I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 375

"What's the matter?" Li Yan found something was wrong, his expression sank, and asked.

Thor explained: "The ice dragon Orasia uses poison very special. I heard that its dragon poison is more like a curse."

"Orasia's poison is really hard to detoxify. In the north, I have been in contact with this guy a long time ago. Its toxins are not detoxified by ordinary antidote. Only its unfrozen blood can temporarily detoxify."

Favnir looked at Miyamoto Rachel with sharp eyes, and said, "Either kill Orasia, or I can only ask her for fresh blood as a temporary antidote. That guy is not ordinary despicable. Probably Niederhogg took a fancy to the advantage of Olasia and accepted it as a subordinate."

"..." Miyamoto Rachel listened in silence, eventually his face was a little sad, but he didn't panic.

"Killing that dragon, probably there is no such a warrior in the English Kingdom who has such a certainty... I would not use someone else's life to risk saving my life like this. If dragon blood, it needs fifty tons of gold jewelry every year. As a tribute, the price of doing so is to make this country fall apart. When I saved the princess, I had this consciousness."

The night wind was blowing in this empty palace, Rachel Miyamoto looked at Li Yan quietly and said.

"..." Li Yan fell silent and looked at Miyamoto Rachel.

After a while, Thor's magic had almost no effect on Li Yan, and Li Yan's injury still hadn't been relieved much. It seemed that the dragon's magic didn't work for humans.

Rachel Miyamoto looked at the scarred Li Yan, was silent for a while, smiled, and said to Li Yan: "But, the eldest princess and I have been rescued by you, Mr. Uesugi, if not If you dislike it, I'll provide you with a shelter. In my lifetime, I hope to help pay off this great favor."

A week later, in the early morning, the city was full of commotion, and under the protection of the police officers, it began to stabilize.

Especially when the dragon came, the news that the forbidden army and magicians inside the palace successfully defeated the attacking dragon was exciting, and it was regarded as another victory in the war between humans and the dragon.

However, the imperial city was seriously damaged. Within a short while, the state issued a special plan to collect donations from nobles and wealthy businessmen from all over to repair the imperial city’s losses. The fire burned out a part of the surrounding buildings, but the most serious losses were discussed. Palace, these losses were unintentionally a shame to the knight who guarded the royal family.

This time, the casualties were not large under Niederhogg's deliberate mercy, including the warden who was unfortunately killed in the prison from the prison outside the city and was given a medal and condolence money as a pacification procedure.

The order in the city has not been fully restored, and all police officers who can be employed are required to do their best to maintain law and order in the city.

The job of a police officer should be said to be more irritating and dangerous. For female aristocrats to choose the position of police officer, it is even rarer. However, it has the fastest performance in the peaceful age and can also guard the position of the princess. Rachel Miyamoto He did not hesitate to choose the police officer major when he enrolled, and graduated with excellent grades. He is a cold beauty who is famous in the royal capital in recent years.

Wearing a black police cap, she personally inspected the pool of blood with more than a dozen elite officials guarding her.

In her consciousness, her mind suddenly conveyed such a sentence: [This should not be the eldest aunt.

Suddenly, Miyamoto Rachel’s calm expression immediately covered her forehead with a bit of self-blame. This kind of thinking is not something she learned from the Royal Military Academy, but from the books of a third-rate novelist in Yu Kingdom. From school.

"What's the matter, Captain?"

The deputy captain named Joseph asked immediately.

"It's okay...I just thought of something that I don't want to recall." Rachel Miyamoto said to him with a complicated expression.

Let's continue investigating the case.

It is another robbery case. Every time after the commotion, the countries in the western continent that originally looked like a gentleman and civilized began to plunder frequently. This also made Miyamoto Rachel join the police officer after witnessing social injustice several times. Cause of career.

"Huh, turning down, he still doesn't want to see Her Royal Highness." Rachel Miyamoto thought helplessly.

Although she told her Royal Highness the whole story, Li Yan, who is now training, did not plan to meet the regent of this country, and the Princess did not force him to meet, so she temporarily put it aside. Reward things.

However, there is one more thing to care about.

That's the purge work of the elder princess. I heard that when the evil dragon came that day, the warden who had returned halfway was arrested to death. Many princes and officials thought that the palace had fallen, and they hurriedly lost a lot of them, completely ignoring them. In response to the call of the king and the eldest princess, the eldest princess quickly launched an investigation to find out the officials who fled, and directly dismissed and investigated a large number of veterans on the spot. Dissatisfied, some of the bills issued privately were taken out for speculation and began to crack down on a group of forces that affected the imperial power.Perhaps the warden who died in the post not long ago, even those pensions and medals have to be returned to the treasury after following the vine... The political struggle is still endless.

