I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 398

As a result, Zhen Bai directly responded blankly.

"Um... It's really fun..." Qingshan Qihai suddenly turned blue and whispered.

"Since they are all here, let's have a good time together. You can also leave a pastoral memory of summer vacation here." Li Yan looked at Qingshan Qihai, who seemed to be lingering in his heart, and said with comfort.

At this time, Koshitani Natsumi immediately re-announced and said seriously: "Okay, then, re-announce, first choose the scary one, and then the others use the method of drawing lots, one by one, holding the flashlight to the shrine. , Put a five-yuan coin on the cash box, even if the clearance conditions are met, it's very simple, then... now... the participants will come forward and guess the box!"

As a result, the guessing and arrangements were quickly settled.

This time, the result was somewhat unexpected.Conna was given the scary task.

"It's really amazing, Kang Na, it's a scary job." Lian Hua praised with emotion.

"Really?" Conna asked curiously.

Koshigaya Xiaoju looked a little bit eager to cry without tears, and seemed to particularly wish that he could guess the punch, and asked in a low voice, "Why...why didn't I draw..."

"Look, a lot of people are going to grab it." Koshigaya Xiahai also coaxed Kang Na and said.


Realizing that it was really incredible luck, Conna immediately covered her cheek with both hands and said intoxicated.

Li Yan recently noticed that Kang Na seems to really like to say [unbelievable] this kind of mouth addiction, and it is not clear where she learned it from.

"That, Uesugi-sensei, Kang Na-chan plays a scary role, is it too young?" Miyauchi Ichiho asked with some care.

Li Yan was taken aback, and then said: "No, it won't. Kang Na's independent ability is still very strong. She lives in the mountains and the city by herself, she is also very smart, and she knows how to prank..."

He thought for a while, remembering Kang Na's identity, and hesitated for a while, always feeling that maybe Kang Na would definitely cross the line if he came to scare people.

"OK! Then it's settled!" Koshitani Xiahai directly patted his head to decide the next two, and said.

"Then, Cona, you have to do your best to scare us and cry." Miyauchi Guanghua said with a smile.

"I also look forward to the performance of the recruits, Corporal Kangna, this task is left to you!" Koshigaya Xiahai also encouraged.

"Really want to cry?" Kang Na asked them blankly.

"Haha, is there anyone else who is joking?" Koshitani Xiahai patted her chest and said confidently.


Li Yan always felt that this night seemed a bit troublesome.

Koshitani Natsumi looked at the others and said, "Then, it's our turn next, Sister Guanghua, let's draw lots first, and take Kangna to the shrine to show her the scary props. We draw lots one by one afterwards, and we always feel like it begins. It's fun."

"Well, everyone must finish the game quickly, not too late." Miyauchi Ichiho said with a smile.

Soon, all the individuals present had drawn lots.

"Teacher, which place did you get?"

Fujinomiya Kisili was very used to looking at other people's rankings, and then he moved to Li Yan's side and asked with a smile.

As a result, in the darkness before she could see who was the number one, she immediately noticed that Shiina Mashiro and Aoyama Qikai, who were not far away, were looking at her. I don’t know why, but Ming Maki and Nanami just looked at her curiously. That's all, but Fujinomiya Kimi became sensitive, and immediately subconsciously kept a small distance from Li Yan.

"...Eh, what's the matter?" Fujinomiya Kumi kept smiling, but his head was full of doubts.

"I'm the third." Li Yan said with the help of mobile phone lights.

"Ah, I am seventh." Fujinomiya Kumi said with a smile.

Soon, they all drew lots. As a result, Miyauchi Lianhua got the first place, but Koshigaya Natsumi was second, Li Yan came in third, Koshigaya Koju was fourth, and Miyauchi Guanghua was fifth. Qikai Aoyama is sixth, Fujinomiya Kiji is seventh, Shiina Mashiro is eighth, and Koshiya Taku is ninth.

At 7:20 in the evening, there was noisy laughter from the houses not far away. There has never been any weird legend or injury accident. In the final analysis, find a try in such a comfortable place. In a courageous place, the uninhabited shrines around the houses are the most ideal place.

"Lianhua, it's about to begin," Koshigaya Natsumi said.

"I know!"

Lianhua held the flashlight and said in a frantic manner.

As a result, she started holding a flashlight and started walking up the mountain alone.

"Then, Mr. 3, please protect Lianhua and Conna's work," Miyauchi Ichiho said to Li Yan with a smile.

I said at the beginning that no matter what order the lotus flowers are drawn in the palace, the oldest person needs to take care of the lotus flowers in the palace. In the past, it was usually Fujinomiya Kishi or Koshigaya Taku. It was Li Yan, a freshman, and these secrets were arranged before Li Yan came here.

"I understand." Li Yan nodded, and soon after Lianhua set off, he followed slightly.

"Come on, novelist teacher." Koshigaya Xiahai waved and said.

"Yeah..." Koshigaya Xiaoju, who had always hoped to be able to contact Li Yan, explained some of the rude words Xia Hai said before, finally did not have the courage to approach the opponent. Seeing the back of the opponent leaving, he sighed helplessly.

"Don't worry, the teacher didn't care about that at all, just talk to the teacher well."

Suddenly, Fujinomiya Kumi in the back showed a slight smile and whispered to Koshigaya Koju.

"Oh Amount……"

Yuegu Xiaoju was taken aback for a moment, then he felt a little relieved and nodded.

In the summer woods, fireflies are flying in the bushes and woods, and ancient shrines and torii are quietly erected in the woods. It takes about ten minutes for ordinary people to go back and forth, but the pace of the lotus in the palace is small, and they like to wander around. So after waiting for more than ten minutes, I didn't see Lian Hua and Li Yan coming back.

"It's boring to wait." Xia Hai said annoyedly, sitting on the grass.

"I don't think so." Yuegu Xiaoju said, a little nervous.

"Yeah...then, it just so happens that the young children are not here. Why don't you start the traditional courage test ceremony." Fujinomiya Kumi raised his hand and said.


Everyone looked at Fujinomiya Kumi, this flexible high school girl seemed quite familiar with how to operate this traditional Japanese game.

Koshigaya Natsumi immediately agreed and said, "Okay, okay, what kind of ceremony is it?"

"Telling ghost stories, usually before playing the courage test, you need to do this. On the one hand, it supports the atmosphere, on the other hand... it is to tell the monsters that we are curious about them and hope to see them... this way It's silly." Fujinomiya Kumi smiled and said with a flashlight shining his face.

A gust of night wind blew this group of junior high and high school-age students, and it seemed that some people who were originally timid suddenly felt a little horrified by the deliberately weird voice of Fujinomiya Kishi.

"Ah... forgive me."

"What, I have to tell ghost stories..."

Qikai Aoyama and Xiaoju Koshigaya hugged their heads, thinking in distress.

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