I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 299

At that moment, Li Yan thought a little shocked in his heart, could it be that under his inadvertent guidance, he led this "pet girl" who could not even wear clothes on her own into a blockbuster English "lion" ?

However, the meaning of Masaki couldn't be clearer. He understood the meaning in Shiina Masaki's eyes, and then he took a few photos with the flash on the room.

"Wait a minute, what are you students going to do..." The manager became a little worried and asked hurriedly.

"Now, we try our best to take photos of the suspicious ear locations." Shiina Maashio looked at the manager and explained.

"What's so good about this, isn't it just an ordinary theft case? The thief broke the monitor outside our store and smashed the window of the president's office room. As a result, this room was turned over and messed up. It's all glass. Moreover, I used a tool to pry open the display case and stole the three cultural relics inside. Look, the ground is full of mud and rain left by that guy."

With a anger, this manager told Shiina Mashiro and others about the problem at the scene, and said.

Li Yan felt that something was wrong, and asked curiously: "Since you are sure that someone from outside has invaded this room, why do you search the entire hotel?"

"This is because the anti-theft equipment outside this hotel and theater is very complete. The boss brings a lot of valuables here to store, and occasionally opens an antique exhibition between friends, because it costs money to do it. I had a good external anti-theft device, but it was still invaded by a thief. It always felt a little weird. So we judged whether it would be done by an insider before we started a big search inside the hotel.

This manager had already thought that someone would ask this, so he explained smoothly.

For three cultural relics, Li Yan noticed this message. After all, when he was walking around, he was clearly forbidden to enter this area, so he didn’t know what kind of antique it was. He asked again: “Since you said you lost three pieces. Cultural relics, what do the three cultural relics look like, must I explain to us first?"

"That's right, sorry, this is our negligence... The three most precious items that were stolen are the quill pens used by Emperor Charles that the boss bought from the auction in France, and the old British ones. Silver coins and one piece of Egyptian jewelry made of gold can add up to tens of millions of yen."

The manager looked back at the cabinet and said.

Tens of millions of yen, I have to say that this amount is still quite high, which makes many people's minds a little complicated.

"Um... I would like to ask, if there are mud footprints in the house, this proves that it was invaded from outside the window. Why did the glass shatter and none of us heard the sound of glass breaking?"

Aoyama Qihai hid behind the crowd a little bit, but she looked at the glass in the house and asked curiously.

"In this case, probably the sound of the Shinkansen is too noisy. The thief borrowed the sound of the Shinkansen to cover up the sound of breaking glass, because when the security guards patrolled before, the glass was not found to be broken, but after that The Shinkansen drove past several times, and we guessed it might be borrowed from this method.” The manager pointed to the viaduct that was immersed in darkness outside the window and explained.


Shiina's white eyes quietly observed this room, and asked, "Why, don't you just smash the display case?"


Everyone was stunned and looked at the blonde girl again.

When Li Yan heard this, he also looked at the display cabinet that had been pried and damaged. Suddenly he understood the meaning of true whiteness. He looked at the manager and questioned: "Nothing wrong, Mr. Manager, this is A very strange question is why the cabinet was pried into this way instead of directly breaking the display cabinet. If it is a burglary, the crime time should be shortened quickly. Obviously, quill pens, silver coins, and jewelry will not be broken by vibration. , Even if there are other fragile items, in order to reduce time, part of the loss is not a concern, but the thief chose the most time-consuming way to open the cabinet. Doesn’t it feel ridiculous?"

"This, this... ahem, we don't know why the thief did that."

Suddenly, this manager was asked such a question, and suddenly his words were choked up, and the other officers around seemed to be unable to answer, and could only perfunctory.

Obviously, this "thief" knew that he had used the noise of the Shinkansen to cover up the sound of breaking the glass, but he was very careful about damaging the other fragile cultural relics in the cabinet. Only the owner of the antique would do this.

"Now, there is one more, I don't understand..."

Shiina Masashi stretched out his hand, pointed to the heavy curtain not far away, and said, "If there are precious things in the room, you should draw up the curtain, but he didn't do that."

"That... Mitsui, did you pull it up when you locked the door?" the manager asked quickly.

"Yes, some of us drew the curtains well..."

For a while, the employee next to him still instinctively told the truth.

However, it makes the situation more complicated.

