I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 404

However, when she quietly looked at the free website on the Internet about the selection of English essays from the University of Tokyo over the years, she suddenly noticed something in the window, and turned her head to look, drop after drop of crystal clear water. , Hit on the glass of the tram.

However, she did not bring an umbrella...



The sky was as dim as the evening, and it was raining heavily outside, and it was almost impossible to see a hundred meters ahead.

Surrounded by green mountains, the rain and fog make the mountains and forests greener and misty. Under a simple rural bus station wooden house, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu spent more than five hours to reach this place called Xuqiu. At this moment, he was strange. In the mountains and forests and highways, there are rice fields in the distance, and occasionally there will be white trucks passing by "whooping" in front of them. Such tranquility makes her a little curious and uneasy.

People almost always feel this way when they stay in a strange place...

"Is this the sacred place for Uesugi's teacher?" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu looked around for a while and thought.

Almost, this is a deserted place she has never seen before...

After inquiring about the name of the place with Kagurazaka Ayame, I thought it would be a small town, but the countryside is a little bit unlike Japan. In this densely populated country, the rain falls on the ground and splashes of white spray. There are farmland on the left and right of the road, and it seems that only 50 meters away is there a sparse residential street.

"Wait a minute, don't run in the rain!!"

Suddenly, Shiyu Xiazhiqiu, who was waiting for the rain to stop, heard a familiar voice.She was taken aback for a moment and looked over.

Soon, in a rainy and misty country street, a man in a raincoat hurriedly chased a few children in raincoats in a trot. There was a girl's noisy voice. As a result, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's eyesight was not bad. For a moment, The face of the youth under the raincoat and hat, who would it be if it wasn't Li Yan?

"Teacher?!" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was taken aback for a moment, and then she was surprised. She was still worried about finding Li Yan who hadn't notified her to come, but it seemed that the two had a good relationship and they would meet again at this moment.

"Ms. Uesugi!!!"

Immediately, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, who was standing under the rain curtain, immediately shouted at Li Yan, who was more than 20 meters away.

On the other hand, Li Yan, who was trotting on a country road with poor visibility, appeared to be in a hurry. He couldn't hide from the rain, and the sound of the rain was loud. He didn't notice the bus station in the distance. He paid more attention to the front. The safety of a group of little ghosts was just frowned and followed behind the children.

"Ms. Uesugi!!"

"Li! Li Yanjun!!!"

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu blinked, staring blankly at Li Yan's back, realizing that he could hardly detect this side, was shocked, and hurriedly continued to shout, but the rustle of rain was enough to cover her not. With a loud voice, the back of Li Yan and the others who watched hurriedly away...

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s face was getting worse and worse. She was afraid that after this encounter, if she waited until the rain stopped, she might have disappeared in this open mountain forest. In the end, she mustered her courage. , Wrapped his mobile phone in a waterproof pocket, and finally rushed out of the station that was a little leaking, and ran after Li Yan.

"Ahhh..." In just an instant, the clothes and hair that were originally dry became soaked, and the raindrops of the heavy rain hit her eyes, almost a little hard to open.

"Oops, how can this guy run so fast..."

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, who followed all the way, lowered her head slightly, squinted her eyes, and couldn't help but wipe her eyes with her wet hand several times, chasing Li Yan's footsteps with difficulty, but she found that the figure was more closely related to her. Farther and farther...

However, she gasped and stood in the heavy rain. It was just a short distance. She was chased and lost. It was quite difficult for people to run in the rain. However, these were nothing to Li Yan and the children who grew up in the village.


Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was standing in the rain scene, and she suddenly remembered that a few months ago, in such heavy rain, there was also a person who ran away carrying her all the way.

It turns out that doing this is so difficult and dangerous...

Walking along a road in the middle of the field, finally, under the cold rain, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu saw Li Yan’s black supra parked in a yard by the edge of a mountain forest. The two-and-a-half-story Japanese-style house is the house Li Yan rented.

