I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 390

Conna, who had always been curious about the outside world, had already fallen asleep in the back seat, just like a child's habit.

After getting off the expressway, there are endless mountain roads, the surrounding forests are getting more and more desolate, and the roads are getting smaller and smaller. In the end, it took more than two hours to finally reach the destination. A resort booked by Li Yan.

At this moment, the heavy rain has ceased, and the fairyland-like fog permeates the forest, revealing the unique charm of the East.

With winding roads, you can see this inhabited rural landscape above the high slopes, just like all the villages in Eastern countries, with green farmland, orchards, and some tens of meters or even one kilometer apart. The Japanese-style houses lined up in the local area, and the trucks on the road are slowly moving back and forth on the country roads.

"Finally here, Xuqiu." Li Yan thought, looking at the landscape.

What makes people feel emotional is that the scenery here seems to be a bit more beautiful than the signs in the publicity. The green mountains and green waters, although sparsely populated, are like "one or two cock crows in the rain, and the road in Zhuxi Village is inclined to the bridge". , Li Yan spent most of the day and expensive high-speed fare, and finally did not run in vain.

Before, Li Yan got in touch with a female head of household in the palace on the phone. The other party also said that he would be waiting for him at the intersection of the village. He drove the car to the intersection of the village.

Soon, after crossing a bridge and down a ramp, I saw a Toyota dark station wagon parked on the side of the road at the meeting place. After seeing his license plate, the other party flashed the car. Li Yan understood the light, and stopped at the temporary parking space behind the opponent's car.

Kang Na woke up dimly and asked: "Eh, what's wrong..."

"It's already here, you are in the car, and you may need to drive some way inside." Li Yan touched Kang Na's head and said with a smile.

He himself felt a little tired, and after driving for a full seven or eight hours, he really consumed a lot of Li Yan's energy.

After coming out, a fresh, cold and moist air rushed towards her face. After Li Yan got out of the car, the person who came down from above was a young woman with squinted eyes and long blue hair, but a relatively delicate face. .

"Are you Mr. Uesugi who booked the house?" the woman asked politely with a slight smile.

"Yes, I've been waiting for a long time, are you the lady in the palace?" Li Yan asked.

"Yes, my name is Miyauchi Ichiho, please give me your advice. The journey is hard. I ran from Tokyo all the way back. Then, it shouldn’t be too late. Should I just go to the house and have a look now? I’m fine. The ground has been cleaned."

The woman asked with a smile.

[Beep beep!

Suddenly, the voice of the editing system came from Li Yan's consciousness.

[Work: "Yu Zai Daily"

Evaluation: A+

Suggestion: It is a very interesting story that can describe the daily life in the countryside, which greatly promoted the hot situation of Japanese rural culture. It is one of the most outstanding works in the daily series.

"??" Li Yan was a little surprised at once. He didn't expect that under such a coincidence, he would encounter real characters in the virtual works in this world.

"Then, it's better to wait before it rains and let's rush over."

Soon Miyauchi Ichiho then suggested.

"...Okay." Li Yan nodded without thinking about it.

To be honest, it is already three o'clock in the afternoon, because it is rainy and the light is not very good. Li Yan always feels whether she is sleeping at the moment. After all, her eyes always look like closed, revealing something more than him Lazy temperament.

After the two exchanged greetings for a while, they each returned to the car and drove one after the other into the village.

Under the dim and thunderous sky, Li Yan always felt that this village was really quiet. He followed the car in the palace and drove into this peaceful and comfortable mountain village quietly, while Kang Na She was lying on the bed, looking at this village curiously. She had never seen a place like this.

On the side of the breezy rice field highway, a small figure, a clear little girl singing, is like dotted with the tranquility of the countryside.

"Dog's tail grass, dog's tail grass...Let's pick a dog's tail grass and shake it..."

However, on the empty road at the beginning of the heavy rain, this little girl with blue hair, after hearing the sound of the car, looked back and found that it was her sister's car.

