I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 373

However, it is even more strange that why didn't the human in that trench coat attack the red dragon with the heavy-duty dragon hunting crossbow in his hand, instead put his back on his body, consuming his agility and physical strength in vain.

The arrow of the dragon hunting arrow, even Niederhogg, is a little afraid, but such ore is extremely precious. Niederhogg saw that there were only two of the quiver on Li Yan's back, and there were only three of them with strings added. That's it.

Soon, Niederhogg's thoughts were interrupted.

Just as Niederhogg focused his attention on Li Yan’s giant crossbow, Li Yan suddenly lifted the dragon hunting giant crossbow with one hand in the flames as he forced the red dragon away, without warning. Aimed at the ice dragon Auracia.

The powerful giant crossbow made a bang, and in an instant gathered a powerful crossbow arrow that shot towards Orasia. Olashia was startled and could not evade, so she could only use her wings to block it, but an arrow penetrated into the hard Within the dragon's wings.

The cold dragon blood splashed on a wall suddenly, forming ice cubes.


The pain immediately angered Olasia, and for a moment he roared and rushed desperately.


Niederhogg was taken aback for a moment, with a trace of perplexity and confusion in his eyes, and then he planned to stop it, but at this moment the ice dragon had lost his mind and joined the melee.

The figure holding the big sword immediately underwent twice the pressure, and immediately after he reloaded the arrow, he was trapped by two giant dragons.

In the battle on the front line of life and death, he clenched his big sword, burst out an angry shout, and put his big sword against the Shuanglong in the black wind.

The fire of karma burned his soul, and the blood on his body was constantly increasing. His face was already covered with dragon blood and his own blood. The burning sword was constantly slashing among the two dragons. Forcing the red dragon and ice dragon to dare not approach easily.


Niederhogg looked at Li Yan curiously. They were arrogant on the dragon side. They simply let the red dragon play, but the other side deliberately angered the ice dragon. This was not a wise approach. What this human intends to do.

However, it looked at the killing intent and cold human eyes in the dark, but it had an unknown premonition.

Soon, Niederhogg saw the combat strategy planned by Li Yan.

Ice, fire and sword are fighting endlessly in the imperial palace. Two giant dragons join the battlefield, but their attributes are mutually restrained. They are bloated and collided several times, but suffered a great loss.

However, more importantly, the strength of the ice and the scorching heat of the flames mixed together, and gradually became a cloud of water mist, making the surrounding area unclear, and Niederhogg's eyes could only be a thick mist. .

"So that's it, this guy, he has already analyzed it..."

The dragon's character, terrain, and relative attributes of his subordinates created this thick mist.

Suddenly, she felt that her two strongest subordinates had something bad to some extent.

The dark red mist filled the ground. Suddenly, there was a loud bang, and the second shot came out. Surprisingly, it was not the red dragon that had long been unable to see clearly in any direction, or the ice dragon Orasia. , But shoot directly at Niederhogg.

When Nidhog saw it, the arrow was already close at hand, but it was not a normal existence. It dodges the arrow in an instant, but what makes it unimaginable is that this step was also calculated by Li Yan. He seemed to Most of the energy was spent on the winding, and the third [Boom] broke through the air, making everyone's expressions change suddenly.

Even Niederhogg's nerves tensed, and she looked over, and the third arrow struck towards its chest almost unavoidably.

"That's it. From the beginning, I was planning to come to me first. You are so smart, human!" Nidhogg sneered and thought.

Li Yan did not have any chance of winning, especially against Niederhogg, so in his plan, he was the most urgency to use surprise attacks to solve Niederhogg, who had relaxed his vigilance, with three arrows, first. The branch attracts the ice dragon to create fog, and the second and third branch are all prepared to defeat Nidhogg.

Before the thick fog, I spotted the wisps of moonlight as the direction, and the throne as the center, and shot it as the coordinates.

However, Li Yan did not expect that Niederhogg's relatively weak human form was also difficult to contend with.

