I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 409

Under the candlelight, Shiyu Xiazhiqiu with a calm face and Ying Lili, who covered her face and shook her head, almost became a sharp contrast.

"Teacher, since it's the rules, should we follow the rules?" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu quietly looked at Li Yan under the candlelight and asked.

"...Well then." Li Yan reluctantly agreed.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's heart is looking forward to this competition even more, and even the previous hopes for the victory and defeat are not so strong. In this informal "stage", he can learn about the love series prepared by Li Yan. It is undoubtedly a surprise.

"Then, I will start the first short story." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu sat on the soft cushion in the center, bowed slightly to the people around, and said.

This kind of opening statement, like Rakugo, made everyone feel quite formal.

"The name of the story is "A Young Girl on the Field and Skyline."

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu looked at the Yuegu sisters and others, and said.

Suddenly, Fujinomiya Kumi, Koshitani sisters and others all brightened up, and they all thought this name was very interesting.

"It's amazing. The guy Xia Zhiqiu grabbed the mainstream perspective of the market and started writing novels in the first step, and he also understood that they didn't know much about the local customs in the city, so he went directly to the rural background. "

Ying Lili looked at Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, and thought quietly.

"After school, the scenery that greets Sai-kun will always be a light field, whether it is sunny, rainy, or even snowy, the scenery going home is so long and peaceful..."

"After graduating from high school, leaving the countryside and leaving this endless paddy field is the dream of this man who does not intend to succumb to a teenager, but he does not have many extraordinary talents, and maybe even the university may not be able to pass the exam. In the new semester, a girl who transferred from the city came to the class."

"The girl's face is quite beautiful, she is a student from Yokohama, her personality is a bit serious and rather old-fashioned, she seems to come from a wealthy family from her dress..."

A wonderful story always has a characteristic, and that is to create an interesting contradiction.

Li Yan knows that this kind of routine, whether it is Chinese or foreign novels, has two sentences that are quite useful. One sentence is [No contradiction, no book]. The story always needs contradictions. The ordinary contradictions are almost not a story. Whether it is a daily-oriented novel or a combat novel, it is to solve one contradiction after another and continue the plot. Human beings like to find a kind of reverie and resonance from books.

There is another sentence, "I feel the same way", Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's opening narration directly integrates three important backgrounds into the story, which is undoubtedly a very clever trick.The background elements of the country and the city, the elements of contradictory thoughts between teenagers and girls, and the special writing that left suspense at the beginning, this is the better development of the story.

The setting of the story is very important, especially the beginning part. It is simple and clear to unfold the characters, settings, and suspense. This is the successful beginning of the novel. Many new writers can't even grasp the writing of this beginning clearly. Many crude light novel stories tend to pay more attention to explosive writing at the beginning, but without the readers starting to understand what the book is saying, on the contrary, it is impossible for people to read it from the beginning.

In short, it is a beautiful and understandable story that can begin to change, but it never leaves its origins.

Immediately afterwards, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu taught the second classic writing method.

"Because after experiencing such a simple thing after knowing each other, Sai-kun, who lives in the country, is the only pseudo-friend of Suzuki who is serious and afraid of life, so Suzuki gradually began to make a little fuss about things that the country did not understand. Ask Sai-kun..."

After Xiazhiqiu Shiyu perfectly arranged the front end of the story and the plot of the first encounter, he began to describe the anecdote of urban girls not understanding the daily life of the country as the details of the story.

For example, the redness and swelling after being stung by a bug is considered to be a skin allergy, and Sanae in the rice field is considered to be leeks. This series of rich daily and artificial daily development is almost like watching a movie, watching the two living environments separated by distant The two of them walked down step by step, vividly speaking out the beauty and fun of the country, almost like a movie before everyone's eyes...

The description of the details is also the top priority of the novel. No book can bring out the interesting content of the setting like the outline. Success or failure lies in writing and thinking. It can "write" the beauty of the country and the city. The complexity and the contradictions of people's hearts are extremely difficult things, but Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu is quite comfortable.

