I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 298

Qingshan Qihai stood up, clenched his fists, showed a hearty smile, looked at Li Yan, and said loudly, "But! I won't succumb! Senior, even if it's scarred, I won't fall."

"..." Li Yan raised his head and looked at this high-spirited young girl. For some reason, he felt more and more that Qingshan Qihai was too similar to his previous self.

"If there is a will, everything will come true. I believe you will definitely become an excellent voice actor."

Li Yan never blessed others easily, because the blessings he gave to each other were hope and encouragement, and every encouragement was to be held accountable, but this time he directly placed his bet on Believe in Qihai in his heart. , Said.

"Yes!" Qingshan Qihai's cheeks flushed slightly with a happy smile, said.

"Even if I have tried and lost, I also hope to pin the hopes of those who have worked hard and frustrated on you, Qingshan, please work hard to fulfill your dreams."

Li Yan looked at Qi Hai’s smile. In the quiet stage play, he seemed to be watching a real drama, eagerly expecting that this young girl who worked hard could surpass him and realize her ideal of working hard to the present.


Originally, it was a peaceful night. After Li Yan and Qihai went back to their rooms, the Japanese-style house was completely quiet...


However, all of a sudden, the sound of the alarm bell broke everyone's lucid dreams and caused the sleeping people to wake up.

In an instant, Li Yan, Qikai Aoyama, and Shiina Shiro, who opened his eyes in a daze, suddenly felt in his heart that the calm drama rehearsal plan had an unknown episode...

Chapter 177 Detective Assistant True White·H Watson

In the middle of the night, the rain was full, and there was a rustling rain outside.In that small town on the outskirts of Tokyo, the calm of the rainy night was suddenly broken.

Because of the sound of the sirens and the commotion of the crowd, in the inner room of the hotel, an office-like room looked messy. The outside of the door was full of teachers and students who came to watch. Everyone confirmed that the theft was in front of them. happened.

Everyone's expressions became a little uneasy, it seemed that the destruction was quite thorough, and the night wind blew into the entire house through the broken windows.

"Everyone, sorry for waking everyone up in the middle of the night. Now there is a serious theft case in the hotel. The anti-theft alarm rang suddenly. The security guards and staff in our store went to investigate together and found that the boss was going to give the family to the family next week The three priceless antiques on display are missing."

A middle-aged man, wearing a black suit, seemed to be the person in charge of this large hotel. He looked a little puffy and left two beards on purpose and said to them.


The student group immediately caused a commotion, and they all felt a little flustered and curious about this sudden theft. After all, this theater and hotel had someone sneaked into the theft late at night.

"...Is it not? Is there such a coincidence? The theft happened when a few of us moved in..." Li Yan was taken aback for a while, thinking.

"Such a thing happened, so, have you called the police?" the female teacher of Shuiming Art School asked worriedly.

"We are ready to report to the police. However, the three stolen cultural relics have always been the boss’s most important antique relics. The combined value exceeds tens of millions of yen. Although it is not that valuable to the boss, they are currently present. Everyone has a certain degree of suspicion. So sorry, the dormitory including the employees has also been searched again. Now it is the turn of the house. Our security guards need to search for your luggage and packages. This is very impolite. However, the external The matter has not been tracked down, so we must first further eliminate your suspicions. I hope to forgive you for the interruption."

The hotel and theater manager said to them seriously.


"Isn't it?"

"What, do we even doubt it?"

Suddenly, the students of Shuiming Art Associate High School were in an uproar and complained.

"I'm really sorry, but after all, it is an antique cultural relic worth more than 10 million yuan, so we need to eliminate the suspicion. It is not that students, teachers and gentlemen are criminals. I hope to forgive me for the inconvenience."

Although this manager said so, but his eyes did not mean to apologize at all, but did not put this group of foreign high school teachers and students there at all.

Although the tough tone made people feel uncomfortable, the students and teachers present didn't seem to want to get into trouble. They basically tacitly agreed.

