I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 395

"..." Yuegu Xiaoju, who was standing at the door, looked at that figure with a somewhat uneasy expression. After all, she recklessly judged whether she had hurt her without understanding the novel written by this senior. This person.

However, when listening to him talk about the interesting aspects of the novel, she almost felt that it could be described as stunning. What she meant was not the meaning of his novel being boring...

The short-lived novelist class is over. Li Yan himself is also a little sad. After all, he is indeed an author who uses words to make money, but Mandarin is the worst one of his subjects. This kind of self can really be Called [Author], is it called [Author]?

"Huh..." Li Yan thought silently as he walked in the woods.

At this moment, Li Yan's cell phone suddenly rang when he reached a place with signal coverage.

——Ding Dong!

Li Yan was stunned for a moment, stood on the side of the road, took out his mobile phone and looked at it. At this time, an email was sent to his mailbox. After opening it, the message surprised Li Yan.

——Shiina Mashiro: I have returned to Japan. Now, I have heard the news from the editor, and I will come to Holmes tomorrow.

Chapter 222 Students' Fiction Project

In summer, the small river flows slowly, in the scenery of green hills and woods from far and near, the cicadas scream endlessly, and some unnamed potted flowers can always be seen on the roadside, which seemed so alive under the baptism of yesterday's rain.

Li Yan stood against the hot summer sky, and finally got on a rural bus under the instructions of Ichiro in the palace, and returned to the side of the road in the village he was already familiar with in ten minutes.

"I'm back..." Li Yan thought fortunately.

Looking around, Li Yan suddenly felt that the village he had just moved into seemed to be a little closer.

At this moment, his mind was still disturbed by Shiina Mashiro's email. It seemed that Mashiro Shiina and Qikai Aoyama returned to the apartment building at night when he had just left.

In the email, Shiina Mashiro mentioned her own affairs in a slight reply. When she was in the UK, Sakura Soro once again sent an invitation to Mashiro, but she still ruthlessly rejected her cousin's invitation.

Not only that, the Aoyama Qihai, who was arranged by Mr. Qianshi at the beginning, used to hope to live in the Sakura Village, but now for more than half a year, we have experienced the ups and downs together, and spent Thor and Jia After Baili waited for the days when her familiar neighbours took care of her, she was entangled throughout the summer vacation, and finally decided to go back to the apartment building where she was already nostalgic with Shiina Masaki. This is a see-saw between him, an outsider, and Senshi-sensei. In the war, a small victory.

Li Yan looked at this field and mountain forest. The hot afternoon sun made him squint slightly. While enduring the heat, he curiously wondered what the first sentence of Shiina’s true white email told him. Tomorrow, she will come.

"Obviously, the school will start in two days at the Shuiming Art High School. Why do you have to come here? Thinking of it, it seems that I haven't seen each other for half a month."

Li Yan thought silently.

However, for a period of time, for example, after witnessing the scene where Zhenbai defeated her British parents on her own, he felt a little inexplicable. The pet girl who could not wear clothes has gradually changed and finally turned into In order to soar into the blue sky, without him to the point of protection.However, at that time, he was also afraid that his assistant "Miss Watson" would leave the apartment building.

Fortunately, this kind of thing did not happen, "Watson" or "Watson", the current life like this, he is already satisfied enough.

However, just as Li Yan was walking with his bags and thinking about it, a two-story villa-type house not far away, at the moment there was a medium-sized truck parked at the door, and the staff of the moving company were busy moving. With furniture, a busy scene.

"Has anyone moved here?" Li Yan looked over there a little, and thought.

For a moment, Li Yan's body accidentally collided with the figure that suddenly emerged from the side of the truck in front of him.

Fortunately, the two of them didn't walk fast, they just shook their bodies a bit, and took their steps back in time, but at that moment, Li Yan felt that it was a limp body, which made his mind blurred.

"Ah... yes, sorry!"

In front of Li Yan, there was a quiet girl with black and beautiful long hair. From the look of her dress, she appeared to have a very good personality. Her face was beautiful and her personality was slightly soft. Her cheeks became a little red, showing a somewhat flustered expression, hurriedly Said an apology.

Li Yan immediately apologized and said, "No, I apologize here, I accidentally lost my mind."

The girl who didn't know was taken aback for a moment, then smiled faintly, and accidentally collided, which was considered to have passed. After a few words of greeting, the two passed by.

