I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 369

Perhaps, she should enter the palace and tell her thoughts to Her Majesty the princess.

Half an hour later...

During the night, Li Yan seemed to be detained alone in a dark and dark prison because he was defined as a severe prisoner.

He looked at the situation of the prison, the towering outer walls, and there was no privacy at all. The door was patrolled by guards for about five minutes, and the only window was thrown into the dim moonlight, and the cell was cold and wet.

"Such a situation, but intends to put me to death."

Li Yan knocked on the solid wall, thinking silently.

When he came in, he wrote down the route carefully, as well as the arrangement of the guard posts, hijacking guards, or causing prison riots, or sneaking away, all of which were well incorporated into his plan.

Obviously, the so-called Prime Minister approved such a sudden regulation to make money, so that the torture period was extended from a few weeks to a few years. He did not stay here at such international time.

However, when Li Yan was still thinking, a sound suddenly came from the iron bar window above his head.


"Lee, where are you?"

"Li Jiang, are you here, I can smell you, don't you want to cook?"

When Li Yan heard it, it seemed to be the voice of Kang Na calling.

"Conna, why are you here?!" Li Yan asked worriedly.

But immediately, it seemed that Kang Na had discovered his location. Suddenly, there was a sound on the window that was sealed with crude iron bars on the top of Li Yan's head.At first it was just a pair of small hands that grabbed the iron fence, but then he tore off all the bricks without any effort.

This scene, like the Hulk live version, made Li Yan stunned.

Conna appeared outside the window of the two-meter-high iron bars. She poked her head in and asked, "Li, what are you doing here?"

Li Yan stared at Kang Na blankly.He was still worried about Conna's safety at first, but now, how redundant and stupid his worry is.

This is not the time when he is in a daze, Li Yan immediately said to Kang Na seriously: "Kang Na, you just came here, please, please take me away from this place."

Yes, he knows Conna's flying ability is also very strong.

Soon, before the guards found out, Li Yan escaped from the two-meter-high window, and then sat on the back of Kang Na, who was protected by stealth magic, and crossed the towering wall before being locked up. After less than half an hour, he escaped.

On the edge of a forest, Li Yan got off Kang Na's back, and Kang Na returned to her human form.

"Thanks to you this time, Kang Na." Li Yan finally felt relieved, touched Kang Na's head, and said in praise.

When Kang Na was praised by Li Yan at the moment, she seemed as shy as some children, lowered her head and let Li Yan touch it.


Li Yan sighed, looked at the rotten world version of "The Bastille", then looked at Kang Na again and said: "We can't stay in the city anymore. We still have some extra money for the manuscript. It should be enough for a while. Time, whether you go to a village outside the city or live a self-sufficient life in the forest, I'm afraid you won't be able to stay in the royal capital."

"Oh, I want to see the sea!" Kang Na immediately became excited when she heard it, as if she was going out of the city to play, she shouted with her hands high.

"Okay, let's travel along the coast." Li Yan said with a smile, looking at the cheerful Kang Na.

But Andersen's group is a bit dangerous. With so much ransom, I don't know how many people can get out of this prison.

He was a little emotional. The novelist in this different world is miserable, and the readers are also miserable. Among the popular novels, there are only some boring and elegant novels that praise the nobles and knights, or these are popular and grounded but not treated. See illegal writing on the black market.

Now think about it, it's really lucky to be exposed to novels that you can write after being reborn.

In the woods, under the moonlight, Li Yan looked at the shadow of a fortress-like building, and thought to himself: "I am not a thinker, I am just a novel author. If this world can give the novel a little more space, then very good already……"

At this moment, the door of the prison suddenly opened, a gorgeous carriage drove out, and several knights followed along with it. The fat warden got out of the carriage and berated the guard who opened the door too slowly. After trembling with fright, he got on the carriage again and headed towards the capital.

"This bastard..." Li Yan couldn't help cursing.

A gust of wind suddenly made the woods restless.

There was a rustle, the moonlight was so full, but there was a chill gradually coming.


Suddenly, Li Yan noticed some depressive aura coming over the sky, he looked up for a moment, and looked up.


Conna didn't know what Li Yan was looking at at first, but then she also noticed it, and she instinctively showed a look of fear and raised her head to look at the sky.

The sky without stars is clear.

Suddenly a strong gale swept across the continent, and the red leaves splashed and hit them.

Li Yan was startled, he opened his eyes to look at the sky, but at the moment before his eyes, goose bumps all over his body suddenly rose, and an indescribable sense of shock stimulated his mind.

A huge black dragon overwhelmed the land, turning this area into pitch black. The exquisite dragon scales shone in the moonlight, and the waving wings curled up a strong wind, whirring. , Deafening.

So majestic, the evil dragon from Northern Europe in mythology has not been handed down without a trace of exaggeration!

Thor's Sky Dragon is already huge enough, but this black dragon is more than several times larger than her...

The ground suddenly screamed, and the other dragon following the black dragon looked down on the ground contemptuously. As a result, he saw the carriage driving on the road. It swooped down and stretched out its huge claws to grab the warden’s carriage. He flew to a high place and grabbed it to pieces. As a result, there was something crippled in the carriage that fell down in the dark, silently falling onto the grassland.

"..." Li Yan looked at the bloody side silently.

"This is impossible……"

Conna looked at the black dragon, eyes flickering with tears, and said sadly: "Tor, Thor and everyone are guarding the north... How did this guy come from the north sea? A piece of continent?"

In other words, perhaps, there is an answer to explain the three-headed dragon breaking through the line of defense to wreak havoc here.

The dragons on Thor's side may have been wiped out...

Under the Cang Yue, the black dragon landed on the top of the prison, suddenly stretched out sharp claws, and landed on the building in front of him, splashing large patches of bricks and tiles.The black and gorgeous dragon scales, the huge black wings, the eyes of the cold light that scorned the world stared at the capital, and the dragon chants were earth-shaking.


The black dragon Nidhog, finally came to the world from the extreme cold of the north.

Chapter 210-The Battle of the Imperial City, the Dragon Who Loves Money

——[The night is so warm, it illuminates the girl's ketone body bathing in the river, and the wet gauze clothes are close to her body, whether it is the white and flawless jade rabbit or the looming jade rabbit hidden between the thighs , The outline seems to be clearly visible...]

In the middle of the night, when Rachel Miyamoto, who was heading to the Royal Palace, read this paragraph, such a beautiful and a little ambiguous picture appeared in her mind, and she suddenly reacted in a daze. Her cheeks were slightly flushed. At that time, I couldn't help but secretly understand a feeling that I didn't want to admit.

"Oh...it seems to be able to read all the content unobstructed."

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