I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 399

"So that's the case, I didn't know that there was such a beginning, it did have a little impression." Koshigaya Xiahai said.

"I...I don't know, why not omit this step... how about it?"

Qi Hai Qingshan raised her hand and asked with a blue face.

"Oh, oh, don't the students in Tokyo know that when they play this in Tokyo, they will start to tell ghost stories. This is the essence of the whole game and cannot be omitted." Miyauchi Guanghua slightly covered her mouth. Said with a slightly mocking expression.

"Uh..." Qingshan Qihai couldn't tell, and she seemed so weak.

"..." Shiina Shiro seemed indifferent, sitting quietly on the grass, without saying a word.

"Hehe, Xiao Xiaoju looks scared enough. Really, do you really think there are ghosts, monsters, etc. in this world? Don't worry, there is no such thing in this world, scientist I’ve always stressed it, so I don’t need to be so afraid."

Koshitani Natsumi realized that her sister was already scared, and she immediately shook her palm and said with a slightly mocking expression.

However, not long after this sentence was spoken, Zhenbai, who had rarely spoken, spoke.

"Youkai and ghosts exist."

This sentence was gentle, but firm, and seemed to be saying something for granted. However, when it was said in such a tone, it was like a ghost story, which immediately made Koshitani Natsumi and others feel a chill and said.


Fujinomiya Kimi and others were not familiar with this beautiful blonde girl, they looked at her after hearing her affirmatively.

"Does it really exist?" Fujinomiya Kimi asked curiously.


Shiina nodded, and said, "I met Holmes several times."

"Holmes?" Koshitani Xiaoju was stunned for a moment. From just now, until now, they heard Shiina Zhenshi seem to call Li Yan Holmes.

"That...really white..." Qingshan Qihai noticed that Zhenbai seemed to say something, and stretched out a hand, trying to stop Zhenbai from continuing.

"How is it possible, ghosts or something, it's completely superstition." Koshigaya Xiahai said with a smile.

Shiina Mashiro said, "It's true, I mainly met three times."

However, just after the words used to strengthen the courage, Shiina Masashiro's firm tone made people who are looking for the banner of science to support their courage even more chilly.

It seems that Shiina's white expression, tone, and Nanami's hesitant expression all illustrate the authenticity of [Ghost Story].

"Um... well, then, if you don't mind, Shiina-san can use that experience as a ghost story as the opening remark." Fujinomiya Kimi is half-trusted, always thinking that it is possible that this beautiful Tokyo girl who does not change her face is talking about it. A master of ghost stories, not to mention that she also mentioned that Li Yan seemed to be among them, and she also had a strong interest in listening.

"That was last year."

Shiina Masashi took out the drawing paper in the bag, and while rustling painting, he whispered, "It's also this summer vacation. It's a bit hot and it rains often."

"In order to find the girl of Ugly Time in the woods, Holmes called me over to find the afterimage in the picture..."


The quiet wind blows on this long-lost street. Shiina Masaki’s voice tells the story very lightly, but the lighter, the more weird, it seems that he doesn’t even know Zhenbai. Describing a story without any emotion will be the best Horror storytelling method, because it is true enough

Shiina Mashiro and Li Yan went to track down the ugly daughter last year, and the headless rider's head-cut attack he encountered later, and He Nanami encountered a ghost attack on the wall in the farmland and was twisted by ghosts. All the chasing things were said.

However, there is one more thing that happened after returning and did not tell Li Yan about a strange experience. This is the first time Shiina Masashi revealed it.

"After returning to the dormitory, I once received a strange call." Shiina said.

"...Odd, weird call?"

Koshigaya Xiahai hugged her body tightly, her face was pale, and she asked in a low voice.

"..." Guanghua shivered in the palace, unable to say a word.

Shiina doesn't know that her story has already substituted most of the people into the atmosphere of horror, especially when she has seen the picture of the ugly woman peeping, and even the always calm Fujinomiya Mimi has the whole body It's chilly, I really don't know if it's true.

"However, this girl's painting skills are so amazing..." Fujinomiya Kisili thought somewhat unexpectedly.

"Yes, weird call." Shiina Masashi said calmly.

"That call was a very strange child's voice."

"Like a child, I can't tell if it's a man or a woman, just say a word."

"I'm Marie, now I'm at Seibu Shinjuku Station... I hung up after saying this."

Fujinomiya Kumi, Miyauchi Miyaka, and Koshitani Natsukai's eyes widened. This story seems to have been heard somewhere before, and I always feel that it is a bit too scary to say this here...

"The second call came back soon, and the phone said, I am Mary, and I am already in Erding West Street."

"Third pass, I'm calling again. My name is Mary. Now, I'm downstairs, ready to go up to find you..."

"Wait, wait a minute!!"

Koshitani couldn't bear it with some fear, and immediately stopped Shiina Mashiro's words. She almost finished listening to Shiina Mashiro's story, but even she couldn't stand it anymore and hurriedly called to stop.

"What's wrong?" Shiina asked, looking at her curiously.

"This, my sister from Tokyo...this, I think the atmosphere has already been said almost, so I don't need to talk about it!" Koshitani Natsumi hurriedly said.

"Don't you know what you said is so terrible, I don't dare to stay here now!" Miyauchi Guanghua clenched his fists, complained in horror, and said in a great tone.

Shiina was really blank for a moment, looked at them curiously, and asked, "Horror?"

However, in the end, the call could not be stopped. There were too many strange residents, angels, dragons, rebirths, and other residents of all kinds in that apartment building. Even the landlord was difficult to provoke. As a result, Shiina Shiro was finally It is not clear what happened.


Fujinomiya Kumi raised his head and looked at the pitch-black shrine, suddenly felt that he really did not dare to step into the darkness behind this torii...

She wanted to ask the teacher to think of a solution, but after looking at the teacher Ichiho Miyauchi, she saw the line of eyes, not sure whether she was awake or asleep, but after hearing her mumbling dreams, she realized This irresponsible teacher actually fell asleep.

"Huh, huh, huh... hehe, a lot of money..."

"Um..." Fujinomiya Kushimi looked at this unreliable teacher silently.

However, the most timid Qingshan Qihai and Yuegu Xiaoju had already plugged their ears and dared not listen. When they saw what they were saying like dumb, they were ignorant, but escaped.

"We are back!"

Suddenly, Lianhua in the palace ran down the stairs, her eyes gleaming, and she ran to them and said.

"How is it, horrible?!"

For a moment, Koshitani Natsumi hurriedly grabbed the lotus flower in the palace, as if grabbing a straw, asked eagerly.

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