I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 386

Li Yan was silent for a while, and then responded, "Yes, it's probably two or three days in the past."

"My staff, if it's dangerous there, let me go with you, isn't the princess sending me here just to protect you... Although some negligence did appear in the middle, it can definitely be done this time..."

Yunya clenched her fists and tried to say.

Li Yan already knew that they wanted to share this risk together, but he shook his head and continued to lace up the shoes that he had finally dried, saying: "Although I know your concerns, Yunya , And Miyamoto, you'll be fine here."

"This may be the last battle of Fuso travel. There is a lot of risk along the way. Whether magic and arcane arts can be effective there is still unclear. However, I have experienced many similar things. It won’t be a problem...not to mention, Yunya, your task is to refine the medicine in time. Miyamoto’s safety is up to you."

Sitting in the doorway, Li Yan, who was enveloped by the warm sunset, looked so peaceful, he finally stood up and turned around to look at them.

"This time may be a good sign. After I wrote a novel for the first time, my original sales performance was not top-notch, but after encountering various difficulties to overcome, the novel became famous, and perhaps this time too."

Li Yan smiled faintly, looked at Miyamoto Rachel and Yunia, and said: "Maybe this is a good sign, the next volume or the next novel will be booming."


Rachel Miyamoto silently looked at the figure facing the sunset, trying to say something, but couldn't say anything anyway.

She wanted to thank her and accompany her all the way. If it weren't for him, perhaps, she would have been buried in the sea, or she had been suffering from the cold, and she had promised to take risks again and again for unreasonable requests...

So now she wants to say thank you.

However, she was a little bit unable to tell, and there was always lingering speculation in her heart.

Did Li Yan work so hard to help her because she was exactly like the woman named Xuexia, so she did it?

But this seemed a bit unreasonable, and finally made her feel that it would be better not to say too much for the time being. After he came back and really ended his trip to Fusang, she came and thanked him solemnly.

This time, after Li Yan returned from Kenshin Uesugi, he told them about the crusade against evil spirits.

But how dangerous it was, where it was, and many intelligence details, Li Yan did not disclose to Miyamoto Rachel and Yunia, but today, after receiving the notice, he prepared his belongings.

As a result, Rachel Miyamoto, Yunia and others could only watch the starting team from downstairs.

The number seems to be hundreds of people, with complete weapons, and a carriage is dragging a barrel of high explosives, which seems to be going to blow up something. Many people around are watching, the flag of the word "Bai" is flying in the wind, and the team is always ready to set off. .

"So, it doesn't matter..."

Unia on the side pressed her hat and watched Li Yan, who was already riding a black horse and following in the team, asked in a low voice.

Rachel Miyamoto shook his head slightly, and replied, "There will be no problem. The staff can even fight against dragons. It will definitely be possible."

Li Yan rode his horse, quietly turned his head and glanced at his partner, and then looked at the group of more than one hundred hired Drifters and warriors with high morale. He became somewhat worried.

In Uesugi Kenshin's words, this is already the third crusade.

It seems that a few years ago, the Huangquan Mountain guarding Fusang Kanto was out of control, and the yellow spring water gushing from the ground raged on one side. Monsters overflowed that mountain range. There were frequent incidents of ghosts and harassment in the territory of Echigo, resentment and destruction. After losing countless villages and towns, the out-of-control Huangquan Heishui seemed to begin to attack more and more toward the land where the population was more concentrated.

The number of victims continues to increase, and this has always been a major problem that has been the first to solve for the Echigo dragon Uesugi Kenshin who has just taken control of this area.

As a result, as the situation intensified, and finally with the support of public opinion, Uesugi Kenshin began to set up two crusade teams to go to the area polluted by the yellow spring in an attempt to blow up the mountains to prevent the yellow spring from leaking out. The first time Uesugi The Qianxin Army lost more than a hundred people, as if they had disappeared. They walked into the miasma-filled mountain, and no one came back to explain what had happened.

In the second batch, Uesugi Kenshin's subordinates and her best friend led the team. There was no news, only the spiritual grass that the other party had found near the crater.

