I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 291

[Exchange event] The price is that two people’s lives have been affected for 20 years, even more distant. He could not leave them like this, and he was unwilling to compromise like this and retreat. He walked, leaving behind the sparks burning with his soul. , So dazzling under the night sky.


Everyone looked at this figure walking into the forest, whose name was a flaming character, and was called a literary thug, hiding the world from the world and choosing a person to fight for the happiness of the future.

In that dark sea of ​​trees, even if it had already gone far, Gabriel and the others had seen that group of flames move above the woods, and it seemed that the fire was getting bigger and bigger.

They all know that at this moment, that person is suffering from purgatory...

Time flies, one day passes, and it's Saturday night.

In a room on the second floor of a single-family building, Megumi Kato became a little absent-minded. Suddenly he felt that something hadn't been done, but he couldn't remember what it was.

"No, I can't remember, what the hell is it?" Kato Megumi wondered curiously.

She supported her chin with both hands and stared at the night view outside the window. She was really not sure what was wrong with her. It seemed that she was in a complicated mood and waiting for it, but today she has gained a lot. She bought some fashion Like a magazine, the recently famous dark horse idol Rin Shibuya seems to be starring in a movie, which was sold as a cover.

She took it out of her bag and took a look. Since the debut of this idol girl of a similar age, she has been very interested in the fashion style endorsed by Shibuya Rin, and has been paying attention to it, but suddenly she saw that she was ready to star in a movie , Made her a little curious, and then turned to the report.

It seems that it is not only preparing to make a movie, but also a live-action movie adapted from a certain animation. In the magazine article, the name clearly reads Uesugi's "Super Academy War".


Suddenly, Kato Megumi's body suddenly shook, and a light flashed in the depths of her heart, as if she was very sensitive to this name and the name of this light novel.

"Um...what's going on?" Kato Megumi thought in shock.

It seems that I forgot something very important...

Just when Kato Megumi was thinking again, her sister's voice came from the door.

"Hui, it's time to take a bath, otherwise the bath water will be cold."

"Oh, yes." Kato Ke reacted and said.

She got up from her seat and was about to take a bath. Suddenly, a commotion came from the window, which made Kato Kee look suspiciously about what was in the direction of the window.

"Finally...finally found you."

Suddenly, a white and fat cat with funny eyes climbed up from the window, jumped directly onto her table, let out a sigh of relief, looked at Megumi Kato, and said.


Kato Megumi's face turned blue when she saw it, and she wanted to say something, but she couldn't say anything for a while.

"Well, what's the matter with you?" Teacher Cat stared at her and asked.

"A cat like a rice cake, still talking?!" Kato Megumi covered her mouth and looked at Teacher Cat in surprise.

"You said who is a cat like a rice cake? Didn't you complain about the same thing before... wait a minute..."

The cat teacher stared at Kato Megumi carefully and asked, "Could it be that you have already forgotten everything?"

"Um, what are you talking about, cat..." Kato Kei asked curiously, but what he blurted out was the name "Mr. Cat". Suddenly, the memory deep in her heart was about to be erased. It came out again.

[Existence exchange] The incident, the conversation in each other’s diaries, the name of that person, and the story of that person are all forgotten...

"...What's the matter, I clearly remembered very hard, how could it be like this..." Kato Megumi covered her heart and asked Mr. Cat with some pain.

"This is not surprising. It is probably that you are just an ordinary human being. The chaotic power that supports your memory has disappeared. After the time and space order returns to normal, you will naturally lose this memory that shouldn't exist soon."

Teacher Cat crouched on Kato Megumi's chair, looked at her and said.

"Eh... disappeared, what's the matter?" Kato Megumi asked.

Teacher Cat said: "Last night, Li finally removed all the extra guardian power. The source of disturbing your lifeline no longer exists, well... That guy should be still struggling to get rid of the guardian power. I don’t know what happened to the consequences. If I can’t survive tonight, it’s really..."

"I always feel that a lot of things have happened, sure enough... has he really solved this phenomenon..."

Kato Megumi said with a complicated expression, a little relieved, after all, she was the hidden hero who had overcome many difficulties, but she was also a little lost. It seemed that she no longer hated such a connection at the moment.

