I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 370

Rachel Miyamoto felt a little conflicted, not knowing what he was doing.

Such things made her feel that she was really rebellious, especially when she was still reading on the way to the sacred royal palace. It was a bit polluted to one of the most sacred places in this beautiful kingdom. This black market novel that clearly violates the morality of the goddess. It should be more correct to put it in the police station earlier.

However, on the road, aside from this pornographic description, after all, it was just falling down on the welfare again and again, peeking at the welfare, after all, there was no over-the-line plot happening. After putting aside these sensitive plots, the character of the teacher Alex The way of handling and handling is actually quite clever and duty-bound, and does not deviate from the bottom line of his teacher. It is also true. The confusing suspenseful incidents of the girls’ school and Alex’s various adventure experiences are quite exciting, and there are still faintly. ignite.

According to Rachel's inner evaluation, it's super interesting and indeed a good book.

"No, Rachel Miyamoto, you are a girl educated by a regular nobleman, the first seat of the new graduate, the pillar of the next generation in the eastern immigrant area, and you can't be ruined by that rogue writer."

Rachel Miyamoto covered her forehead and thought about it.

She put the book in her backpack and led the horse to the Golden Rose Castle. After dismounting the horse and handing it to a soldier, she formally walked into the palace.

Royal Palace, Golden Rose Palace.

This typical castle is still so high-pressure and magnificent in the bright night. The basic gray color accompanies the mysterious atmosphere of the Gothic style. The garden is filled with blue woods and rose gardens. The pool has the highest goddess sculpture in the country. Among the brilliance, so elegant and unique.

She has a very good relationship with the eldest princess. Although the family is only the title of the viscount, she has always talked to the eldest princess since childhood, so she has always been granted the privilege of being able to enter and leave the palace freely at any time.

For now, the eldest princess is her only friend.

Although she was educated by the nobility of the Western Principality, Miyamoto Rachel's heart was extraordinarily conservative. The closed personality of the East and her rigorous and arrogant self-confidence kept her lacking friends.

Soon, when she was brought to the garden by the maid, Rachel Miyamoto finally found the princess Sirena with long blond hair and blue and white clothes in a garden of purple roses.

Elegant and noble temperament, golden silky hair, dressed not luxuriously, but can not conceal her dignity, white and flawless skin reveals a healthy blush, her smile reveals a faint charming, gentle and kind character and calmness The connotation of wisdom has always been the woman Rachel respects most.

Since the last emperor was assassinated, the country has been turbulent. This elder princess, who has not yet graduated, was ordered to join the loyal generals and ministers to assist the young crown prince ascending the throne. This prevented domestic conspiracy theories and avoided the country. Separation, internal rebellion, and even ignited the third continental melee, once again guaranteed peace for several years. After being recognized by the country, he became the regent, responsible for handling all affairs of the country.

She was only fifteen years old when she became the regent.

"Okay, let's talk about work tomorrow. You told the district pope that everything will be carried out according to the agreement. The rest, please take care of the three of you.

After seeing Rachel Miyamoto coming, she calmly continued talking to several administrative officials.

"Yes, your Royal Highness the eldest princess." The three administrators could not help saluting, and stepped back respectfully.

At this time, she took a sigh of relief, removed the indifference at work, and looked at Miyamoto Rachel with a warm smile.

"Welcome, Rachel, my excellent sheriff."

She smiled slightly and walked over. There was a faint fragrance in the wind. She didn't know whether it came from this flower field or this elegant princess.

"Gui'an, your Royal Highness the eldest princess." Rachel Miyamoto said respectfully.

The eldest princess was taken aback for a moment, and then looked at her with a bit of disappointment, and said, "What's wrong, the lady sheriff has already begun to alienate me? It was clearly agreed that this is not necessary, but in a month's time as sheriff I'm estranged. Sure enough, I should have transferred you to the Assistant Department from the very beginning. Obviously, the position will be changed, which is more suitable for you with strong ability. You can stay with me every day, right?"

Rachel Miyamoto's delicate face became a little nervous, and said, "This...Your Majesty, I am studying military investigation major. I have always dreamed of making efforts and contributions to the security of this country. Please let me persevere. Dream it yourself."

