I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 371


The earth trembled with sadness, and the raging flames made the powerful empire instantly vulnerable.The three-headed dragon seemed to be in an uninhabited state, ordinary arrows and artillery fire could not even damage the scales of the dragon by half a minute, and in an instant it directly entered the most central area of ​​the palace.

"Finally here, the central part of this beautiful palace."

Niederhogg, headed by him, uttered a deep roar of dragons, which roared like thunder to the humans on the ground, and the dragon that could easily destroy a city flew steadily in front of this beautiful palace.

"Master Niederhogg, are you going to act?"

The dragon on the side asked in a low voice.

On the ground, there were already densely packed soldiers holding weapons ready to fight.

"Well, first of all, let's meet the king here first."

This huge black dragon swooped in, but it gave out a white light in an instant. The huge dragon shrank in an instant. When it came down from the light, it was not a dragon, but a girl's figure. .

This girl is wearing a pink gentleman's generous gentleman's trench coat and black skirt, with a black top hat printed with dragon wings on top of her head, holding a scepter in her hand, pink wavy double ponytails, beautiful His legs were also wearing waterproof long-tube travel shoes, and those cold eyes looked around with disdain.

At this moment, she was like a fifteen-year-old girl with such a beautiful and lovely appearance, arrogant and defiant gentleman and girl.

"Call your king out, and I'll talk to him about tribute. This country is developing very well... There must be a lot of gold and silver jewelry, right?"

The black dragon Nidhogg stared at the group of soldiers with cold eyes and asked with a smile.

The nature of the dragon race is either greedy, greedy, or cruel, and this legendary dragon, who has been trapped under the world tree with psychedelic spells for a long time and gnaws at its roots, is most passionate about relying on intimidation. Many rich countries come to collect gold and silver jewelry.

The royal capital was suddenly a sea of ​​flames, even if it was dozens of miles away, you could see the blazing light.

Li Yan realized for a while that he was going to take Connor away from this place of right and wrong, but he looked at the fire, and the people there did not know if they had been tragically attacked, and the sheriff who resembled Xuexia Xuena was again at this moment. In what kind of situation.

He inadvertently saw the dilapidated prison roof and the broken carriage, and he hesitated.

Just before he thought about it for a few seconds, Conna burst into anger and planned to rush out of the woods to surprise Li Yan.

"Wait a minute, Conna, where are you going?"

"Tor, Thor, and everyone don't know what's going on!" Conna shouted anxiously.

"It doesn't have to be completely destroyed, Thor entrusted you to me because that dragon is too dangerous, you are too young, and it is not its opponent at all, let alone the other three!"

Li Yan dragged Kang Na and hurriedly persuaded her.

"No, everyone may be dead!"

But Kang Na seemed to lose her mind. She dragged Li Yan out of the woods and turned into a small white dragon in an instant. Although it was small, her body was as big as a heavy truck. Li Yan hadn't had time to react, so she didn't pay attention. He caught Bai Long's right foot and flew directly into the air, flying towards Niederhogg.

Li Yan's eyes widened, and he was so scared that he grabbed Kang Na's leg, hanging in the air and irritating like a roller coaster, with a height of 100 meters under his feet, and the situation was too dangerous!

"Don't fly so high, Conna!"

Accompanied by Li Yan's exclamation, Conna soon flew into the royal capital with Li Yan.

Soon, the situation in the city came into view. Li Yan found that most of the cities were not destroyed like prisons. Instead, the other party went directly in the direction of the palace, causing a sea of ​​flames on the palace side and causing heavy losses.

It seems to be coming directly to the king of this country.

There are basically firefighting and reinforcement soldiers underneath. Fortunately, Niederhogg destroyed the magic circle that defended the sky. Otherwise, if Conna’s power was used to collide, the embarrassment of Li Yan and Conna falling from a height of 100 meters together. End.

Kang Na rushed to the innermost part, and finally came to the core building of this golden rose castle, the discussion palace.