"The height is quite tall, it can be comparable to the height of teacher Xia Shizi, one meter six five... or one meter six three, which is relatively rare in Japan. Are high school students here?"

Li Yan thought silently, after caring a little about the girl's height characteristics, carrying the bag, walked to the deepest part of the village...

In a blink of an eye, it was the afternoon.

Li Yan, who stayed in his room all afternoon writing, had bloodshot eyes and couldn't type a word in front of his computer. In silence, his face was melancholy and tangled, and he was stuck in that plot. Can't cross over.

As Li Yan himself said, the pursuit of writing novels is fun. However, not all story paragraphs are interesting. The structure of the story must be based on some daily developments and contradictions gradually pave the way to shape it. Wonderful contradictory outbreak plots, and then re-laying new stories unfolding from exciting outbreak points, this is the classic writing of many novels, and light novel series mostly use this method to control the plot.

However, when writing like this, how to use different methods to prepare the most exciting plot over and over again is a nerve-wracking thing. Sometimes you may think well, but when it comes to writing, you feel that the taste is not right. At this time, it was almost the "purgatory time" to grind the author's heart...

Finally, Li Yan hugged his head and thought hard, but finally, his depression broke out in the long silence.

"So, there is nothing good about writing novels. I almost want to explode. I didn't think of a better way to deal with the plot..." Li Yan grabbed his hair vigorously, frowning, and chatting at the computer extremely violently. Talk about it.

Li Yan was unable to pounce on the table. After a long time, wisps of the evening sun shone on him, causing him to lift his head slightly and squint his eyes to look at the sky.

Fortunately, the environment is quiet enough, so quiet that the time for him to lose his temper and frustration has been reduced by half...

In his memory, once again recalled Yukino under Yukino, the talented second lady who was inadvertently led astray by him...

After all, people who are in a group do not want their descendants, or their children, to be in that industry.

However, if this rigorous thinking woman writes a novel, at least she will not make low-level mistakes such as [many typos] and [language disorders].


Li Yanshu let out a sigh. He checked the time. It was already 4:50 in the afternoon.

It looks like it's time to prepare dinner.

Just as Li Yan was about to relax and do something else, suddenly, a loud and energetic woman shouted from the door on the first floor.

"Hello teacher!"


Li Yan was taken aback for a moment. He opened the door and walked up to the stairs to look at the doorway. As a result, he saw the female high school student he met yesterday, who lives in the village of Fujinomiya Kumi.

This girl in school uniform can see more clearly now in the daytime. She has brown hair, purple eye pupils, and a beautiful face. Her smiling expression is full of energy and vitality. She seems to be good at sports. The type of female high school student, her eyes seemed to be bright and energetic at this moment, and she stretched out her hand to say hello.

"Ah, hello... But how did you get in? Is the door unlocked?" Li Yan looked at her in surprise and asked.

"Kona-chan is playing with everyone in the village. It's almost time for dinner, so I brought Kangna over here, and brought some fruits to Kangna and the teacher. However, Uesugi-sensei, you Why do you need to lock the door? If you are here, you don’t need to lock the door at all. It’s safe."

Fujinomiya Kushi carried a bag full of loquats on the table and explained it to Li Yan.

It seems that this village belongs to the legendary type that does not close at night.

Conna gently grabbed Fujinomiya's clothes. Originally, when Li Yan was writing in the room, Conna spent a boring lunch break by playing games in the living room, waiting for Lianhua in the palace. I played with the Koshigaya sisters after school, and at this moment, Fujinomiya Kiji's school uniform was stained with mud. It seemed that in the game outside the door, this female high school student had already played well with Conna.

Li Yan went down the stairs, thinking of something, and said to Fujinomiya Kushiro: "That's right, the local customs here are really good, but there is no way. I have lived in Tokyo for a while, and I have to lock the door well. That’s okay... By the way, Fujinomiya, if you go to university in another place, don’t think the outside world is like this."

"Yes, I know." Fujinomiya Kumi smiled and said, "Probably, there are many perverts, gangsters, thieves and so on."

"Uh... it's almost like that." Li Yan seemed to worry for nothing. This girl was not as naive and not clear about the outside world as the Yuegu sisters.

"By the way, Fujinomiya-san, are you looking for me... and why did you suddenly wake up my teacher?"

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