I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 396

Li Yan noticed the strangeness of the title alertly. When pouring the water, he looked at her worriedly and asked.

Fujinomiya Kumi shook his head slightly, sat on the tatami mat, smiled, and said, "No, just come and sit for a while. Also, I just went to Xiaoxiaoju. I heard that the teacher was at my alma mater in the morning. I have taught there. It’s a pity. I haven’t heard the teacher’s special lesson. Now, if possible, can the teacher teach that novel topic again now?"


Li Yan didn't know why, but that part of his heart felt pain again.

"No..." Li Yan said, squinting his eyes, looking at Fujinomiya Kishi with a wounded expression on his face.

Fujinomiya Muji looked at Li Yan's depressed expression and chuckled. After achieving the effect he wanted, he said with a smile: "It seems to have been seriously injured, but it does not seem to be hurt. To the point, Xiao Xiaoju has always been worried about you now, and feels guilty for his failure to speak. Now, seeing the teacher's exhausted look, he seems to be working hard to write novels and does not need to worry."


Li Yan groaned for a moment. After placing the drink in front of Fujinomiya Kushi, he was a little surprised that the follow-up of that trivial matter was still going on. The petite heads were not at all like the middle school student Koshigaya Koju who was still struggling. With my own evaluation.

After hesitating for a while, his eyes eased slightly, and he said, "I am a novelist, and I have long been accustomed to being evaluated, but I am sure to hear that I am uncomfortable, but this is a fact after all... I am not qualified to go. Blame anyone, so Fujinomiya-san, after you go back, explain to me by the way, I don't care at all, I hope she will not take it to heart."

"OK, all right."

After hearing this, Fujinomiya Kumi held a drink in both hands, smiled and nodded.

"Right, teacher..."

However, immediately, Fujinomiya Kishi looked at Li Yan with a confused expression, and asked: "Um...you know someone who wrote a light novel called "Super Academy War", and also published two seasons of animation. , The writer named Uesugiyan?"

"Cough cough cough cough!"

Li Yan just drank a sip of the juice, and it spewed out. Conna who sprayed to the side was all over her face and coughed violently.

"Ah..." Kang Na looked at Li Yan ignorantly.

"Sorry, Conna..." Li Yan said apologetically. He quickly took out the tissue and wiped Conna's face well.

He was already prepared for this situation that might appear after his own introduction, but he didn't expect to be discovered so quickly with the name problem, and such unexpected questions made him unprepared, and suddenly he still Let him choke on a drink.

Fujinomiya Kushi looked at Li Yan in surprise, and asked, "Is it all right, teacher?"

In high school, Fujinomiya Kimitsu occasionally heard his classmates discuss Uesugi’s work. Nowadays, when the animation industry is full and declining, there are only a few popular anime works that can be mentioned in school. That's it.However, during the conversation, the speaker was unintentional, and the listener was intentional. This made her, a girl who does not watch anime and does not read novels, suddenly became alert. The surname is Uesugi, and the name is Li Yan. Together, she is not [] ’S Japanese name?

So when it happened to talk about the novel, she just asked by the way, and it didn't mean much.

"No, it's okay... ahem, Uesugi, I heard about it when I was in Tokyo. I heard that that guy often delays changes. He is a novel author with a bad reputation. But my Japanese name is because I like him very much. From the novel, so it will feel a lot like this."

Li Yan quickly eased his mind, coughed a few times, and explained.

The more you lie, the harder it is to make up for the lie, so the best way is to mix some real things in the lie. If Conna accidentally reveals his affairs, he can also use this excuse to resolve the crisis. So at the beginning, most of the true information was directly used to cover up the untrue lies.

Fujinomiya Kimi quickly understood that it turned out to be such a thing, and said cheerfully: "So, so, let's say that the teacher is also a novelist, so next, the social practice topic of Asahigaoka branch school, since the teacher is The teacher who teaches, then the teacher will be responsible for the completion of your homework."

"Huh?! What social practice topic?" Li Yan asked, startled.

"Huh? It's a topic assigned by the teacher in Miyauchi." Fujinomiya Kimi looked at him and asked: "Because of your lecture today, the social topic assigned by the school recently is [writing interesting novels], not a teacher After being invited by the teacher in the palace to teach at the school, is it a social project designed together?"

Fujinomiya Kushi blinked his eyes and asked curiously when he saw Li Yan's shocked expression.