"This attitude always seems to treat us as suspects too. It's a bit too much. Besides, are my clothes being turned over at random..." Qingshan Qihai looked at the group of staff with some dissatisfaction and whispered. Said.

"..." Li Yan didn't care. He was sure that no one had touched the hands or feet of their two rooms during that period. Even if they were searched, they were not afraid of being found for planting.

However, when everyone was quiet, a young girl made a sound at this moment.

"...However, this will destroy the crime scene."

The voice is very soft, but very flat and firm, so that everyone can hear clearly.


A group of students and staff were taken aback, their eyes were attracted by the place where this sentence came from. Under the dim corridor lights, this one was wearing a water-ming art deputy college uniform, and his golden hair was dim. The corridor lights were a little dazzling. Her eyes seemed to have magical powers, calm and clear, without any fear. She walked out of the crowd, stood between Li Yan and Qingshan Qihai, looking at the staff in front of her. , Said.

"...You, what are you talking about?" This somewhat puffy manager asked with a shocked expression, his voice seemed a little unnatural.

"Regardless of the case... the environment around the crime scene should not be arbitrarily destroyed in the first place.

Shiina Mashiro continued.

"The crime scene is not in your room. We have a good protection of the scene where the apology is over there. Little girl, you are only a student. It is better for your students to be quiet when the adults are talking." A manager touched his beard, looked at her with some contempt and said.

"But, it's not right."

In the darkness, Shiina's really white eyes were calm and clear. Facing this group of more than a dozen people staring at the hotel staff, even though dozens of people were watching at this moment, they were still calm, saying, "This is also the scene. According to the criminal case regulations, the entire building, as well as the periphery, is defined as a scene, and unauthorized destruction is prohibited."

This sentence was obviously very soft and very quiet, but it made everyone present were shocked by her words. I don’t know why, but her words were very calm, but they seemed to have absolute authority. Perhaps it was because the surroundings were too quiet. Instead, this girl's voice was particularly clear.


The sound of rain outside is getting louder and louder, but the house is silent.

The night breeze was blowing on this beautiful girl with long blonde hair, facing the cold wind, she stared straight ahead, waiting for the reply from the questioned person.At this moment, not only Li Yan and Qingshan Qihai, but also other people, remained quiet at this moment, astonished by the words of this young girl.

"Uh, but...If you don't search your packages and rooms, you can't rule out your suspicion of the deputy director of Shuiming Art..." The manager was silent for a moment, and further explained.

"...Open the door and look at the scene of the room. No one can leave the scene and wait for the police to come."

Shiina Mashiro looked at him quietly and replied.

For a while, the initiative of the scene was once again controlled by this young girl who looked like an investigative expert. She said one sentence too professionally, leaving no room for refutation at all.

"Teacher, camera, borrow it." Shiina Mashiro said to the teacher beside him.

"...Uh, okay, okay." The female teacher was taken aback. Although she didn't know what Shiina was borrowing, she couldn't help but handed the camera in her pocket to Shiina.

"...Now, Holmes, are we going to start the investigation?" Shiina Masashi took the camera and passed it to Li Yan, and asked Li Yan calmly and quietly, appearing so cautious.

"..." Li Yan didn't answer for a while.

In front of many strangers, Shiina Masashi cautiously called him [Holmes], but by implication, it seemed that the two of them had once again entered the state of investigating the incident.

Everyone looked at the detective-like temperament of Shiina Zhenbai, and began to look at this biracial girl who didn't like to talk very much with an observant attitude, including Li Yan standing next to him.

In this period of time, Zhenbai seems to have spent a lot of thought to study real cases and detective novels in order to study the plot of the comics. After listening to Qikai, she seems to have been communicating with an internationally renowned detective novelist through emails. .Moreover, when I came over, I walked around in this building specially, and now, it seems that she has been subtle in the detective novel and has a set of rules to guard against unfamiliar places...

So, that morning, she only used two seconds to figure out what he did last night, without the slightest mistake...

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