Her hair was dripping with raindrops, and those rose-red eyes looked at this house, and she finally didn't lose sight of each other.

However, this time, it seemed that she was the most embarrassed in her life, just to catch up with a certain figure.

"Okay, teacher, after I enter the house, you have to entertain me, a guest from afar..." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu smiled, looking at the lighted house, thinking.

However, just as she approached the fence and was about to push the iron fence on the switch, suddenly, she heard the voice of a familiar girl.

"Hey, if you want to learn to paint, don't get the paper wet. After cleaning your hands first, I will teach you how to draw comics!"

Sawamura Hideri's voice came loudly from inside the house.


The rain baptized those white and delicate cheeks, and the hand that was about to open the door stopped moving.

The black rain falling from the black sky is so cold...

The door inside the house opened again, and Li Yan put the wet raincoats of a group of children in the village outside, but he noticed something and looked up at the iron fence door.

But there was no one, only the iron fence that was not locked was passed by, shaking slightly...


In the rain, a drenched girl wandered in an unfamiliar village. There was no one on the road. In the whole world, there was only herself.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu didn't know why, suddenly turned around and fled.

It seems that she really didn't expect that Eiri Sawamura would come here faster than her. This moment brought her too much psychological load, which made her feel embarrassed at this moment, and naturally chose to avoid it.

With her head down, she was walking aimlessly on the road among the woods and houses at the moment. In the end, Shiyu Kasumigaoka stood under one roof and took shelter from the rain.

Now, there is nowhere to go.

"Next, what should I do..." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu lowered her head slightly, thinking quietly.

It should be said that she was worrying. She was trying to calm down and get along with her savior once more, to see how the short-lived future could convey her gratitude to him and her caring mood to him. However, the appearance of Eiri Sawamura disrupted her plan once again.

History has always been so similar... It seems that God is destined to be destined for Kasumigaoka Shiwa and Sawamura Eriri are destined to be rivals, no matter she has chosen to start again, as a result, in the road, the golden double pony tail can always precede her. One step... and she also knows Ying Lili's mood. She is very close to Li Yan and regards Li Yan as a buddy, but after all, she and Ying Lili are still in such a similar situation. This is the key to the trouble.

The gray sky, the white rain and mist, the drenched clothes clung to the body, and the drops of water kept dripping...

Why, she felt that she was in a bad mood like the sky...

However, at this time, Shiyu Kasugaoka noticed that a figure was watching her. At this moment, an unfamiliar and cute girl with black hair, wearing shorts and a large T-shirt, holding an umbrella, stared blankly at her hiding from the rain. After looking at each other, this girl who was afraid of strangers was a little embarrassed.

I have to say that Shiyu Xiazhiqiu's aura is quite strong, even if she doesn't mean any hostility, she will always reveal a breath that is not easy to get close to.

"That... didn't you bring an umbrella?" The girl who could show a warm smile walked forward and asked.

"...Well, I'm here for the first time." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was silent for a while, showing a slightly indifferent expression, closing his eyes and replied.

This seems to be her most common attitude towards strangers. Keeping a certain sense of distance is a way to protect herself. It is also this kind of communication barrier. She actually did not have many good friends in high school. There are not many classmates who speak...even though many people think she is really good and try to get close to her.

This girl who was a little tall and chased her was a little nervous, and seemed to feel that Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was not good at communicating. She stubbornly continued to smile, and said, "Ah, that... are you from outside? If it is possible...Would you like to sit in the house? You seem to be soaked all over. If you hide from the rain here, you will catch a cold."


Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu quietly looked at this girl who looked a little shy and shy, and reacted like a child, then lowered her head slightly and said calmly: "Sorry, I may go back after the rain stops. Thank you. Kindness."

"Uh..." This girl with a beautiful face and a gentle personality was naturally a firefly who rushed to Li Yan's house. After all, Senior Sister Koshigaya called her to study comics with her, so she hurriedly braved the heavy rain and met To this beautiful beauty I have never seen before.

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