I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 397

"So, it's still the old rule. One person is responsible for playing the ghost and guessing the box. It was Xiao Xiaoju who won last time, but his performance was not satisfactory. This time, as a punishment, we will choose one of us."

Koshitani Natsumi announced.

"Ah, how can you get rid of me at will!" Yuegu Xiaoju was taken aback, and then angrily protested.

"Because your performance was really bad last time. If you're not serious, my novel won't be interesting." Koshitani retorted with a helpless look, as if he had learned Li Yan's theory home.

"Okay, then you guys quickly prepare." Said Mizuchi, who was on the side, smiled slightly and said.

[Tower, tower, tower...]

However, in the night sky, just when everyone was ready to start, suddenly, a footstep came clearly through the darkness.


Everyone was stunned. Originally, this shrine was always dark and dark, but the children were almost shocked by the unintentional sound of footsteps.

"Yes, has anyone come here?!" Yuegu Xiaoju immediately persuaded, and asked in a low voice and astonishment.


However, Li Yan's eyes were sharper, and he quickly saw the figure over there, suddenly showing a look of surprise.


In the darkness, the woman's doubts came soon.

"Sure enough...Holmes, you are here."

In the dark night, the two figures gradually walked under the street lamp, and the one who spoke among them was particularly conspicuous...The golden hair, the beautiful face like an angel, and the absolutely beautiful girl appeared. Under the dim street lamp, looking at Li Yan...

Chapter 223

The night breeze was blowing in this quiet forest. Under the moonlight, this girl with long blonde hair in a large white T-shirt was standing under the street lamp with a suitcase beside her, and the breeze was blowing her gently. His long hair, quiet and delicate face looked at them quietly.

The students and teachers who were playing were all stunned for a while, staring blankly at the strange visitor.

Beauty has always been described as the idols who are now called once in a hundred years and once in a thousand years by Japan. However, it seems that they are truly worthy of [beauty] by appearing in such a quiet and mysterious way. Two words.

"Wait a minute, it's really white, don't go so fast..."

Qingshan Qihai behind him dragged his suitcase, seemingly afraid of such a dark country road, and hurriedly followed.

Shiina Masashi turned his head, and said calmly to Nanami, "Nanami, I have found it."

"Ah, senior!"

Qingshan Qihai, who followed him, quickly saw Li Yan standing on the edge of the stone steps, and said in surprise.

"Zhen Baichan...you really found it." Qingshan Qikai looked at the debut cartoonist who drew detective comics beside him, and said with some surprise.

"Wait a minute, Shiina, Aoyama, didn't you two agree to come over tomorrow?" Li Yan was stunned and asked.

Aoyama Qihai smiled and said: "That's it, senior, because Zhenbai completely misunderstood the specific start time. When the day after tomorrow, our high school will start. Therefore, I bought the tickets in time at noon today. The tram came early."

"That... Mr. Uesugi, are these two your acquaintances in Tokyo?" Miyauchi Kazuo asked curiously.

"Is it from Tokyo again?!" Miyauchi Guanghua on the side was shocked and asked.

Currently in high school in Tokyo, Miyauchi Miyaka, who is eager to become an urbanite but a country girl in his bones, suddenly feels that his unique urban atmosphere is becoming thinner and thinner.

Li Yan thought to himself that he hadn't prepared the necessary supplies such as the bed, and finally became a little at a loss, and said helplessly, "It's my neighbor and junior in Tokyo."

However, Li Yan discovered that Shiina's really white hands were wearing gloves. It was obviously a hot day, so wearing gloves would be quite uncomfortable, and he also remembered that Zhenbai didn't seem to have a habit of wearing gloves.

Ichiho Miyauchi understood and smiled and said, "Oh, so, did these two lovely juniors come to you?"

"...I think so."

Li Yan nodded and said.

"The two girls who feel so cute. They are about the same age as me, especially the girl with dyed blond hair... Is it from Tokyo just like the teacher?" Fujinomiya Kimi observed them curiously. miss you.

"Huh? There is a girl who looks like a high school student. The senior has just come here. Why does she get involved with the people here so soon? Is she someone she knew before?" Qingshan Qihai was also watching that. The situation on one side, silently thought.

But as a result, the eyes of Fujinomiya Kiji and Aoyama Nanami suddenly intertwined. Suddenly, they both understood that the other's mind was exactly the same as their own, and immediately looked away and pretended not to see anything.

"Then, kids, I have to introduce myself to the two guests who came over."

Ichiho Miyauchi said to the students around.

Soon, they started to introduce each other, but when Koshitani was about to open his mouth to introduce himself, the introduction was interrupted by Miyauchi Renka.

"Meow Pass." Lianhua in the palace stretched out her hand and said hello.

"Meow?" Qingshan Qihai didn't understand the dialect here, and looked at this cute little girl curiously.

"……Meow Pass."

Shiina was silent for a while, and then spoke out quickly.Her quiet voice is quite nice and has a different taste.

"Hole, then with the addition of the two senior girls who came from the big city, the number of people on our side will increase, and it will become even more fun!"

Koshitani Natsumi raised his hand and said with joy.

"Really?" Lianhua in the palace became a little puzzled, raised her head and looked at Koshigaya Xiahai, asking puzzledly.

"Of course, the bravery test is usually fun when about ten people play together. After all, the shrine is only a short distance away, and it goes back and forth very quickly. If there are more people, some of the people's screaming reactions will be greatly affected. Looking forward to it."

Koshigaya Natsumi said with a troubled expression, Chan said with a smile.

"It turned out to be like this!" Miyauchi Lianhua suddenly understood, showing a suddenly realized expression, admiringly said.


"What, your strange evil taste." Yuegu Xiaoju said with a straight face.

"Well, if it can scare me, I would look forward to it." Miyauchi Guanghua said with an arrogant smile.

"We want to be scared too!" Miyauchi Lianhua raised her hand and shouted expectantly.

Qingshan Qihai felt that it was time for him and Zhenbai to come, and he was suddenly involved in this strange village playing a weird game, silently thinking: "Is this no problem?"

Although she had already played similar games with her classmates in Tokyo, she never planned to participate in such a group activity ever since she encountered that group of white twisted monsters outside Tokyo.

"...Well, Zhen Bai, do you want to play such a game?" Qing Shan Qi Hai recalled how she had been chased in the rice field, and suddenly felt a little bit embarrassed. He looked at Zhen Bai beside him and asked in a low voice.


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