I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 410

However, the progress of this story made Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu stare at Li Yan blankly.

Why do you use the soul to get out of your body?

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu looked at Li Yan's eyes, always feeling that he was not making up a story, but pushing something out after revision.

After all, she knew that Li Yan was probably blown up like this by the girl she liked, and then came here after her soul came out. It is not clear what happened in the middle, but this topic will undoubtedly be the last thing Li Yan wants The story involved.

"She doesn't know exactly what happened to her, but the human soul is very light, so when investigating indiscriminately, she was accidentally blown by the strong wind outside the hospital window. The faraway place is getting farther and farther away. When I come back to my senses, I no longer know where I have been."

"It seems that Tsuruta's soul is not a complete ghost, so it can't float high. It seems that he is heavier than some air. It can only float in the low air. As a result, he knows nothing. The place is lonely and helpless. This lively and cheerful girl misses her family’s soul and wanders in the endless forest, looking for a way out."

The rustling of rain, some dim surroundings, and cold surroundings seemed to be quite similar to He Tian's situation.

"Finally one day, her call was answered. To my surprise, at the edge of the forest, she met a ghost who had died for decades. He took her out of the forest and came to a place. Ghosts live, and the streets that humans cannot see..."

Li Yan pondered for a moment, and said, "At that moment, the kind spirits started to help her go back. Because they were just vegetative people who lost their souls, so as long as they persisted in resisting the difficulties and returned to the body, they would be able to He came back to life and returned to his family. As a result, Harada...no, Tsuruta's journey to retrieve his body began like this."

"..." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu quietly looked at his eyes, and seemed to have noticed the possibility of thinking and terrifying.

This, at all, is not a story currently compiled by Li Yan...

It is the wonderful story that Li Yan really knew a girl named Harada who had been involved in a car accident and changed that experience slightly to fight against Xiazhiqiu Shiyu...

Chapter 228 A Perfect Story Ending

It's not so much a new story, it's better to say that this is a dream that Li Yan remembered vaguely in his consciousness.

Li Yan once had a very hazy dream. He almost forgot most of the so-called ghost faces, the scenery of the place, and the many words he had said.

Now that I think about too many stories, I feel that it is difficult to fight against Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu. In his thinking, Li Yan tells the story of a man and woman that he thinks is a little beautiful. Probably, as long as it is a beautiful story, it is counted as [love] Subject it.


The sound of rain came from outside the window, and the Sunny Day doll hanging on the edge of the window was constantly swaying. Some dim lights made the house look warm and safe. Everyone was listening to Li Yan's story quietly.

The progress of the current story is fairly smooth, although the concepts of [vegetable] and [soul] are somewhat incomprehensible for Lianhua in the palace, but they always feel quite magical.

"That uncle ghost is like a social volunteer who is specifically responsible for telling souls who don’t know he has passed away, and persuading them as soon as possible to make them become Buddhas. However, he can vaguely see that Tsuruta is not He did not really die, but there is no definite way to help Tsuruta return to his body..."

Li Yan looked at them and said quietly: "For souls who have forgotten even their own memories, how can they find a way to return to their own city and their bodies? Even if everyone wants to save Tsuruta, facing secretly Tsuruta, who misses his family, has to do something, but it is so vague to find a place where vague memories exist in such a huge world."

"However, in the end, in the process of finding a solution, the ghosts still found a bad idea that was not very reliable."

"...Well, what's the bad idea?" Koshigaya Xiaoju, who was afraid of ghosts and monsters, asked curiously.

"That is to find the resentful spirits who died with resentment, and use their resentment against the world, so that they cannot become a Buddha, stay in this world, and absorb the resentment of the world, they have more powerful power, more powerful than ordinary ghosts. Ability to remember things, protect the fragile soul to travel around the world, and find Tsuruta's body."

Li Yan looked at Yuegu Xiaoju and said, "It seems that the ghosts of resentment are heavier and will not be blown to the end of the world by the wind. Therefore, if you ask for help from the resentful spirit, it is a better choice. The method is stupid. It's a bit stupid, but in the streets where there is no use waiting for the ghosts to become Buddhas, you can think of the most effective way..."

"..." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu listened quietly, sometimes looking at Li Yan at night when the rain was rustling.

"As a result, they were able to think of such a method because in an abandoned hut on this street, there is a semi-resentful spirit inhabiting, that is, they are still rational, not harming the world like a completely resentful spirit, but full of The ghost of resentment."

At that moment, the method was decided by the ghosts, and the ghosts of the street gathered in front of the house where the ghost who didn't know where it came from, exuding resentment and resentment lived.

