I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 407

"By the way, two people, I have an appointment with the group of children in the village today. I will play at the teacher's house today. If you don't mind, let's play together. The more lively the better."

Fujinomiya Kumi smiled and suggested.

"That group of kids here in the afternoon...no, that group of junior high school students, I'm very welcome." Sawamura Ying Riri said with a sweet smile.

"..." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu sighed slightly, always feeling that Ying Lili's lifestyle was super tired.

"That's good, they will be here in about a few minutes."

Fujinomiya Kumi breathed a sigh of relief, and then said somewhat happily.

Li Yan looked at the beaming atmosphere in his living room. In such a thunderous weather, being able to gather so many people in his home was a pretty good experience.

I don’t know why, seeing this scene, he recalled a little bit when he was a child and lived in a village. At night, the lights were not bright, there was no playmate, and there was no TV to watch. At that time, the deepest feeling was that loneliness.Therefore, he never hated the lively atmosphere.

"Being able to bring Kang Na, Ying Lili and Xia Shizi teachers can also come and accompany me, maybe it is the main factor that makes my writing environment more comprehensive."

Li Yan stood at the door of the kitchen, wiping his hands with a towel, thinking with some delight.

However, there is not much time for him to sigh with emotion here in the past. After he packed up the kitchen items, he walked towards the stairs and said to them a little bit: "Then, I have cleaned up the kitchen and utensils. Yes, you guys have a better chat here, I'll go to work first."

"Well, go for it," Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said.

"Hmm, come on." Ying Lili also looked at him and said encouragingly.


Fujinomiya Mushi stared at Li Yan blankly. If there was something on his mind, he waited until Li Yan got up the stairs before asking, "Well, Uesugi-sensei seems to be busy writing novels ever since he came here."

"Of course, he came here for writing after all." Sawamura Ying Riri smiled and explained.

Just when Fujinomiya Kimi thoughtfully, the sound of opening the door came from the door.

"Jiang~jiang!! We are here."

Koshitani Natsumi and Koshitani Koju, as well as Lianhua in the palace, a firefly and Koshitakura came here, and Koshitani Xiahai's loud voice suddenly shouted.

"Welcome, remember to put the raincoat outside." Fujinomiya Kumi said.


A group of people responded and walked in. As a result, they all saw Ying Riri Sawamura who had known each other at noon, and the mature female high school student whom only one Hotaru knew.

As a result, it was another incredible beauty, so Koshitani Komari and others had almost the same emotion as Fujinomiya Mimi.But this time I finally saw an authentic local Japanese beauty. I always feel that the figure of this urban girl from afar can almost beat all the Asahi hill girls in this house...

"Well, what about the teacher?" Yuegu Xiaoju asked suspiciously.

"I'm writing a novel again." Koshigaya Xiahai also said boredly.

In the room on the second floor close to the stairs, Li Yan’s homework is close to a white-hot stage. I could play with them a little bit, but recently, it has completely become an expansion of creating in the room all day long. Up.


Suddenly, everyone sitting together at the table in the living room heard the dull thunder, and there was a flash of light outside from time to time.

"...It seems to be raining again." Yuegu Xiaoju said, looking out the window.

"We just took a shower and said." Miyauchi Lianhua raised her hand and announced.

"Yes, yes, if we really can't go back, let us go back in the teacher's car. That black car is really cool!" Koshitani Xiahai said with vision.

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu looked at the sky slightly, always feeling that the thunderstorm weather affected by the typhoon, such lightning flashes, really is not suitable for turning on the appliance.


Suddenly, a thunder that shook the sky directly cut through the night sky and suddenly appeared, making the house black and white for a time.

When Li Yan on the second floor was struggling to code words, he was also frightened by this earth-shattering thunder and lightning. It seemed that the thunder fell very close, so this flash of light and thunder was so intense that it almost made the village shaky.

However, what is even more frightening is that the computer in front of Li Yan made a [Zi] sound and went out, and the entire village was plunged into darkness. It seemed that the village's power grid was destroyed by this lightning.

"..." Li Yan looked at his computer monitor blankly, his eyes were a bit bloodshot, and he could clearly smell a faintly burnt smell...

In the darkness, after the screams of a group of people on the first floor, calm quickly recovered, and they were startled in cold sweat.

However, Shiyu Kasumigaoka and Eiri Sawamura soon realized the consequences of the power outage. They looked at the second floor curiously. They didn’t know whether Li Yan’s room on the second floor was affected by such a lightning strike. What impact...

"Ah ah ah ah, my saved manuscript!!!"

Suddenly, Li Yan's heartbreaking howl came from the second floor.

"..." Everyone looked at the direction of the second floor with doubts and did not understand what had happened, but only Ying Lili and Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu could understand. It seems that someone's laptop really suffered...


"so far so good……"

In the living room, Li Yan disassembled the burned laptop and looked at the save. After borrowing a little Yinglili computer for testing, it was still able to be used, and the save was only lost by twenty. Just a paragraph written in a few minutes.

This is already a blessing in misfortune, Li Yan breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile.

"It's great. Looking at your distressed and anxious expression just now, I thought you would cry out." Ying Lili said with a smile.

"How is it possible? Even if the hard disk is broken, there are some ways to copy the information inside..."

Li Yan narrowed his eyes and said.

However, at this moment, a drawer is lit in the living room to store candles for more than many years. Under the lighting of a candle, the living room looks a bit dim. However, the roaring wind and rain outside seems to have more of the breath of summer night in the country. .

"Okay... I can't play the game console, and I can't watch the TV. Wow, it's completely boring!" Koshitani Xiahai complained, lying on the table, holding her head.

Conna looked at the sky outside the window and said, "So, Conna will come to drive away the dark clouds..."

"Dark clouds or something, can you drive them away?" Lianhua in the palace looked at Conna blankly and asked.

"No! Cough cough, Kang Na, don't talk nonsense." Li Yan suddenly became anxious, and then whispered to Kang Na again.

"Then, I have a proposal."

Suddenly, Fujinomiya Kishi said.

"?" Everyone's eyes looked at the Zhiduoxing girl under this dim sheen, and it was not clear what way she would relieve her boredom this time when the power was cut off and the wind was raining.

"I just heard that Sawamura is a cartoonist and he is very good at drawing. However, Xia Zhiqiu also seems to be writing novels. He is traveling with the teacher. When the power goes out at night, it is the best time to tell stories. If you can, I hope that two student writers will have a story-telling contest. How about this one suggestion?"

Fujinomiya Kimi asked with a smile.

"...Wait...Wait a minute." Ying Riri was shocked when she heard it, and whispered to stop it.

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