However, apart from Li Yan, probably no one has guessed that what was taught at school this time was entirely due to the trouble that a certain novelist got lost in order to avoid a lame nickname and lost his way...

"So, I should choose to go back directly..." Li Yan thought annoyedly, showing a troubled face.

"Master Uesugi, I'm hungry."

At this time, Kang Na, who had been waiting for dinner to finish her dinner, suddenly suggested that she continued to go to the palace to play with Lianhua.

"...Oh, good." Li Yan checked the time, it was a bit late, so he stood up and asked, "Fujinomiya-san, do you want to stay here for dinner tonight?"

"Can you? If you can..." Fujinomiya Kumi didn't mean to be polite at all. His delicate face showed a sunny smile. He raised his hand and said loudly, "I also want to eat something that the teacher caught today. Stone snails!!!"

"Eh, how did she know that I was fishing again?!"

Li Yan suddenly felt a chill. After he was not addicted to eating last night, he fished it again this morning, but I was afraid that he was seen by others... Today, he probably will never be able to escape [Eating Stone Snail Novels] Home] This is a stupid nickname.

At night, there are many fireflies flying in the woods.

In the quiet and refreshing mountains and forests, street lights illuminate the road, and where the light cannot be found, only stars and moonlight light up this quiet world.

Li Yan didn't know how long he hadn't felt such a night breath.

This is the breath of childhood, summer, cool night breeze, forest without light, fireflies, and the freshness of being called by the night...

That's right, when Li Yan was writing a novel at night, he was interrupted again. After several children called to his window continuously, he was called out to attend an inexplicable night party.

"Okay! So, Xia Hai's social practice activities have just begun!" Koshigaya Xia Haican smiled and said to the group of people.

Among the group of people present, Koshitani Komari, Miyauchi Renka, Fujinomiya Kisumi, Koshitani Taku, Conna, Li Yan, Miyauchi Miyoshi, who is about to go to school in Tokyo, and as this group of children Ichiho Miyauchi, the guardian of, all came to the door of a shrine, preparing for an event that students like most in summer-[Ball Test Conference].

"So... why do you want to play a bravery-testing game?" Li Yan stood aside, listlessly, and asked quietly to himself.

After hearing Li Yan’s whispers, Fujinomiya Mushi smiled and said, “Xia Hai said that she is going to write a horror-type supernatural novel, so I hope we can help her find novelists. Inspiration, come here to draw materials."


When Li Yan heard this word, he always felt panicked.

No wonder Koshigaya Xiahai insisted on bringing him out to join in this event, mostly because he was the initiator of this social issue, and he couldn't get out of the relationship anyway.

After two days of understanding, Li Yan had to regain some new understanding of Fujinomiya Mushi.

This female high school student who grew up in a simple environment is heard to be a member of the wind club in the school. It is very popular with boys. It seems that it is also very popular among the children in the village, even by the Koshigaya sisters and the two sisters in the palace. Treated as an older sister.

More importantly, the girl Fujinomiya Kimi is quite special. During Li Yan's more than a year experience, she has met many outstanding women. Sawamura Sayuri is charming and moving, Shiina is pure white and quiet, Sawamura Hideri The arrogant and diligent of Xia Zhiqiu, the arrogance and maturity of Shiyu of Xia Zhiqiu, the coldness of Yukino under the snow, the laziness and cuteness of Gabriel... Each has its own characteristics, but he has not really seen anyone who can become [Full of vitality] girl.

Mimi Fujinomiya is probably the young girl who is closest to reality and nature. In the drizzle, a gloomy and verdant field, an optimistic girl pushing a bicycle appears.

"Slightly, add a bit of black belly to the attribute of kindness." Li Yan thought.

"Really, I'm engaged in such a boring activity again, Xia Hai, are you really ready to prepare the props this time? Don't mess up like the last time." My sister, Xiaoju Koshitani, who is less than 1.5 meters tall, scowled and watched. Looking at Koshigaya Natsumi, he reminded.

"Don't worry, don't worry, after learning the lesson this time, there is absolutely no problem." Koshigaya Xiahai shook his hand and said confidently.

"Let's participate too!" Lianhua in the palace raised her hand and exclaimed excitedly.

"Well, such a low-level bravery test is completely okay for the first-year children."

The purple-haired high school girl next to Lianhua in the palace showed a high-profile and arrogant expression, and said with a smile.

Li Yan had seen this girl named Miyauchi Guanghua several times. I don't know why, he always had a sense of sight. From the outside, she looked too much like Weinett.

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