Many ghosts dared not approach the Wraith, but in order to find her body and return to her family, a girl named Tsuruta still mustered up the courage to break into the house where the Wraith lived. Drive out rudely.

"However, it seems that the resentful young man has not lost his nature. It also seems that the young girl named Tsuruta is too kind and cheerful. She was rudely driven out again and again, but went again and again. Trying to persuade and pray, rekindle the desire to live, and finally confirmed the old saying that hard work pays off. Finally, at the request of Tsuruta and many ghosts, the soul has become a black ghost. The youth finally agreed and hoped to go back. Look at the meaning of life, look for things like hope, and leave the familiar streets with Tsuruta and set off for possible destinations."

Li Yan’s story is not so fluent to say. It is different from the wonderful daily campus stories of Xiazhiqiu Shiyu. The ghost story is full of mystery. Later, when Tsuruta and the wraith youth searched for their bodies in different cities, they also There are many touching and right and wrong encounters, the constant ties and emotions between strangers and ghosts, and every city has some exciting stories.

In the end, after going through four or five exciting small stories, it turned out that Hetian and the Wraith Youth were in a small city hundreds of miles away from their original destination. After all the hardships, they found Hetian’s Body.


Suddenly, when he heard the experience of Tsuruta and the Wraith Youth's hardships, suffering in the world, sorrows and joys, and finally managed to get back to the hospital, they seemed to be exaggerated by their feelings. Excited by it, one after another sighed with surprise.

The story, when it comes to infecting the audience, this story is really successful.

"..." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu quietly watched everyone's reactions, including Ying Lili, who seemed to be in a better mood, and couldn't help showing a slight smile.

"It really deserves to be Uesugi-sensei." She thought silently with a smile.

However, the more careful Kasumigaoka Shiba, Fujinomiya Kiji and Ichijo Ichikawa vaguely thought of this story. This story is called "Little Gods". It was said for about 20 minutes. The story is quite tortuous and full of ethereal. And a wonderful journey, but unfortunately, the god did not appear.

"But things didn't go so smoothly..."

Li Yan looked at the happy everyone, then suddenly changed the conversation, and continued the story behind.

"..." The expressions of all the rejoicing audiences suddenly changed, and they looked at him a little nervously, feeling that the progress behind the story was not very good.

"It seems that Tsuruta's body is due to heart failure. It seems like this. When Tsuruta's body was finally found, the body was almost impossible to save. The young man who heard this news finally pulled Tsuruta. His hand rushed to the ward, returning Tsuruta's soul back to the body, but...in the end, Tsuruta returned to the body in only three minutes, miraculously woke up, and did the last thing with his family. After saying goodbye, he really passed away."

Life, originally a story of ups and downs, will never happen to Karvin, in the dark, the most perfect story is written in every life.

As a result, some real biographies and stories are so tearful and empathetic.

Therefore, stories and novels are the emotional sublimation from life...


The living room returned to calm. The sound of rain and thunder at night seemed to spread in the living room with a somewhat sad atmosphere.

"He Tian became a real ghost. As a result, there was nowhere to go. The Wraith Youth finally took her back to the ghost street where the warmth was. When he returned, it took another month to guide the undead. The uncle has become a Buddha, and many familiar and good people have already left this world, leaving this resentful young man with her quietly."

Li Yan's voice was calm, as if talking about someone's past.

"After a while, Tsuruta, who has been completely let go, finally starts to glow. This is like other ghosts, a sign of Buddhahood..."

——[I always feel that I am about to become a Buddha...]

——Yes, almost, you should also be free from missing, Tsuruta.

——Your Japanese, after a few months, you have learned a lot...you can make fun of people.

——[So, you can rest assured.

——Finally, I have one more thing to do so that I can leave this world without any worries.

——What else is there?

——That, take me to the shrine.

This is a brief conversation between the girl and the resentful youth.

Hetian has always been worried about his bad temper, his personality is a bit homely, and he doesn't like to deal with others, but he is indeed a spooky resentful young man who is cold outside and hot inside, because it is said that a soul ridden with resentment cannot die. She couldn't be reborn in any way, and as a result she was going to give the Wraith Youth the final reward.

The girl who was about to become a Buddha staggered and flew towards the nearest abandoned shrine. The young wraith did not dare to touch the girl who exuded Buddha's light. Eventually, the wraith still followed up. As a result, she was under the abandoned shrine match cash box. , The shining girl hugged the Wraith Youth.

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