If the curtains are pulled up, there should be no glass shards everywhere in the room, but if the thief breaks the glass and pulls the curtains open, it’s unreasonable. However, the curtains were very dry, and there were no traces of being touched by wet hands.

Once again, she fixed her eyes on the group of shop assistants and said, “It’s weird to do and not to do it. In a sense, here is a secret room with patrols in the corridor...there is a curtain after the glass is broken, but completely Spread it all over here, it's not reasonable."

Just read it a little bit, and there are so many unreasonable things. The seemingly simple burglary incidents are full of loopholes in the eyes of this artist girl.

In the dim corridor, this beautiful girl who looked white was standing in the night breeze, speaking concisely, but for a while, there was no secret that could escape, this genius English girl.

Early in the morning, at 6:30.The drizzle came to a halt, the leaves were dripping with clear drops of water, and the small town surrounded by forest was a white mist.

The theft incident last night, faced with the loopholes that Shiina Mashiro proposed for various arrangements, the theater unilaterally declared that it was a small misunderstanding and was forcibly interrupted.

On the other side, the teacher of Shuiming Art High School who was thoroughly irritated also contacted the school immediately. It seems that because of such a deliberate "theft farce", it led to Shuiming Art High School and the theater. The cooperation was completely broken.

As for why the search was suddenly required, according to Shiina Masashiro’s opinion, it was probably to fully play the aftermath after the theft. After all, it seems too unnatural to be too calm, and the security equipment of the external third party is done too well, if it is damaged It quickly attracted the attention of the security company and the police, and they could only disperse the suspected part to the residents to cover their eyes.

"So, the purpose is probably to defraud the insurance, to borrow students with insufficient self-protection ability as a cover to distract, but if it is discovered by the more experienced police, the crime of defrauding the insurance is probably inextricable."

Li Yan narrowed his eyes and looked at this closed hotel, and said.

"Yeah." Shiina nodded, and responded.

"So, Shiina...no, Miss Charlotte Holmes, listening to your wonderful reasoning scene last night, I fully understand that you have worked hard to study detective novels during this period of time. Maybe you work harder, you really will Become the legendary, that incredible detective Holmes."

Li Yan smiled and praised.

Shiina Mashiro turned her face to look at him, her expression seemed to be a little different, and then she whispered and retorted: "I'm just Watson, Holmes, there is only one person all the time."

She turned around, looked at the Japanese-style building, stood in the mist, and said in a calm tone: "I am your assistant, just responsible for helping you deal with the bad guys I can deal with."

However, on the other side, the situation on the Qingshan Qihai side also began to change.

After encountering such a dangerous and troublesome thing this time, a group of companions who were originally half-pushed and half-committed, they began to launch the drama team that Qikai had formed by one hand. No matter how Qihai persuaded, the indifferent faces did not say anything to Qihai. If it is unnecessary, we will go to the parking lot together and clarify the attitude of withdrawal.

"...Sure enough, a scattered team will eventually disperse because of an opportunity."

Li Yan looked at the green mountain Qihai who was standing alone in the street in the rainy season, watching the back of a group of partners after they left, and secretly worried about her.

Qingshan Qihai did not catch up, as if she could also see that she could not gather this team again. She raised her head and looked at the gray sky, and fell into a brief loss.

At that moment, the taste of failure came again.


Suddenly, the morning wind was blowing the leaves on the roadside, swaying slightly, Qingshan Qihai noticed the caring gaze behind her, she was taken aback for a moment, then turned around, looked at them, her face was a little surprised, and then she smiled. Restored on the face.

"Sorry, I thought you were already in the car."

Aoyama Qihai said to them, hurried over and said with a smile.

"So, the people in your team don't plan to continue working together?"

Li Yan looked at the green mountains and seven seas wet with some mist, and asked.

"...Hee hee, it's a bit shameful. But there is no other way." Qingshan Qihai said to Li Yan.

With a relaxed expression, she said: "Sure enough, I still can't give up the hard work these days. I have thought of a lot during this period of time. I reluctantly let everyone work together. I always feel that the efficiency is very low. They have never Regarding this show as an abandoned son, but it includes not only my efforts and Zhenbai’s efforts, but also the contribution and encouragement of Mitaka seniors and seniors. I still intend to continue the performance!"

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