"This is a note he gave you, saying it's a memorial to you. What trouble you these days... It was originally planned to let me secretly put it on your desk on Monday, but I think your connection like this is also God's will If it makes you forget it completely, it would be too cruel, so I spent a night and a day looking for you. It's really hard to find." Teacher Cat threw out a diary he was carrying and put it on a chair, saying .


Megumi Kato was taken aback for a moment, and then picked up this notebook with some familiarity, and quickly remembered that it was this notebook. She turned to the latest page with some care, and saw that Li Yan gave it to her. The latest message left.

[Finally arrived at the last step, everything has to be put to rest on this night, I’m sorry to disturb you these days, although you have told me many times that you don’t hate this kind of life, but when I am experiencing your life , Sure enough, I still feel that it has brought you a lot of inconvenience and encounters. Now, I no longer succumb to any power that takes away my happiness. Tonight is the final battle.My name is Li Yan. I am a physics student at the University of Tokyo. I was originally an orphan who no one wanted. I was also a lonely person without friends. I deeply know how happy ordinary life is. Having the opportunity to live again, it may be the price of rebirth, I have to experience this or that dangerous encounter...]

Kato Kei looked at the diary at night, but at the same time, in the distant woods, the man who had been burned for a day and night fell to the ground in pain and rolled, but he gritted his teeth and stretched out as if he could be seen through. The scorched arm of the soul, clung to the trunk, climbed up again, this person filled with sparks continued to wander in the dark woods...

[I heard from Mr. Kitty that you have a high evaluation of me. It seems that the experience of calling me a hero... I can’t meet your expectations, because I am not the kind of strong person you mentioned, I know I will be burned in pain by that cursed flame, I will scream in pain, and I will always have the thought of giving up, but compared with the people I have finally met, I am willing to pay these prices Go out, just as one of my best friends said, the soul will follow the soul, my soul should always be on their side, then if I still have nostalgia, the soul can definitely return to them again...

Kato Megumi's eyes suddenly dimmed. In the diary, Li Yan kept crying for survival, the story told by the teacher cat, and this bone-in message. The strong emotions burned like a real flame.

In the dark woods, the moonlight shone on the burned person and soul. He knelt down and raised his head to the bright moon. It seemed that he had reached the limit. A person was burned alive for more than 20 hours, and his consciousness was also It was almost on the verge of collapse.

[...Goodbye, unknown friend, I look forward to the moment when I meet you again.

"Next, what are you going to do?"

Teacher Cat looked at Megumi Kato who had read the notes and asked.

"Sure enough, I haven't finished reading this novel... Absolutely, I want to continue reading the story of the senior... I want to see him and tell him my name, right now, I want to come to him and follow He said, he is an amazing person. I can't forget him... definitely not."

Kato Megumi put the note in the drawer, then took out the oil pen, and wrote Li Yan's name on her white and smooth face. She suddenly picked up Mr. Cat and opened the door to her room with a face. Nervously, he rushed out of the house firmly.

"Hui, where are you going, it's already late, wait a minute, what's on your face?"

The elder sister behind was shouting to her in surprise, but the girl’s pace was running fast. In the night sky, she drove by the trolley passing by the tower, and the cherry blossoms flew down, flashing the girl’s running figure. She has never I hope I live peacefully.

However, at this moment, in her heart, she hoped that she could feel that life on the other side that was not peaceful and normal...

Chapter 174

The moonlight in the dark blue sky is so bright, and under the cloudy night scene, a quiet vast forest, it seems that there is a figure roaming aimlessly, the remaining fire burning on his body is burning and growing, and the flames But so illusory and unreal, the painful figure tortured by the flame is so bright in the darkness, step by step so hard to continue forward, dare not stop oneself, and notice all of the consciousness of the suffering of purgatory.

When is this moment, where is he now...

He raised his head and looked at the moonlight, his eyes lost and hesitated, and his consciousness was no longer clear about the passage of time. Life was like a year. As long as the flame was not extinguished, the curse would not dissipate, he could only continue to fight with his own soul.

Li Yan’s eyes full of fatigue and vicissitudes seemed to be a little longing for even the slightest chill of the moonlight in the sky. He stretched out his hand as if he wanted to touch the moonlight, but it had no effect, no matter if he was immersed in the biting cold river, Still being blown by the mountain breeze, the pain of being burnt did not decrease by half.


It was pitch black in front of him, and Li Yan knelt on the ground again, enduring the sparks emanating from his soul, and let out a tearing roar in a low voice.

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