Kenshin Uesugi had always wanted to find out, but he was always blocked by his subordinates. In the end, Shingen Takeda's army was overwhelmed, and Kenshin Uesugi finally put his hope on Li Yan who could defeat her in swordsmanship.


Li Yan always feels that his journey of collecting materials from novels is a bit too thrilling.However, it has been more than a month, and the eighth volume has been written out unknowingly during each day of travel. Even after returning, his summer vacation is not a waste of goodbye.

After the rain, the sky was clear, and under the cloudless sky, Li Yan's last journey in Fusang finally began.

Chapter 218 Inside and Outside the Mirror, Xue Nao's Relationship with Rachel

A few days later.

Located on a street in the city, Miyamoto Rachel and Yunia came out of Uesugi Kenshin’s castle to breathe air. In the long wait for these days, Li Yan did not pass any news back.

The bustling streets have always had a fresh taste for this Rachel Miyamoto who grew up abroad, but it's a fall, whether it's people inside or outside the city.

Even more helpless, she seemed to be used to it.

"My staff, I don't know what the situation is now..."

Rachel Miyamoto became a little worried, looking at the street style while quietly thinking.She wore the generous western robe and three-cornered hat that Li Yan gave her. Every time she went out, she always carried a short musket and a court sword that she was good at.

In Fusang, there is not even any novel store selling it, and there will be no novel stories like "Summer, Girls' School" written by George Uesugi in such a closed and numb Fusang street.

At this moment, Rachel Miyamoto is more and more aware of the ideological value of Uesugi's staff.If it is really as he hopes, using novels to occupy the time of people who are always thinking about it, and using stories to impress readers' thoughts, perhaps, it can really make the world a little peaceful...

Suddenly, she always felt that she would be thinking about the scenes where Li Yan was writing, the scenes where she usually talked, and the scenes where she saved her...While swaying, she was anxious, waiting for Li Yan to finish Fusang. After a battle, she returned to Lotick Kingdom together. In the end, she even dreamed that after returning to the quieter and stable street filled with steam, she was still the sheriff, and when she was bored, she went to that one. Dim, black market novelist avoiding readers, look at his new works and talk about the feelings between life and fantasy. In this way, it seems that she is also full of hope for the future.

"Rachel, look, these jewelry are really good, aren't they?!"

Yunya saw the oriental-like jewelry made of inferior crystals on the side of the road, her eyes flashed, and she pulled the corner of Miyamoto's clothes and asked.

"...Well, it is true."

Rachel Miyamoto looked at the jewelry, her eyes were slightly fascinated by these oriental jewelry, she pondered for a while, nodded, and said.

"Hehe, buy one for you, buy one for the magistrate, and buy another copy for the eldest princess, the magistrate will be back soon, and the little money in my pocket can only buy this. "

Yunya squatted on the side of the road, carefully selected and smiled brightly, and said to Miyamoto Rachel.

"I understand, thank you..."

Rachel Miyamoto nodded, feeling a little embarrassed, but Yunia, the world's youngest master of magic, has caused her a lot of trouble these days, and she can hardly resist trying blasting magic every day. Uesugi Kenshin's castle was blown up so badly, she also forgot how many bows she had to calm down the anger of the group of generals.

While Rachel Miyamoto was waiting for Yunya to select accessories, suddenly, Rachel heard some whispers in her ear.

These are two elderly people who happened to pass by behind her, but the whispers of the two elderly people revealed a strong worry.

"It's already the fifth day..."


"I feel like it will be the same as the previous two batches of ghost teams, there will be no news from now on..."

Rachel Miyamoto's heart suddenly shook. She turned around in a little astonishment and looked at the two elders. Then, her keen thinking realized something, and asked politely and nervously: "Two old gentlemen, May I ask what happened to the first two batches of ghost army?"

As a result, Rachel Miyamoto's face turned pale for an instant.

For a moment, even the sunlight shining on her body did not make her feel any warmth...

After Yunya had chosen the gift and paid the money, when she turned around, she found that Rachel Miyamoto, who had been by her side, had disappeared at this moment.

"Eh, where's the person?!" Younia blinked, looking around in surprise, and asked.

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