I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 400

"Stare..." Lianhua in the palace opened her mouth slightly, staring at Koshiguki Xiahai blankly, and was silent for a while.

"It's fun," she said.

"So, it's okay, okay, the other party is just a first-year kid, not to be afraid!" Koshigaya Xiahai immediately patted her thigh, with a sense of excitement of the world's determination, and together with the palace Guanghua put hope on "Conna is just a kid" this one hopes.

"Well, I, I'm going up!" Yuegu Xiahai shouted at the stairs with a flashlight.

"Come on, come on, Xia Hai!" Gonguchi Guanghua was out of breath behind, smiling bitterly and cheering up.

"..." Koshigaya Xiahai swallowed and began to step up the stairs...

When Koshigaya Natsumi left, Fujinomiya Kushi suddenly realized that Li Yan, who was following Renhua in the palace, hadn't come back.

However, in about two minutes, Li Yan came down the stairs, but it seemed that he was extremely embarrassed, all covered with mud and weeds, dizzy.

"What's the matter, teacher?" Fujinomiya Kumi blinked and asked.

"No...nothing, just a little tired..."

Li Yan sat on the grass, speaking weakly, and said in a low voice.

"??" Fujinomiya Kushi felt a bit too exaggerated. He obviously only took care of a child for about 20 minutes. Is it really that miserable?

However, neither of them knew that in order to stop Kang Na's mischief, Li Yan almost exhausted his energy to lure Lianhua to stagger the horrible scenes and prevent Kang Na's interest in mischief.

This finally made Li Yan understand that Kang Na...really knows how to play...

[Goo, gooo, gooo!

The owl cooed in the woods, and the woods filled with an indescribable sense of weirdness.

"Um...what, what's going on, I always feel that this place is a bit unknown..." Koshigaya Xiahai hugged her body tightly, walked forward cautiously, muttering to herself in a low voice.

However, Koshitani Natsumi was walking and suddenly heard a footstep behind him.


Suddenly, Koshigaya Xiahai shocked all over, she really heard the footsteps following her.

"Ha, ha, ha..." Koshitani Natsumi's mind always echoed Shiina's voice telling ghost stories. She trembled and her breathing accelerated.

"Conna, don't pretend to be a fool..."

Koshitani Natsumi suddenly turned around, pushed out a palm, and shouted like a sumo wrestler.

However, behind him, there is no sign at all.

"Huh?" Koshigaya Xiahai blinked, and was stunned for a moment.

[Sha Sha Sha!!

Suddenly, the grass next to Koshigani Xiahai was shaking violently, and suddenly Koshigani Xiahai fell to the ground in terror, staring blankly.

She suddenly felt that she had underestimated Kang Na's strength, but after all she was the strongest wild boy in the village, Koshigaya Xiahai suddenly got up, pulled the grass away, and shouted, "This trick can't deal with me!"

However, after setting it aside, it was also empty and nothing.

Koshitani Natsumi did not notice that a nylon thread secretly taken away in the dark...

As a result, a gust of cold and cold wind was blowing behind Koshigani Xiahai. After taking the air again and again, Koshigani Xiahai, who had already weakened his legs, really didn't dare to look back.

I always feel that this wind is a bit unnatural...

In the end, she let out sporadic groans, turned her face pale, and illuminated the woods on the other side with a flashlight.

In the light, that one was hidden in the darkness of the woods, and that huge looming eye was peeping among the trees and observing Koshigaya Xiahai...

The flashlight in the girl's hand fell to the ground with a snap.

A period of silence...

"Wow ah ah ah ah ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

Even Mimi Fujinomiya and Miyauchi Koka at the entrance of the shrine were shocked by this scream, and it resounded almost throughout the mountain.

"No?!" Guanghua inside the palace turned blue and asked in a low voice.

As a result, from now on, no one dared to look down upon the first grader who came from Tokyo. Conna’s pranks were quite famous in her own school, and almost frightened everyone who participated.

After the final curtain call of the fireworks, everyone was relieved, and finally passed a very high-level courage test meeting, with a feeling of regaining a new life.

However, after everyone has experienced a horrible atmosphere, the instigator, Koshitani Natsumi, finally... has given up on the theme of writing fear novels...

Chapter 224 Pet Girl and Passerby Heroine



In the middle of the night, in the fields and grass outside the window, there was a croak of frogs and cicadas, as well as many unknown calls, almost like a summer symphony.

"It's noisy!!"

The bags under Qingshan Qihai's eyes turned black. It was already two o'clock in the morning. She came to the window and opened the window. Only the louder noise stimulated her fragile nerves.

"What's wrong?" Shiina asked, walking in.

"Zhen Baichan...Don't you think it's noisy here? It's a quiet countryside, which is said to be noisier than the voices of passersby in Osaka." Qikai Aoyama looked back at her weakly and complained.

Shiina was silent for a while, and looked at Nanami quietly, and said, "The first time I saw a noise that made you feel noisy."

"Don't think of me as someone who can sleep thunderously, like a dead pig..."

Aoyama Nanami glanced angrily at Shiina Zhenbai, and sighed.

Now, it is the second night in this place.

Although Qingshan Qihai felt that the scenery in this isolated rural place was really good at first, with small rivers flowing and green mountains and green waters, like a holiday resort.Li Yan and the people in the village greeted them and felt quite warm. Not only did Li Yan cook the food himself, the group of elementary school students and middle school students also took them to pick wild vegetables and fruits in the mountains and forests, and ate what they had never tasted before. Delicious river prawns, everything beautiful, the only shortcoming is that the farmland after the rain is really fried like a pan...

"Wait a minute, Zhen Bai, are you still asleep?" Aoyama Qikai closed the window, and the fan was swaying gently, blowing on this Japanese-style house for a few years, only to realize that Zhen Bai did not seem to sleep at all. , Asked.

"The Kagurazaka editor and the Mitsui editor all asked me to draw the new publication as soon as possible." Shiina Mashiro replied.

Qingshan Qihai was taken aback, and asked, "Uh, are you in such a hurry? You obviously only came back two days ago..."

Shiina nodded, she was still painting hard on the side of the room separated by sliding doors on the two floors inside and outside, and there was a pile of scraps that were crumpled up.

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