I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 385

"Let him in."

From that corner, Uesugi Kenshin's quiet and pleasant voice came.

"Your Excellency, please go in, my lord is waiting there." The lieutenant woman reached out and invited and said.

"Thank you."

After Li Yan nodded to the lieutenant, he walked into this corner corridor.

In the breeze, it seemed to smell a faint fragrance. What Li Yan saw was the one sitting on a simple straw mat, wearing the armor of the great name shimmering with silver scales, and a sharp samurai on his side. Helmet, and in the breeze, the black hair of this young girl was so dark and supple, with her temples and ears, draped on the cold armor, slightly raised, so cold and beautiful.

Duan Li Wushuang's facial features were so quiet and with a lonely color, she quietly closed her eyes and took a rest, letting the drizzle on the eaves be hazy.

However, the practice broken sword placed beside her, her slender fingers touched slightly, but she still felt the residual heat.

At this moment, the scene is almost exactly the same as the Uesugi Kenshin portrayed in the picture...

The cherry blossoms that were knocked down by the drizzle continued to blow around this military commander, mighty and beautiful, who wouldn't be attracted by this beauty?


Li Yan’s heartbeat speeded up a bit, as if he had seen an idol. When he met again, he didn’t know if he wanted to confess to the famous girl whose saber was cut off by him. In fact, he was a loyal fan of her. .

In the quiet corridor, this samurai girl opened her eyes, already aware that Li Yan stopped in the distance, and asked: "Mr. Staff, you are welcome, the tea is already brewed, I don’t know if it matches the people of Yu. Taste?"

Soon, Kenshin Uesugi raised his head and looked at Li Yan, whose clear, cold, focused eyes reflected Li Yan's figure.


However, when she really saw Li Yan, her expression changed a bit.

Li Yan never thought of what impression he would have in front of his favorite historical figures. Now, this scientifically difficult thing to testify has been verified at this moment.

Originally, Kenshin Uesugi focused all her energy on the sword. She also quickly learned that the staff of the Yu nationality who was an official in the Western industrial empire should be still young, but she did not see him picking up. What will happen after the iron face, after all, this is not the focus of attention.

However, seeing the person who cut her saber with his own eyes, Uesugi Kenshin showed an unexpected look for a while, and did not say a word for a while.

There is no sound, there is a breeze, and the big-name girl sitting on the straw mat is separated from each other by a certain distance from the troubled staff, looking at each other.

A drop of water fell, breaking the moment of silence.

"As long as it's pure tea, it's fine." Li Yan quickly smelled the tea fragrance, then smiled and said respectfully to the famous name.


Uesugi Kenshin quickly recovered from his astonishment, seeing Li Yan smiling cheerfully, completely following the aides on the dojo who wore an iron face and exhaled a murderous atmosphere.

She was silent for a moment, also showing a slight smile, stretched out her hand, and invited him to sit in another seat.

The patter of rain, the dead leaves fell on the lawn, the drizzle wet the ground, wet the eaves, and wet the scenery.

Before the rain curtain, this big-name girl in armor sat on a soft cushion with the staff in Western costumes, facing the beautiful and quiet scenery, with a cup of hot tea, just like enjoying the scenery together.

Kenshin Uesugi quietly looked at the rain scene in front of him, then glanced at Li Yan, and asked: "Your excellency is talented and courageous, and I am a little curious about why your Excellency is suddenly thousands of miles away in Lotick. The Kingdom of Great Britain holds official positions?"

"...No, I didn't intend to pursue an official career at the beginning."

Almost every time I met a daimyo, I would be curious to ask this question. Li Yan was not surprised. It seems that the Orientals in this era rarely choose to go abroad. He explained: "I encountered a flying dragon attacking the palace by chance, so Established meritorious service, and was canonized by Her Royal Highness, the princess of Lotick Kingdom."

"So that's it..."

Kenshin Uesugi nodded slightly, but quickly changed the conversation, and then said: "So... if I guess, does the person you mentioned to be saved refer to Miss Miyamoto Rachel?"