"Well...just kidding, you are still too restrictive."

The eldest princess smiled and said.

"By the way, I have transferred over your work results this month, um...Thirty-five prisoners were arrested in one month, including five robbers, three thieves, and seven assailants... By the way, what is a corrupt criminal, there are twenty people?"

The eldest princess took out a list and enumerated the prisoners who belonged to Rachel Miyamoto himself. There were quite a few violent crimes, but she saw a line of vocabulary that she didn’t understand very well, [corrupted atmosphere], what a corruption law?

"Huh? The eldest princess... Didn't the Prime Minister just sign the next emergency bill, and focus on dealing with criminals who are corrupt..."

Rachel Miyamoto asked in surprise.

The eldest princess has no idea about the content of [corrupted morale] crime.

"Is there?" The eldest princess asked for a moment.

"It's the emergency bill that focuses on punishing the black market writers who write ergonomics. The warden told me that it had just been promulgated recently. Tonight, my subordinates personally arrested a writer and his assistants. They felt that their behavior was somewhat Too indecent, but sentenced to a felony..."

Rachel Miyamoto quickly expressed her point of view, but she slightly felt that she had exceeded her authority, and immediately stopped her direct words, and she secretly thought about how she would make such a low-level mistake.

In this way, it feels like using a public office to intercede in front of the eldest princess to a strange Oriental.

But for a moment, she remembered the look in the person's eyes before she left. She felt that he was not a bad person. According to the previous regulations, she should not be punished so severely.

"Well, the writer of ergonomic novels, one of them is an illegal entry author from the country of Dayu..."

The eldest princess whispered, although she roughly understood that the lower-level officials had used the emergency bill to arbitrarily explain, and made a fortune from it.But more importantly, this conservative, serious and objective cold beauty would have asked the same words for an ergonomic novelist whose nationality was indicated on the list.

This time it really made her feel a little surprised. She really couldn't figure out how this close friend with overly conservative morals was connected with a nasty third-rate novelist.

"Um, do you plan to let me pardon him?" the princess asked with a smile on her face.

Rachel Miyamoto was a little embarrassed. He lowered his head slightly and looked a bit headache. After hearing the question, he was taken aback and replied: "No, I actually think the previous punishment is just fine!"

"Well, tell me what happened to this prisoner. Writing that kind of novel is really not a big deal. At most, it's just being nagged by the church. After all, my father and I hope that the country will not abuse punishment. What a novel culture has made England so prosperous now."

The eldest princess shook her golden hair slightly, she seemed to have an indescribable cuteness, and said with a smile.

"This, this..."

Rachel Miyamoto didn't know why, but quickly learned Li Yan's mantra, hesitated again and again, not sure whether to inform this noble princess.

She always felt that the conversation seemed to have entered the stage of girl gossip. In the final analysis, she just realized that the writer of the country of Yu was not a villain, and some officials abused their authority to make her look down.However, such perceptual actions are completely inconsistent with her rigorous personality.


Just when Miyamoto Rachel was chatting with Princess Zhan, suddenly, the sound of a shaking dragon broke the silence of the night.

Suddenly, the earth seemed to be shaking, and almost all the residents of this city changed their complexions and became terrified.

The sky seemed to be moved, a dark red surging through the clouds, and the moon seemed to be rendered into a red moon by the dark red smoke.

"What happened?"

The princess turned around calmly and immediately summoned the officials outside.

Rachel Miyamoto was a little frightened. However, her bright eyes sensed what seemed to be flying here in the sky, and she had been prepared for a long time in the distance. Layers of magic enchantment that had been indestructible for hundreds of years, but But in that figure, it was broken at the touch of it, so unstoppable.

what is that?

Rachel Miyamoto looked more and more surprised, and quickly saw the three behemoths clearly.

"His Royal Highness, get out of here!"

Rachel Miyamoto's eyes changed, she immediately took the princess's hand and hurriedly shouted.


Suddenly, a scorching shock wave spurted from Niederhogg’s mouth, sweeping directly across everything and generally destroying all the magical altars outside. Suddenly, the explosion resounded through the world, and there was almost a fire outside the Golden Rose Palace. The inner courtyard was also affected by the explosion, and several palaces burst into flames.

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