls are basically outside gods and demons, and they are all ignorant juniors from Li Yan’s mouth, which makes it a little bit confused about how Li Yan did it. , After all, Takashi Natsume is usually only accompanied by monsters, but Li Yan is surrounded by gods and monsters.

"Yeah... I seem to be doing something to hurt her. I can't understand her feelings... But I can only do this. If I can't pass this level... What kind of face do I have, being their senior? , As their guardian?"

Standing in the gale, Li Yan whispered to Teacher Cat.

"...I understand why Natsume takes you so seriously. Sure enough, you and Natsume are the same kind of human being, stupid and stubborn." Teacher Kitty was silent for a while, and said with some emotion.

Jia Baili and others looked at the surrounding environment one after another, they came over here one after another, looking at Li Yan.

"Are you going to be patient here?" Gabriel asked.

"Yeah, I will go into the woods, stay away from the crowds, stay away from everyone, and wander alone with enough food, maybe the phone will be turned off, and after a while, I will come out to see you."

Li Yan said with a smile.

"..." Satania seemed to perceive the dangerous smell. She looked at Gabriel and then at Li Yan. Her expression finally became uneasy and asked, "Senior, really... is it dangerous?"

"No, nothing, I'm the big devil, Satania, don't worry, just wait for me to come out."

Li Yan glanced at Satania and said plainly.

"If you need help, call us and we will find you." Rafael said with a smile.

"Okay, La Fei'er, Satania has handed it over to you at this time." Li Yan nodded a few times and said to La Fei'er.

"Sorry, I don't take care of people very much. If you are worried, senior, come and take care of it yourself." La Fei'er smiled very angelically and said to Li Yan shiningly.

"Don't flag yourself casually." Gabriel narrowed his eyes and said.

"Sorry, it is indeed a bit dangerous when I think about it. Then, Teacher Cat, give this note to her for me, and I also wrote her a paragraph. Let her take this note as a souvenir. When next Monday, Give it to her for me, please." Li Yan handed a bag to Teacher Kitty and whispered.

"I would really send someone else, you fellow."

Teacher Cat snorted, whispered nonchalantly, and bit the bag with her mouth.

He had always planned to find the identity and information of the female high school student, but when he gradually changed his mind a few days ago, because the reason had been found, even if he knew the names of each other, he could not solve anything. problem.

The key to the beginning was the name, but the teacher cat explained that the names of people, monsters, even gods and demons are very important for existence. European exorcists use the Bible and holy water to exorcise demons, if they succeed in persecuting them When it comes to the devil, the first thing is to ask the devil's name, and there is a lot of meaning in knowing the other's real name.And they exchanged each other for a period of time, which violated the limitations of time and space to a certain extent, and many pieces of information that confirmed their existence would be erased, especially names.

Knowing that now, he still doesn't know the other party's name. Since the name is not the key to cracking, he didn't pursue it anymore, and even thought that if the other party didn't know him, it might be a better result.

"Then say goodbye to me, Gabriel, it's almost time."

Suddenly, Li Yan turned around and stood in the wind, suggesting to Jia Baili.

"...I see, what a troublesome guy."

She stretched out her hand, touched Li Yan's shoulder casually, and walked over, completely ignoring it.

However, gradually, under the starry sky, moonlight shone on the edge of this tranquil woods, Li Yan's body began to burn up piece by piece. For ordinary people, they could not see such a change, but angels , The devil, and the monsters all looked at this person clearly, the burning spark.

"Goodbye." Li Yan looked at his hands and body, knowing that the erosion was starting again, he looked at them and said.

He stepped forward to the woods, the battlefield where he was alone.

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