This kind of exciting ability to talk about emotional plots at will, even Li Yan is a bit ashamed, really powerful.

Everyone will have the brain in the story, and it may be really interesting, but if the brain and creativity are not processed well, no matter how good the gold is, it will become a piece of scrap iron, not a handicraft. Therefore, the writer is not so much a creation. It's better to be the processor of the story.

As a result, the turning point soon began. The differences between the family and the environment that had been foreshadowed before began to manifest. The young man named Sai finally saw his state of mind. The city he had longed for seemed to be the most terrifying battlefield in his eyes. In order to retrieve the Suzuki who was forcibly brought back by the wealthy family, the power of the village, and his own efforts, the story was sublimated all at once. In the end, the story of the village campus still continues. It seems that nothing has changed, but the story is so impressive. So remember...

"Then the story ends here, thank you everyone."

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu bowed slightly and said thanks.



"Isn't there, there should be a follow-up, right?!"

Suddenly, among all the audience who were obsessed with listening, it was Koshitani Xiahai who broke the tranquility first, and she asked nervously with a very unwilling look.

"It's a short story after all, the story ends here," Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said.

"...I think you should just write this material into the next book, right? It's not over yet, right?" Ying Lili was obviously attracted to it, she just saw it and finally took it back. Continuing the beginning of life, but "turning over" the next page, it ended, it was cut in half.

"Really, if I write it out, will Sawamura classmate buy my book?" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu glanced at her and asked.

"Buy, buy, buy, let me pay!" Ying Lili was a little unwilling, but still said with a somewhat helpless annoyed expression.

"It's amazing..." Fujinomiya Kishi thought with some horror.

It should be said that she is like a professional creator. If this story is a novel, she might really buy the full set.

"It's really a wonderful story, but after all, it's a good short story. If you are interested in the future, you can let Xia Zhiqiu students continue to create, then..."

Fujinomiya Kumi smiled, looked at Li Yan, and said, "It's the teacher's turn to fight back. If the teacher tells you more than Kasumigaoka's classmates?"


Li Yan was silent, Ying Lili on the side stared at Li Yan with a worried expression, always feeling a little suspended.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu stood up, and waited and see what the love novel written by Li Yan would look like...

Immediately afterwards, Li Yan hesitated for a while before sitting on the cushion, and finally felt the heat on the cushion. Thinking that this was the residual heat of the beautiful girl, Li Yan sat a little uncomfortable and felt too distracted.


Li Yan looked at them, bowed slightly, and said, "My story is called "Little God".

"Little god?" Yuegu Xiaoju asked, slightly taken aback.

"Isn't it a love story?" Koshigaya Xiahai asked with her cheek supported.

"But I always think it's a cute name," Ichichi said with a smile.

Kang Na's face turned dark, and she raised her head to look at Li Yan, and said, "Isn't it about Jehovah?"

"No, no, no, it's a god from a Japanese shrine. I want to use the native Japanese culture to tell a story." Li Yan shook his head and explained.

"..." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu looked at Li Yan suspiciously, what kind of story was he going to tell?

"A serious traffic accident occurred on a highway in a bustling city."

Li Yan began to talk.

"The female junior high school student named Tsuruta accidentally had a car accident during her second-year final exam. The reason was that Tsuruta saw a passing kitten. I rescued the kitten and was seriously injured..." Li Yan said while thinking about it.

Lianhua in the palace, the Koshigaya sisters and others felt that such an opening was a bit too sad, and their faces were serious.

"Tsuruta was seriously injured and was taken to the hospital. However, a few days later, Tsuruta woke up... But the moment she woke up, she saw her body, she was floating in the air. I saw the one who was lying on the white hospital bed and could only rely on medical equipment to sustain himself..."

Li Yan's third sentence opened the core of the story, and in an instant, the taste of the story was a little different, which made everyone pay attention.

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