I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 389

What's more, he also agreed to Conna, who was hurt by Niederhogg, that he must take her to a more fun place for a trip, so check the Internet to see what are cheap and can be rented for vacation and writing local.

"150,000 yen a month, no, no, a little expensive..."

“It’s close to the beach, it’s powered by a generator, it takes 40 minutes to drive to the city, and the rent is 100,000 yen... This place is definitely not good. Although my supra can be taken with me, this oil tiger drives more than 700. Kilometers, it is estimated that I will eat up a lot of gas bills."

Li Yan watched one by one on the mainstream travel rental websites, which were very beautifully filmed rental houses, but because of his poor conditions, he denied them one by one.

Soon, unknowingly, the number of pages browsed almost turned to more than 20 pages. The rental advertisements that followed were basically houses in tourist places that were more beautiful.

However, when Li Yan was a little frustrated, suddenly, an oil painting-like house appeared on the advertising column on the third page from the bottom.

[Release time: June 2015;

Number of visitors: 3;

Evaluation: 3 stars;

Rent: 30,000 yen;

Leasing method: property sale or lease;

House type: private single-family, three bedrooms and two living rooms, water, electricity and internet connection, no mobile phone signal coverage, 160 square meters;

Others: complete furniture and simple folk customs.

The evaluation scores are quite satisfactory, and they all praise the local customs and the beautiful scenery there.There are also negative reviews, that is, the traffic is inconvenient, there are many mosquitoes, and the village does not even have a convenience store.

However, the rent is particularly cheap. The price of 30,000 yen is almost a conscience price in Japan (2,000 yuan), but what attracts him more is the scenic forest environment and the warmth of the village. The simple customs is a selling point. It has to travel hundreds of kilometers northeast of Tokyo. It is estimated that it deviates from the major economic zones of Japan. It does not even have a mobile phone signal. It should be a rather remote rural area.

However, overall, the cost is quite low, and the scenery is somewhat similar to the place where he lived before he was reborn.

Li Yan was silent for a while, and was finally attracted by the local customs and rich living conditions. He finally decided to send his order to the leasing company in that place.

Such a place, I always think Kang Na should also like it.

"Just this one. There is only less than the last two weeks. Let's try the creative methods of literary masters and comics masters that change the environment, the customs and the blessings of nature, and write the best works well. Na is also a good experience."

Li Yan thought quietly.

In Tokyo where Gabriel, Satania, Zhenbai, Qihai and others have not yet returned, Li Yan decided to leave this bustling but somewhat indifferent city for a while and return to the place where he grew up somewhat similar. Look for precious inspiration over the forest country.

In the early morning of the next day, the air seemed a little dull, and there was a dark cloud on the skyline. Summer seemed to be a season of frequent heavy rains.

"So, Li, are you planning to go far away for vacation-style writing?"

Thor at the door of Room 506 was standing in front of the door and asked Li Yan with a smile.

Li Yan nodded and said, "Yes, the house just booked yesterday has 160 square meters of interior space. It is more than enough to live with Kang Na, the scenery is also very beautiful, and the customs of the village are also quite simple. "

"Well, will you be back in about two weeks?" Thor asked with a smile.

"Yes, so please take care of my apartment from Miss Tort. When I come back, I will bring you some specialties, as well as Gabriel and Zhenbai. Maybe they will all be back then."

Li Yan looked at this somewhat deserted summer vacation and said with emotion.


When Thor heard Gabriel's name, although he kept a polite smile, he was vaguely unhappy.

She is closely related to Zhenbai and Qihai, but she and Conna are full of disgust for angels and demons. After all, there have been holidays before, and now when they meet in the apartment building, they are extremely jealous when they meet each other.

"By the way, where's Kang Na, haven't you gotten up yet?" Li Yan asked curiously.

"It seems so, I played a game last night and then went to bed late. You can wait a moment." Thor turned his head and looked inside the room and said.

Thor coughed a few times, and then facing Conna’s room, he deliberately said loudly: "Lee, are you going to go on vacation in a beautiful mountain forest? It’s really great... Oh, you’re looking for Kang. Na? Conna slept late last night, maybe I can't go there today. I will tell her when she wakes up."


There was an exclamation from the room. Kang Na seemed to have no time to change her pajamas. She rushed out of the room and grabbed Li Yan's clothes with that chubby little hand.

Thor looked at Conna with a smile, and then said to Li Yan: "Look, I'm awake now."

Conna looked expectant, her eyes gleaming, and both Thor and Li Yan suddenly realized that she seemed to be quite interested in the vocabulary of [Creation in the Beautiful Mountain Forest].

"That..." Kang Na looked at Li Yan pitifully with a pair of blue eyes, and asked: "Master Li, I haven't started school either. If possible, can I go out with you to play?"

Li Yan squinted at the sleepy Long Lolita, and said: "Don't talk about this, listen to your tone, I always feel that you have probably forgotten the things that I said to you the day before. Today, I just want to I took you on vacation, I always think you have forgotten."


Kang Na looked at Li Yan blankly. After a long time, her eyes suddenly lit up and she seemed to remember.

"So, after you get there, remember not to run around." Li Yan looked at Kang Na and asked.

"Yes!" When Conna heard this, her cheeks flushed and she seemed quite happy, then she raised her hand and shouted seriously.

Although somewhat afraid of taking the risk of taking children when traveling, Li Yan also thought that if he feels lonely in a place where he is not familiar with life, how much...cona will be by his side.


Li Yan looked at the sky, and he actually started to feel afraid of being alone.


As a result, at 7:50, with a somewhat dim sky, Kang Na went back to the room to pack her belongings, followed Li Yan with a suitcase of luggage down the stairs, and officially went to the unknown person. Forest country.

On the highway, after leaving Tokyo, what you see is a long hilly area.

The plains in Japan are not extensive, so all the way forward, a section of the road will be a tunnel through the mountains. After further away from the urban area, there is an endless view of rice fields. These Konna have never seen them, and I am quite surprised.

"Why did someone plant some weird plants in the water..." Conna lay on the back seat of the sports car by the car window, staring at the farmland seriously.

"Those are rice fields, Kang Na, have you ever eaten rice? Those rice are the crops produced by those plants." Li Yan drove the car and said to Kang Na Kep.

"I know, those white rice?"

Conna asked in surprise.

Li Yan suddenly felt that Kang Na, strictly speaking, could be regarded as a child in Tokyo. She hadn't even seen rice or farmland. It was indeed necessary to bring her out to see more human affairs.

But soon, the sky began to darken, a few thunder and lightning flashed across the sky, making a tearing roar, and the wind gradually became cold, and finally, the torrential rain began to fall.

Li Yan's vehicle has been driving on the highway, and now he still hasn't had time to take the driver's license due to the tight schedule, but he has had a year of driving experience, and somewhat reminded Li Yanmeng again to take the driver's license.

The vehicle drove for four hours, and after a break in the middle of the road, it took another two hours to reach that place in the northern mountains and forests.

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