I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 384

In an instant, Li Yan clearly saw the bright light inside the iron face, and immediately gave Li Yan an illusion that what came out of the barrier was not a figure, but a blue dragon.

The breeze was blowing in Li Yan's hair, and he understood that, as an officer of the staff, the negotiation with this daimyo had officially entered the most critical moment.

"Master Uesugi, your staff, then, please get ready for both of you..."



Under the misty eaves, it turned into a curtain of water. The water column fell on the lawn of the yard, splashing a thin layer of water mist, like a light gauze, and the garden surrounding the eaves became more and more verdant and looked so vibrant. exuberant.


However, suddenly, a huge destructive force directly smashed this wooden wall into pieces.

Uesugi Kenshin's sword almost smashed Li Yan's body. Suddenly, a shower of rain splashed in the air. Li Yan's sword suddenly chased after him, smashing a mist of water, and hitting Uesugi Kenshin's shoulder. Chop off.

The eyes of the two people are staring at each other's sharpness at the moment, and what's more, they are each other's eyes.

But Kenshin Uesugi's blunt blade was brought back in time, and suddenly the two knives slashed together in the spray. Suddenly, it was like an explosion between the two blades. The explosion caused the water to splash, and the cold rain splashed on the two of them. There was a tingling sensation in front of me.

Only now did Li Yan understand what kind of situation this other world was like. Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger, his arm was numb from the shock. Currently, he quickly avoided Uesugi Kenshin’s unique sword and retreated to a safe position again. Look for opportunities.

Suddenly, the two separated again, but at this moment, the contest between the two has been going on for more than a dozen rounds, and the tricks are thrilling. If it is a real sword, almost at the beginning, both sides are hanging by a thread.


Rachel Miyamoto became extremely nervous, her heart beating too fast all the time and she felt a little uncomfortable breathing. It was the first time she saw such a swordsmanship test. Even with a blunt sword, the consequences would be unimaginable...

However, while Rachel Miyamoto was curious that Uesugi Kenshin could stand in a stalemate with Li Yan for so long and was uneasy, he didn't know that at this moment, dozens of Uesugi's retainers were also shocked by the fact that the unidentified staff members would pass. After the dragon is deadlocked to this point.

Soon, after each other seemed to ease the hot palms holding the sword, the two sides slowly approached on the wet and smooth floor, and as a result, they swung their swords again at a sufficient distance.

Li Yan’s swordsmanship has always been inferior to the master’s pure skills. He has always used swords mainly by tactics, and then by swordsmanship, he has a dragon-hunting crossbow that can force his opponents back against fierce dragons. , But when dealing with humans, the importance of swordsmanship is a little bit more important. After this match, Li Yan vaguely feels that he cannot be entangled for too long, and that he must fight quickly.

Uesugi Kenshin's swordsmanship is more ingenious than Li Yan, but Li Yan has been able to survive until now and has also played a huge role in the skills that have survived the disparity in battles.

Li Yan's body style and reaction speed are much faster than anyone Uesugi Kenshin has ever met.

What's more, it was Li Yan's arm strength, almost every cut was consuming Uesugi Kenshin's strength.

The whirring blade, finally, Li Yan struggled to support his swordsmanship disadvantages, looking for opportunities, and finally, he realized that Uesugi Kenshin’s sword was slower...

In the strong wind, Li Yan danced wildly, his eyes were cold and electric, and his sword was thunderous. The armor on his body had long been damaged. He finally saw the right time and used all his strength to slash Uesugi Kenshin.

It seems that the world has changed color.

Behind Li Yan, there was another figure...No, it was two figures, exactly the same figure...

Ken Uesugi regained his senses in an instant, and he found something wrong between his deep and startled eyes, and he immediately concentrated his efforts to block with the sword.


The crisp metal breaking sound resounded through the dojo.

The rain baptized this venue, and there were two people who competed with swords.

Everyone was silent, and stared blankly at the two figures in front of them.

The knife was chopped off, but it was still chopped off by a blunt tool.

Uesugi Kenshin’s sword is obviously thicker than Li Yan’s one-handed sword, but the position and strength of the chopping result in the opponent’s sword being able to cut it off. If it were to follow the trend, it would be taken from the shoulder. Cut in half.

However, this swift sword stopped outside the body and stopped the sword.

Li Yan looked at Uesugi Kenshin quietly. In the end, he took the knife back.

"Master Uesugi..."

Li Yan's black hair looked a little wet, and he stepped back respectfully, looking at the silent name.

"[Cloud Fire Ganoderma] may be of great help to you in the world, but this spiritual plant can also save a person's life. I came here this time, and even came to cross the sea for the sake of the sword and nine deaths, just for hope. The girl with a kind heart, don’t suffer torture and die because of the ice dragon’s poison..."

Li Yan sincerely clasped his fists, lowered his head and asked, "If it is for military expenses or other items, the antidote can be exchanged, the princess and I will help you find it. Uesugi-sama, I hope you can fulfill us and fulfill our lives ."


This defeated name listened quietly to his appeal, and finally, she (he) who had been silent for a long time finally spoke.

"If you are sincere, I have received it."

This was a woman's voice, and Li Yan was suddenly taken aback, looking at this opponent who was wearing an iron face and curling up his hair.

Taking off the turban that was entwined with her hair, her black hair curled up like a wave. The girl with long black hair in silver armor quietly closed her eyes, waiting for the rain to stop.The samurai long sword she placed aside seemed to have remained hot.

A slight cold wind was blowing her long hair, and her white and delicate facial features seemed to be portrayed...

This beautiful and picturesque girl looked at Li Yan and said, “Medicines can be given, but, Mr. Staff, I also understand your ability. I have an unrelenting request. If you are willing to do it for me, I will hand it over to you directly, it's up to you...the last choice."

Chapter 217

Outside the corridor, there was a rustle of rain, and under a gray sky, the weeping willow was so green and permeable that it was swaying slightly in the wind.

At noon, the heavy rain in the sky continued.

Li Yan turned his head to look at this rainy scene. He couldn't help but pause for a moment to look at the scene.

After lunch, Li Yan and others were treated very well, and for the next negotiation, he was taken by the lieutenant who was trusted by Kenshin Uesugi, and came to this place, which is said to be his favorite resting place. Inside the castle courtyard.

This is indeed a nice place.

There are well-guarded fort facilities everywhere in the country. The scenery and atmosphere here are as beautiful and comfortable as private houses.

When it rains, there is no sunshine, let alone moonlight, like smoke and fog, and it’s not cold, and it’s not too hot.Just like Jiangnan, or like Kyoto, let his mood cool down slightly.


Li Yan's eyes were a little lazy, and he really wanted to look at it for a while.

At this moment, the negotiations between him and Uesugi Kenshin have come to an end. Having worked hard until now, Li Yan is somewhat tired, and he hopes to take a short break.

I thought so in my heart, but quickly continued to follow behind the female lieutenant and walked deep into the fortress together.

At the corner of a quiet corridor, the lieutenant bowed slightly and reported in a low voice and respectfully: "Master, go... Mr. George Uesugi has reached the door."

It's not clear why, when she knew that this staff member actually used Uesugi George to call herself, she always had a mixed feeling, and even the title was a little stuttering.

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