Soon, there was another muscular sports car that she had never seen before slowly following her sister's car. It seemed that they were the guests who were supposed to rent their house in the woods.

As a result, while she was staring at the Supra car that scared her a little bit, the silver-white hair lying on the car window, Conna, who was about the same age, also happened to see this sluggish-eyed peer .

In the boring time of summer vacation, in the rainy days, it seems that people with predestined relationship can still meet thousands of miles.

Chapter 220: Welcome to Xuqiu Village

The green ink forest, as if synchronized into the world of ink and wash, the mist that permeated the rice fields was still not cleared, and the sound of birds singing everywhere.



After Li Yan went deep into this village, combined with his previous impressions, he always felt that the population of this village was pitiful, and the houses were less than 20 or 30 households. There are about a hundred people in the village.

What impressed Li Yan most in this village seemed to be the natural color of green, no noise, no money, and too much irritability and pressure. It seemed that it was indeed a good place for writing.

As a result, Ichiho in the palace took Li Yan to a Japanese-style house near the edge of a deep mountain in a village. The weeds in the yard seemed to have just been cleared.There are still a few families around you can see each other across a small forest, probably at night, this is the last place to light up a road in the whole village.

"The rent of 30,000 yuan, including basic furniture, and the rental price of 100 square meters... Such conditions are quite conscientious." Li Yan parked the car on the parking space in the yard, thinking.

"That's it, Mr. Uesugi. You can live here or rent for a short time. In fact, if you are happy, you can buy it." Miyauchi Ichiho said with a smile.

"Yes, I know everything." Li Yan nodded and said.

Miyauchi Ichiho immediately pointed to the area over there and said, "Okay, then, sir, if you want to buy something, the nearest place here is over there. There is a cooperative store. Although there are many things that you cannot buy, But the general daily necessities are quite complete. If you want to buy things that the village doesn't have, you can drive for tens of minutes to reach the city for shopping."

"Over there... OK, I know."

Li Yan was mentally prepared, but after confirming that the shopping conditions here were a bit unimaginable, he replied.

Miyauchi Ichiho kept smiling, but in his heart, he began to analyze this guest, thinking: "Well~Well... This handsome foreign guy is a rich second-generation student at first glance. This modified car It's a bit too luxurious. I said in college that I often see rich and handsome guys. They are a group of people who only know how to enjoy but don't know how to endure hardship. There is no fun here, and the living conditions are complete. It’s incomparable to a big city. I don’t know if I can afford to live for two weeks, but Kaga has already collected a deposit, and it’s finally rented out anyway."

In fact, this house near the entrance of the mountain forest is the land that her family once bought. The people who live here have already moved to the city. Today, the village has a decreasing population.

Suddenly, when Ichiho Miyauchi was about to open the door to Li Yan, the door of that black supra car opened, and a little white-haired loli came out, seeming to be the same size as her sister. But they are dressed like costumes unique to ethnic minorities.

"I'm out." Kang Na looked at Li Yan and called.

Ichiho Miyauchi was shocked and stared at this unknown girl in a daze.

"Kang Na, take your luggage out." Li Yan said after seeing Kang Na.

"... By the way, the husband said he brought a child here, is that this child?" Miyauchi Ichi looked at this child of some foreign descent and asked.

Li Yan explained: "This is a child from my neighbor's house. She is still on summer vacation, so I took her out to play. The name is...Xiaolin Kangna. Just call her Kangna directly."

Li Yan still remembers that when Kang Na introduced herself, her name in Japan seemed to follow Xiao Lin's predecessor, so she always used Xiao Lin Kang Na.

"Oh, hello, Kang Na-chan." Miyauchi Ichi said hello with a smile.

"Hello," Kang Na responded.

Ichiho Miyauchi looked at this child with a little white skin and silver hair, mixed with foreign ancestry. I don’t know why, but suddenly I feel that this child is very similar to her sister Lianhua, especially the eyes. .

Unexpectedly, she also had a sense of intimacy with this child named Kang Na.

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