I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 405

It should be said that the strange girl who can be compared to the beautiful and beautiful Shiina-senpai who left the previous two days.

She saw the cute travel backpack commonly used by many girls in Tokyo, and now she didn't look like she was going to go back at all, but she just came here.

A firefly smiled and hid here together, using the child’s usual thoughts, always wondering if she had quarreled with her friends, and said in a nice and gentle voice: "...if possible, I can help you lead the way, although I It’s not a long time since I moved here, but I have known a lot of people, and I always feel that it’s a pity that you have just come here and go back in the heavy rain."

"is it……"

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu heard that she was really caring about her, and asked indifferently in her voice.

A firefighter nodded and said, "Well, friends, as long as you communicate with each other well, you can reconcile, or send a text message, and you will pass on the things you dare not say in words. It will reconcile, as I used to reconcile with my friends."

Long wet black hair and flawless cheeks with water droplets looked so stunning in the dim light.This deserted and arrogant girl seemed to be a little awakened by the words. She watched the rain stand in front of her feet continuously being dripped by the rain, and then took out the mobile phone that was not wet by the rain from her backpack.

"Yeah, I always find it boring to go back like this." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said thoughtfully while holding the phone.

However, she saw that the signal bar of her mobile phone displayed: [out of signal].

"Why there is no signal, is the water in?" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu checked her iPhone in surprise and asked.

"Um...No, here, there is actually no signal in the lower position. If you want to send a text message, you need to lift your phone. I often see Fujinomiya-senpai doing this."

"..." Shiyu Xiazhiqiu was shocked. The holiday writing destination chosen by the best-selling novelist Uesugan turned out to be an ultra-remote country without even a cell phone signal.

On the other hand, Ying Lili, who had just arrived in the morning, turned her face to look at the heavy rain outside the window, thinking that she was fortunate to have taken the tram early in the morning and came to Li Yan’s rental house as a guest before the rain.

However, by the way, when he picked her up, Li Yan was carrying a bunch of middle school and elementary school students he knew from the village. As a result, he accidentally revealed that he was rushing for the painting when he was speaking. People want to learn to draw illustrations.

"Ahem, I seem to hear it, did Shiina come over the other day?" Sawamura Eiri asked suspiciously at Li Yan who was wiping the floor.

"Yeah, the purpose is the same as you, it's all about gathering old friends." Li Yan said, lying on the floor, wiping the rain.

Sawamura Hideri was still wearing the Toyonosaki Academy uniform. To hide her unsuspecting mother, she looked at the Koshitani sisters, and Lori Conna and Lianhua, and said, "I thought you were already in trouble. It’s here. I’ve taken a leave of absence to come and see you. It looks like you’re having a good time now. There are a bunch of beautiful girls, and the houses are big. It’s just a real-life fate."

"What kind of predestined space, don't talk nonsense, if the kids hear it, maybe I will be sent to the police station directly!" Li Yan was startled and whispered a warning.

Eiri Sawamura sat in the living room boredly, with her hands on her cheeks, and said, "Okay, but I will have dinner at six o'clock in the afternoon. I plan to draw all night tonight, plus after Saturday and Sunday, a total of The five-day holiday is enough for me to get out of the latest two episodes of "Soul Eater" next month..."

Li Yan remembered something, and reminded with lingering fear: "Just don't paint that kind of thing, you know?"

"Of course I do."

However, at this moment, Li Yan's cell phone rang and a text message arrived.

He looked at it, and unexpectedly, it turned out to be a short message from Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu.

[Teacher Xia Shizi: Teacher Uesugi, I heard that you went to write in a rural place. How did you live there?


Li Yan was taken aback for a moment, he hesitated for a moment, and replied with a pretty good reply.

Soon, the phone received the second text message.

[Teacher Xia Shizi: Well, that's good.The sun was still shining brightly in the morning, and the sky was clear. Now it was densely covered with dark clouds, and it was raining like a bean, one by one, falling from the sky endlessly.Free flying flowers are as light as a dream, and endless rain is as thin as worry.This Chinese story seems quite suitable.

In that dim rainy scene, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu raised the phone a bit and clicked send.