Li Yan choked up some words for a while, not sure why Uesugi Kenshin guessed so accurately.

This beautiful and heroic swordsman said: "Since I met your Excellency, your eyes have never left Miss Rachel Miyamoto. From this point of view, it is naturally easy to see. The situation of that assistant officer girl has always worried you. Therefore, I think if the situation is really critical, you will probably stay with her and take the medicine directly in Echigo."


Li Yan was silent for a while, and finally realized that his natural behavior had sold him. He nodded and said, "Generally, it is the same as His Highness said."

Kenshin Uesugi clinked his cups with his hands, took a sip of hot tea, closed his eyes thoughtfully, and said, "Rachel Miyamoto...the name of the practice has been given a western name...The Miyamoto family who fled Fuso is north The country minister Yunpo, who has long since destroyed the country, is rumored to be the master of swordsmanship, Master Yanzuo Miyamoto.

Only then did Li Yan know about Miyamoto Rachel’s family history. It turns out that she went to Lotick for this reason. It’s no wonder that he once did not understand that he went all the way to the West for writing materials. .

"But," Kenshin Uesugi sat side by side, with a faint smile, complimented: "Today's battle, I learned swordsmanship that is hard to see. I admire your swordsmanship very much, although you have no mastery of hibiscus swordsmanship Reach the level of the Juggernaut stage, but if you can use speed, tactics, and know your own advantages to win, you will be a respectable opponent no matter where in the world."

Kenshin Uesugi has been hearing about Li Yan. He fought against the northern dragon Nidhog from the imperial palace, and met the owner of Kaibo at the beach. He fell into the sea with Rachel Miyamoto and disappeared. Prove my determination and promise to test swordsmanship...

This way of passing through the generals, a lot of hardships, this person's willpower, enough to show that he is qualified to challenge the evil god...

And why doesn't she long for a showdown with such an opponent?

"Then, regarding spiritual grass, I can discuss with such a samurai."

Kenshin Uesugi's eyes became a little serious, and he looked at the dripping water drops, and said: "[Yunhuo Lingzhi] I accidentally got it from an old friend. I never thought of using it to give it to anyone. It’s nothing more than a thing that misses an old friend. Such an important item will not sell someone’s relic even if it is defeated. Therefore, if the Kingdom of Great Britain pays a lot of money in exchange for it, I will not sell my old friend’s relic."


Li Yan felt a little uneasy for a while.

She lowered her head slightly, her eyes were dark but hesitated, she was silent for a while, looked at Li Yan, and asked: "At this moment, I am still facing Takeda Shingen. I originally wanted to resolve this matter myself. However, as soon as I left. Echigo will be defeated and the country will be destroyed, and the subordinates will try their best to stop it. Therefore, I said before that medicines can be given, and I have an unrelenting request. However, this matter is extremely dangerous. Although your martial arts are superb, this time Go, there may be no return, are you willing?"

Kenshin Uesugi told this young staff member everything.

Suddenly, the surrounding rain is getting worse and worse, sprinkling and rustling.

In the end, the young man's answer was like a fall that had frozen rain.

"Yes, I was mentally prepared."

The next day, in the afternoon.

After several consecutive days of showers, it was not until the afternoon when the sky began to clear, the dark clouds dispersed, and the golden light of the setting sun shone on this quiet land.

Li Yan was sitting at the entrance of the hallway. His coat and hat were already on. What's more, his weapons on the ship returned to his body. Now the final preparation is to tie his shoes. Take it.

In this way, it seems like going out everyday, very quiet and easy-going.The breeze after the rain was blowing in his hair, his eyes were so cautious, he checked his equipment, and he should not be negligent.


Suddenly, there was the sound of footsteps behind him. Although he walked quite lightly, the sound of the wooden board was still so clear.

"Are you going to leave?"

Behind him, Rachel Miyamoto was wearing her daily western dress, quietly looking at his back, and asked.

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