I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 374

The pair of red dragon pupils stared at Li Yan, suddenly filling this area with the aura of Xiao Sha.


Li Yan looked there without saying a word.

Nidhogg turned into a huge black dragon, with two giant spirits smashing through the roof on one side, and drove away.

Rachel Miyamoto stepped back vigilantly, looking at the group of more new dragons, she quickly reminded Li Yan in a low voice, "George."

"No, don't worry, this group of dragons is not here to destroy English..."

Li Yan lowered his head, his whole body finally seemed unable to hold on, panting, looking at the ground, and replied.

His body is almost falling apart. The body is not made of iron. Even if it is cut on the scales of the dragon, the backlash makes his chest tight. The breath of the dragon is poisonous, and the warrior fighting a dragon can almost shake the western continent. , But he had been fighting with the three-headed dragon for more than half an hour, and he had lost consciousness when he swung the big sword weighing tens of kilograms with one hand.


The broken sword hit the ground, splashing a little firework.

He put the burning dagger on the floor, lowered his head and panted, while the sparks were still dancing.


Rachel Miyamoto stared at him blankly. She wanted to heal him, who was covered in blood, but she didn't know why. She looked at the dim embers, but didn't understand when the magic in him would lose its effectiveness.

Everything was quiet, and only the moonlight could warm this restless, scarred and calm figure.

Chapter 212: The Poison of Ice Dragon Orasia

At night, the cold wind is rustling, and the red moon is quiet.

After the black dragon Nidhog retreated, the huge sky dragon and many other dragons immediately chased it. Now the three-headed dragon that has been injured is naturally not the opponent of the many dragons on the other side. For a moment, in the palace, The only dragons who stayed to look after Conna and Li Yan were Fafnir and Thor who followed.

Under the moonlight, the figure knelt down on the ground, wearing a black coat, panting, but the spark on his body still did not disappear. This battle almost exhausted all of Li Yan's physical strength and willpower.

The black dragon Nidhog, the red dragon Orlando, and the ice dragon Orasia, almost any of the three dragons can fight against a city-state. Under the pressure of the three dragons, how much courage is needed? Fighting with willpower, it is estimated that no one can count it.

But after this battle, even the dragon could not dare to despise this human figure.

Li Yan was almost unable to move. He finally rescued Conna from Niederhogg and Red Dragon after the arduous battle.

After resting for a while, he finally recovered some strength, loosened the blood-stained hilt, and the hilt fell heavily to the floor, showing that the dragon hunting sword is heavy and beyond ordinary people's control.He stood up slowly, turned around, and looked at Conna, who had been taken care of by Fafnir.

Conna at this moment has returned to a human form, in order to retain more energy, but now the petite Conna looks full of blood all over, painted a tragic scene with the blood on the floor.

"Wait...that...that, don't move." Rachel Miyamoto on the side saw that he wanted to act, and suddenly reminded him worriedly.

"I'm going to see Kang Na..." Li Yan looked at Kang Na with sad eyes and said.He walked away, step by step, although it was a little slow, but he did not look like he fell.

At the beginning, no one thought he could still act again, including Rachel Miyamoto, Thor and others all saw the spark of his body, and there was still that terrible blood, even if I didn't see all of the battle, and I could clearly understand the brutality and cruelty.

It can still move, it can only be said that this person's willpower is really like steel, and the will of steel that even the claws of the dragon cannot tear.For a while, Thor and Fafnell looked at Li Yan with a bit of complexity. They hoped he could stop, but now that they have protected Conna’s benefactor, they have no way to stop this one who cares about Conna. People come to visit.

In a quiet palace, Li Yan walked along the bloodstain, finally reached Kang Na and knelt down.

"Kang Na, are you okay?" Li Yan looked at her and asked.


Kang Na still looked very weak, with blood all over her body, lying in Fafnir’s arms, panting slightly. As a result, she opened her eyes slightly and looked at Li Yan. Those eyes looked like crying, after all, she Still shook his head quietly.

In the end, Kang Na looked like a kid who did something wrong, looking at Li Yan with very guilty eyes, and said softly and weakly: "Master Li...I'm sorry."

"!" Li Yan was slightly taken aback.

"I'm sorry to bring you here, I can't beat Niederhogg...but I'm still trying to do it, and I'm also tired of you...umm..."

Conna whispered and choked to him.


"I am afraid of being alone... Originally, Long spends most of his time alone... But I still hate living by myself... If everyone is gone, I don't know what to do, but..."

Kang Na closed her eyes sadly, tears dripping down, and said, "But, I didn't realize until I was injured... and Master Li Yan you are still..."

It seems that after Conna fell to the ground with serious injuries, she saw the scene of fighting with the three-headed dragon Nidhog with a sword in order to protect her. Gradually, she calmed down and knew that her recklessness had caused Li Yan. What a dangerous consequence, now she is like a child who has done something wrong, facing him with a little guilt, and at the same time the body is too painful. After the two emotions meet, Kang Na’s tears can’t help but drip from her eyes. A drop rolled down.

"...It doesn't matter, Conna."

After seeing that Kang Na's spirit seemed to be still good, Li Yan felt a little relieved. At least he could see that the injury was not too serious. He smiled happily and said, "Let's talk about this until later. Anyway, you should take care of the injury Cona, isn’t it brave? I fought for my own compatriots. I was rescued by you not long ago. So, Cona, although you are very reckless, you can see that you are also very Emphasize emotions, this is not all your fault."

He looked at Conna's hard work and said: "After you are well, I will take you to a fun place, so that you can have a good memory of your summer vacation."

Conna stared at him blankly, and finally, she closed her eyes, with a look of shame, her round cheek nodded.

"Yeah." Conna responded in a low voice.

Favnil stood up, picked up Conna who was curled up, and looked at Li Yan and said, "Don’t worry, teacher, if Conna’s injury is carefully taken care of, he will be able to recover quickly. This guy is also Dragon."

"...I understand, thank you, Fafnell, then Conna will ask you." Li Yan looked at him and said.

"It's the teacher, doesn't it matter?" Fafnir looked at him worriedly and asked.

Li Yan was silent, his eyes were so haggard, the blood on his forehead was almost washed away with blood, his eyes looked at Kang Na again and said, "I don't care."

"How could it be okay? You said it doesn't matter if you are like this. If you were an ordinary person, you would have died long ago. Who can withstand the dragon's blow?" Thor said angrily.

At this time Thor stretched out his hand and cast magic to heal Li Yan, but she didn't know whether the dragon's magic was effective for humans, so she had to try it out.

Thor immediately, some of his expression became complicated, and he said sadly: "Didn’t you tell me when I separated from you, although you are indeed strong, don’t provoke dangerous guys... But if you are really After listening, Conna might have been killed by those dragons."

"So, thank you, Lee." Thor said softly thanks.


Li Yan suddenly remembered something. He looked at Rachel Miyamoto who couldn't look away from a distance, and remembered that Nieder Hogg had said about the dragon poison of the ice dragon Orasia. He asked Thor and Fafnir asked: "That ice dragon, the evil dragon named Orasia injected toxins into that girl... If possible, help her detoxify?"

Rachel Miyamoto was taken aback for a moment, and she also heard Li Yan praying for medicine with the two dragons.


Suddenly, Thor and Fafnir's expressions changed. They looked at the eastern girl on the other side, especially Thor, and felt like they had seen this girl somewhere, staring at her for a while.

"Uh...that..." Miyamoto Rachel didn't know what he was going to do at this moment, and now he was bitten on the neck, but he didn't feel any discomfort now.

"Have she been poisoned by the ice dragon Orasia..."

Fafnier asked with a serious face.

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