So many things happened overnight.


She was still investigating blood stains, objects, and footprints, but suddenly, she felt bitterly cold and could not help covering her body. For a moment, it seemed that even the blood was freezing, and she couldn't even feel the sunlight on her body. The slightest warmth, but there was soon, and all of a sudden the body feeling recovered.

"Captain, what's the matter with you, you didn't look good just now?"

Many team members were attracted by her painful appearance and asked.

Rachel Miyamoto shook his head with a serious look, and said, "No, it doesn't matter, maybe I was a little tired last night. Everyone, we are police officers. Now the country is in chaos. I hope everyone will work hard. I will be with you. Fight to the final stage."

The team members cheered up, responded, and continued to collect evidence and search for criminals.

Rachel Miyamoto thought of Niederhogg’s words last night, Dragon Poison... They mistakenly thought she was a noble noble, so they used this to coerce the kingdom to provide gold and silver jewelry...


She exhaled and looked at the sky quietly. The dragon poison in her body will continue to destroy her in the future. How can she survive in the future to continue to live...

Chapter 213 An Unusual Ocean Journey

At noon, the Hanging Garden adjacent to the sky, the highest point of the Magic Academy.

This young man from the country of Yu in a dark windbreaker held an intermediate magic book that had just been taken out from the magic bookshelf inside. This magic book could be seen by the naked eye. Powerful magic particles, the legendary magic book finally fell into the hands of a novelist, Li Yan.

Because it was already meal time, the academy specially entertained visitors Li Yan and Miyamoto Rachel for lunch, so the three of them had a meal in the gazebo in the sky garden.

During the meal, the three introduced each other. During the meal, Yunya and Rachel Miyamoto talked about magic, which is a topic that interests Li Yan.

Magic is the mysterious power system of the East and West continents. It is said that the first magician who wrote magic listened to and inadvertently stole the language of God, and let the magic spread to the world, and whether it is suitable for learning magic depends on the different spiritual powers of individuals. To judge, and to judge mental power, the most direct way is to see whether it can be distinguished by looking at magic books of different stages.

The purpose of Li Yan's visit this time was also to have a glimpse of the mystery of magic. As a novelist, it should be considered a good experience. Soon, Yunya handed over a random middle-level magic book to him.

These are the "Books of Heaven" that ordinary people cannot read. Although magicians are old-fashioned professions, they are undoubtedly mysterious and unpredictable for travellers like Li Yan. Simply using their body to feel magic has the same After preparing for the shocked feeling, Li Yan turned to the first page for trial reading.


Suddenly, his spirit was destroyed by the magical power of the books. Suddenly, his mind became pale, as if the sky and the earth were turned upside down, and the sun and the moon were dark.

Very dizzy!

Li Yan closed the book immediately, as if he couldn't remember what he saw, just like a nervous breakdown caused by fatigue in writing, he couldn't help closing the book.

"...How?" Yunya and Rachel Miyamoto asked after seeing something wrong with him.

"This, this...a bit dizzy." Li Yan said, always feeling ashamed this time.

"So, magic books are not something ordinary people can learn, so the number of magicians is very small."

Rachel Miyamoto had anticipated that, looking at Li Yan, he explained: "The talent of a magic book has a lot to do with mental power, but there are different opinions on what mental power is. Taken together, it is the ability to concentrate. The degree cannot be obtained through the concentration of martial arts training. I learned arcane in the military school, so to deal with more powerful enemies, the lower-level ordinary arcane arts are more useful for people, and for enemies with thick skin. I can only rely on swordsmanship."

"It's dizzy...According to the teacher, this is equivalent to an ordinary person with no magic talent at all."

Seeing that Li Yan didn't seem to be pretending, Yunya unexpectedly flipped through this middle-level magic book, confirmed that it was indeed a simple middle-level, and said.

The translated meaning is that Li Yan is not only a rookie in magic, but even magic waste, not material for learning magic.

"Is that so...Sure enough, something like this doesn't have any fate with me. I'd better listen to my instructor and learn physics." Li Yan thought a little disappointed.

Rachel Miyamoto on the side looked at Li Yan with a disappointed expression, and was extremely uncomfortable with Yunia calling him an ordinary person. He always felt that he, a guy who can fight dragons inextricably, needs something. Magic?

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