She was facing a misty green mountain, and her wet bangs swayed slightly in the cold wind.

This time, she planned to quit for the time being. So embarrassed, she came to Li Yan. Maybe the other party wouldn't mind anything, but she always felt that she didn't want to show her in front of Ying Lili when she was in the worst condition.

There was silence for a while, five minutes, or ten minutes. No matter how time passed, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu sorted out his thoughts.

"...How's it?" asked a firefly who accompanied him with a nervous smile.

"..." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was silent. She glanced at this strange girl with a very kind heart. When she wanted to say something, suddenly, in the rain, a figure hurried past. However, this time, The figure saw her, and then looked at her blankly.


Suddenly, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu stared blankly at Li Yan, who was wearing a raincoat and holding an umbrella. She couldn't react at first, but then she gradually showed a look of consternation and shyness. Look at this one who found her.

"Sure enough, you are here." Li Yan held the umbrella, breathed a sigh of relief, and said while looking at her.

"How do you...you, you, you...how did you know that I'm here?!" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu looked at him dumbly, stuttering, and asked.

"This was discovered because of some details. At the door, the iron gate on the right is shaking, while the left is quite stable. It proves that someone wanted to open the door before but didn't come in for some reason. And the information revealed. Emotions, it means that teacher Xia Shizi is in a bad mood, maybe you are the visitor who does not enter the door. After reading Chinese, English and Japanese poems, teacher Xia Shizi, who has a strong Mandarin score, will suddenly quote ancient Chinese poems to prove You should have seen me... I have fought side by side with you after all, Teacher Xia Shizi, I can feel the content of your message."

Li Yan smiled and explained.

After reading the second text message, Li Yan roughly guessed this possibility. He was forced by Xia Shizi to stuff a set of "Love Metronome" and "Poems of Law and Administration", after reading what she likes to use After the poems and feelings, plus the previous understanding of her, you can almost understand her mood from the works.

--Ok?Where are you going, it's still raining outside?

Not long ago, Ying Riri was teaching Koshigaya Natsumi and others how to draw comics, and she saw Li Yan wearing a raincoat and asked curiously.

——I don't know if I guessed wrong... But be safe, I will go outside for a walk.

Li Yan stood at the door, covered himself with a rain cap, turning his head back and talking to Ying Lili with a nervous expression on his face.

"...It seems that I have a friend who is in a bad mood. I will pick her up. Then... after being able to warm up, tell me what happened, teacher Xia Shizi?"

Li Yan was jealous of her mood, stood in the rainy scene of ink and wash, and asked cautiously.


The wet Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu looked at him quietly, and finally lowered her head slightly, showing a smile.

She raised her head again, Xin but her cheeks were slightly flushed, and said calmly: "You found me again, teacher."

Chapter 226 Short Story Contest in Thunderstorm

The torrential rain stopped for the first time, but the sky was still full of black clouds. However, under the baptism of the typhoon, the world looked completely new and clear.The street lights on the road were lit up, and the rice fields and woods were quiet.

On the second floor of the house near the forest, there was a temporary room for Yinglili, but at this moment there was an extra bed.

The wet clothes were put on a clean clothes bucket, and they were washed at night. However, Kasumigaoka Shiwa, who had been soaked in the rain, finally put on clean clothes. Although Ying Riri lent her, they put them on. At that moment, the long-lost warmth and peace of mind made the wet and cold feeling completely disappear, and the body was warm again.

"It's great, it feels warm..."

When Kasumigaoka Shiwa breathed a sigh of relief, he realized that the rain in the mountains and forest seemed to be colder than in Tokyo and the city.

It’s almost time for dinner. Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu finally entered the writing base rented by Uesugi Yan. It should be said that Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu always feels that this house is not that old even her grandma’s country house. There will be a bang when walking, and after a rain, there will still be a slight smell of wood and mildew in the air.

The Japanese are quite sensitive to the taste. After the rain, they are a little calmer. The smell of soil and weeds are blowing in with the wind. She clearly does not like the taste, but she always feels quite cool.

The cooking sounds in the kitchen sounded, and it seemed that Li Yan's prepared meals were quite rich.


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