I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 406

As a result, while waiting for dinner, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu tugged on the clothes on her chest, as if breathing was a little uncomfortable, and silently said, "It's a bit narrow..."

"Your waist is too thick." Ying Lili, who was sitting on the side, looked at the reaction of Kasumigaoka Shiyu, and said angrily.

"Oh? No, Sawamura classmate, I think it's a certain classmate who has been stunted since childhood." Xiazhiqiu Shiyu said calmly to Yinglili.

"Hair, dysplasia, what do you mean?! And, you guy, my dress is already the largest size, don't mess with me."

When Lili heard it, she suddenly remembered her most sensitive body problem, her cheeks were red with anger, she gritted her teeth, and felt distressed about her clothes.

Shiyu Kasumigaoka looked through the window a little, looking at the beautiful scenery of the green hills, green trees, and red clouds that had been raining, and then turned his face slightly to look at Yinglili, and said with ease: "Don't worry, it's just a little bit small. ."

"Really, why do I have to live in the same room with you? And why did you come here? You are too leisurely as a prospective candidate who will have a college entrance exam next year?"

Eri Sawamura narrowed her eyes and stared at her, complaining.She never expected that one day she would share a room with the person she hated the most.

"You can rest assured, I have been sent to a university, so even if I don't review much, I don't need to worry about it at all." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said casually.

"The heinous delivery system is really a blatant social injustice." Ying Riri grew dissatisfaction and resentment towards Japanese society, and her own achievements became so-so and couldn't help but whispered condemnation.

"It's you..."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu looked at her, propped her chin with her hand, showing a serious look, and asked: "Why did you come here suddenly? Obviously, I heard that Kagurazaka-san said that you stopped the publication because of a cold before, and that's the case. Come here to teach children to draw cartoons?"

Sawamura Ying Riri's eyes widened, and then her tone became cold, and she asked back: "Wh...what, anyway, I have more reasons and qualifications than you to come here, I know him earlier than you. And I’m still his partner, so I’ll be the first.”

"...Why do you have to say the classic lines of "White Phase X", Sawamura-san, are you planning to swear something?"

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was taken aback, then smiled and said jokingly.

Ying Lili couldn't get angry, and said sternly, "No, these are my original words!"


After the rain, the breeze was blowing in the room. Shiyu Kasumigaoka quietly looked at the other Eiri Sawamura who was also preparing her room, and asked suspiciously: "Sawamura classmate, explain it in one sentence... …Are you just here to see your partner?"

"Otherwise? Of course. After all, I want to see what the otaku Li's own writing base looks like, but I always feel that the place and house he chose for the first time are slightly unique and old. Ying Lili quickly sat at her temporary work desk and responded.

"... Well, nothing."

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was silent for a while, but finally did not say any more.

It seems that the discussion is boring.

People's mood and personality are imperceptibly influenced by the environment, so Ying Lili's emotions seem to be a mystery...

"So, Sawamura still doesn't understand her nature very much... Doesn't she feel that her attitude towards Uesugi-sensei is quite unique?" Kasugaoka Shiyu thought, observing Yinglili, thinking.

To be honest, Ying Lili has always been a very emotional girl, but she herself did not pretend to be Li Yan at the beginning, nor was she self-willed like she was treating Ethics. The rational mentality touched her creative partner, without any psychological burden, nor too many emotional entanglements, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu had already taken a bit of admiration from the beginning.She can imagine that if Ethics is her partner and suddenly asks for revision, or suddenly denies her illustration work, this would be almost another devastating event.

And Li Yan, from beginning to end, should unswervingly regard Yinglili as the most important person in his heart. There is no one. Yinglili seems to have never noticed such treatment.

"If you don't change it, you always like to have a strong personality when it is critical, but you will suffer in the end." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu looked at this slightly frowning blond girl with two ponytails and reminded.

"Good afternoon, teacher, excuse me!"

Suddenly, at the door, a girl's voice shouted loudly.

Ying Lili and Kasumigaoka Shiyu were taken aback for a moment, and then looked over, only to see a strange girl.

As a result, Fujinomiya Kushi carried two bags of food and walked in with a smile, and soon saw the two girls waiting to eat in the living room.

"Ah! The two classmates are friends of the teacher who came here specially from the city today? The first time I met, I was Fujinomiya Kishi who lives in the village. Now I am sending some vegetables to Uesugi."

Fujinomiya Kumi smiled politely, bowed slightly, and said.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu looked at the strange girl and said, "Hello, my name is Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, I am in the third grade."

"My name is Sawamura Yinglili, in the second year of high school, please advise me." Sawamura Yinglili immediately turned into a gentle eldest lady, and said with a smile.

"Yes, please give me your advice, Kasumigaoka, Sawamura." Fujinomiya Kimi responded gently.

She had heard Sister Yuegu say that there were two more beautiful beauties from the city in Li Yan's house. Now when she saw them, almost some of them made her feel more beautiful than the big beauties she had imagined, plus the mixed girls before. Shiina is really white, she always feels that Li Yan is really a sinful guy.

"Fujinomiya-san, you are here."

Suddenly, Li Yan opened the kitchen door and asked.

Fujinomiya Kumi handed two bags of vegetables up and said, "Hey, teacher, this is the spinach and green peppers that I grow at home. I just picked them off. Because it rains, I’m afraid of being flooded, so I picked a lot. , Give you one part."

Green peppers, spinach...

Just hearing these names made Yinglili, who was kneeling at the dinner table, narrowed her eyes into a line. These are the types of vegetables she least likes to eat.

"Also, it's this bag!" Fujinomiya Kumi handed a white bag to Li Yan and said with a smile.


Li Yan was taken aback for a moment. After he got the result, he opened it and his face suddenly became a little embarrassed.

"What are these?" Ying Lili put all her hopes on this bag of food, and she immediately followed and took a look. As a result, her originally white cheeks suddenly turned blue with fright.

"Ah ah ah ah, what is this?!" Ying Lili suddenly stepped back, pointing to the bag of things, and asked in surprise.

"It's nothing, it's just a bunch of undead spiral swords." Fujinomiya Kumi reached out his hand to try to stabilize Ying Riri's emotions, explaining.

"What kind of spiral sword?! It's just ordinary stone snails, these snails can be fried very fragrant..." Li Yan immediately corrected Fujinomiya Kiji's strange explanation, and said to Yinglili.

"Yes...because of the heavy rain today, when I came back, I saw a lot of stone snails washed out. I thought that the teacher would like to eat it, so I grabbed some. These are mainly for Kangna sauce and teacher to eat. ...Actually, I think it sounds delicious."

Fujinomiya Kumi smiled slightly and explained.

"Well, it's delicious." Kang Na, who has been playing with chopsticks, also followed.

"As far as I know, snail meat is actually added to the sushi." Shiyu Kasanooka said without disgust.

Sawamura Ying Riri's face was full of fear. She shook her head vigorously and said firmly: "No, no, I can't get used to such things at all!"


At night, it was pitch black outside the window, the sky roared, and the strong wind blew up, as if heavy rain was approaching.


Fujinomiya Kumi stared blankly at the pile of snail shells piled up at the table of Yingli Li, who had just been taken away. He always seemed to understand that this person, who was also known as Eri Sawamura, was quite interesting.

"...How much, there is also the blood of the British Empire." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu thought.

"Cough cough..." Sawamura Ying Riri coughed awkwardly, her white cheeks slightly flushed.

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