This is where the throne is located. It is the most important administrative palace for the coronation of kings, important meetings and welcoming foreign envoys.The golden roof and the white wall pillars, even if there is a fire around it, it is still full of luxury, prestige and quaint atmosphere similar to the British royal.

Kang Na successfully landed to the core of this country. When Li Yan touched the ground, her face was a bit pale and she felt that her fear of heights was becoming more and more obvious.

He never realized that Conna was also a short-tempered man, and felt that his race might have been completely annihilated by the alien dragons. An anger directly led her to come here to fight Nidhogg.

However, no matter how ignorant Conna is, she is still a dragon.

Suddenly, Li Yan found a mess around him. Soldiers in heavy armor were scattered, huge shields, and large swords that appeared to be specially used for hunting dragons, as well as the dragon hunting crossbows that had not been opened yet. Yes, but judging from the fact that the trees were broken and there were no flowers and plants, it was basically a scene where the army was swept by a dragon's tail and the whole army was defeated.

Since ancient times, the East and the West have been enemies of the dragon clan, and they have developed a dazzling array of weapons against dragons, but the best one is recognized as the enchanted dragon hunting sword. There is also the one that requires two people to cooperate. It can be one meter after unfolding. The five-long dragon hunting crossbow is a precious arrow made from the hardest ore.

As a result, the closed door suddenly opened slowly.


Li Yan just picked up the dragon hunting sword and the dragon hunting crossbow to defend himself, but he heard the clattering, breaking the silence of the flames under the red moon. He turned around to look and saw the vast palace. Amidst the silvery and translucent glow of the secluded magic ore, the golden throne above the high ranks, and the figure of a girl sitting on the throne waiting.

Who is that?

Li Yan looked at her, thinking in his heart.

But Conna desperately ran in.Li Yan looked in his eyes and immediately followed.

"What about everyone? Where's Thor?!" Conna opened her hands and stared at Niederhogg who was sitting on the throne with rare serious and sharp eyes, and asked.

"What, you little bit...Tor...oh, it's that dragon, killed it. That's how it is, I think there are dragons here, there are still remnants, so come here Do you want me to get revenge?"

This girl with a gentleman's top hat, a beautiful face and sharp ears looked listlessly at Conna with her left hand on her chin, her eyes were cold and distant, with a strong sense of contempt, looking down at her as if looking down on an ant, and asked .

"It's impossible, Thor and everyone are so strong, how could it be killed by a guy like you!"

Suddenly, Kang Na's tears were about to flow out. The dragon's dignity and arrogance urged her hatred and murderous intent. Suddenly, she immediately reverted to her own body, and she was even in an angry state. .

Li Yan immediately understood the situation. It turned out that this arrogant girl sitting on the throne was the embodiment of an evil dragon!

It is said that the black dragon possesses the powerful power to fight against the gods. No matter Li Yan, plus Kang Na, there is almost no chance of winning.


Li Yan clearly understood the difference in strength, but at this moment he couldn't stop Conna, who was a dragon. A hurricane swept over. Li Yan saw the white dragon suddenly attack Nidhogg on the throne. Rush away.

"Then, continue cleaning."

Niederhogg stood up, and for an instant, she pressed her hat lightly with her hand, coldly looking down at the court under the shining of the red moon and silver light, and in an instant, a huge flying dragon crossed out from behind her. However, in this majestic palace, a red dragon was the first to bear the brunt, and suddenly collided with Conna, stalemate each other with their claws, and rolled violently in the air.

Although this building was so spacious that it could accommodate two dragons with ease, all the glass was instantly shattered under the impact of the fire and white light. The cold wind was rustling, the dragon's roar was deafening, and the battle was so fierce.

The difference in strength between the two sides was really too great. After a while, Kang Na's screams passed to Li Yan's ears, making him watch the battle with a heartbroken.

Suddenly, Kang Na's whole body flew out and fell heavily to the ground, almost hitting Li Yan, splashing a piece of gravel on the ground.

A piece of blood splashed in front of Li Yan's eyes, and for an instant, Li Yan stopped breathing, staring blankly at the white dragon that kept slipping further and further...


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