Niederhogg’s footsteps were light, and for a moment, her body moved quickly to avoid it, but this time she suffered a big loss. The powerful arrow pierced her arm, and almost a piece of the arm’s flesh was lost. Now, that arrow was nailed directly to the hard rock wall, so deep that only the dragon hunting giant crossbow can be done with the greatest strength.

It doesn't matter anymore.

Li Yan thought so.

He knew from the beginning that this plan was difficult to succeed, but in the end, he had to face Niederhogg directly.

However, he couldn't escape. Conna's child was behind him, and the Little Red Riding Hood needed him as a hunter to protect.

In the thick fog, Li Yan rushed out and jumped up. In the silver moonlight, he lifted the big sword and slashed at Niederhogg's head on the top of the throne with all his strength.

It seems that this moment is eternal.

Rachel Miyamoto saw the scene of a man swinging his sword in mid-air, using all his strength to contend.

This sword slashed down towards Niederhog like a mountain, and the flame cut through the darkness and hit Niederhog like a meteor.

Everything subsided...

Mist lingered in this quiet palace, Rachel Miyamoto couldn't see what the result was in front of her eyes. However, neither the red dragon nor the ice dragon moved, staring blankly at the throne.

The night wind blew past, and finally, the result came to light.

Li Yan’s great sword did meet Niederhogg, but Niederhogg’s other hand seemed to have grasped the sharp edge of the blade effortlessly, a sharp sword cut with such a powerful force. To Niederhogg like cotton.

However, blood was still flowing from the palm of the slender girl, which indeed hurt her body.

Niederhogg smiled faintly, looking at the human being who seemed to be unsurprisingly calm and looked at each other in a stalemate.

"You are very strong. I have lived for so many years, and I have also seen a group of heroic souls in the Hall of Valor. They are not like you."

Niederhogg raised his head, looked at him appreciatively, and said.

"However, human power cannot compete with God. You have no chance of winning. How, do you want to be my subordinate? I like warriors like you very much. After all, I don’t hate human beings. Human civilization is The artwork has created a very magnificent palace with gold cups and silverware. I don’t have to kill the people here and the white dragon. As long as you submit to me, that’s fine. So, what’s your answer?”

Niederhogg's voice is very good, some deserted, and some maturity that doesn't match his age. Its hands are like iron walls that cannot be shaken.

As a result, the face of the young man under the three-cornered hat did not show any fear.

"The outcome is undivided. I don't know who will be the winner."

The sparks on Li Yan were flying in the cold wind. As a result, the big sword forged with special ore was suddenly broken in the standoff between Niederhogg and Li Yan.

Li Yan suddenly held the broken sword and continued to chase Ned Hogg.

Nidder Hogg's participation in the battle almost made the ice dragon and red dragon behind him dare not approach. It seemed that he was afraid that if he was accidentally involved, he would die in Nid Hogg's claws.

Suddenly, Niederhogg, the red dragon and the ice dragon, and Li Yan realized something. The ice dragon and the red dragon quickly dodged. A huge dragon poured directly into the palace and smashed the gate. The awe-inspiring power of a giant dragon is more than what the red dragon and Thor can reach. Suddenly, both Rachel Miyamoto and Li Yan have a chill, and they have another one!

However, Niederhogger did not dare to fight Li Yan again. She stepped back and looked at this ancient dragon with a slightly alert look. She looked at it with a listless look and said, "The old immortal, you He's still alive."

As a result, the old and powerful dragon stared at it, and the other dragons, including Thor, followed.

"Heh... this time, forget it. It seems that this continent is not as easy to conquer as I imagined. Besides, this beautiful palace is destroyed in this way, and I am also uneasy."

Nidhogg used to cover her black top hat, and she behaved like a beautiful lady educated by a gentleman, graceful and arrogant and disdainful, staring at the group of dragons that reborn so quickly.

It only brought two dragons here somewhat carelessly, fearing that it won't be any good to fight again.

Nidhog, holding the scepter, turned her head and ignored the local dragon clan. She walked halfway and stopped for a while. She looked at Li Yan again and said, "Next time, listen to your reply, if you obey me , I will give you strength and status. If you continue to plan to fight against me... I will eliminate you and this country."

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