I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 412

The sky is cloudy and changing, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's red eyes looked at him calmly, her tall figure alternated in the moonlight and the darkness, she smiled slightly, talking about the perfect plot she wrote.


Li Yan could not understand her words, the realistic novel she wanted to write...

"Probably, this will be the story I want, thank you, Teacher Xia Shizi."

Li Yan was silent for a moment, and said to Xiazhiqiu Shiyu.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's long black hair was flowing in the wind, smiling quietly, and said, "Please take care of yourself, teacher."

During the first summer vacation at university, the memories left to Li Yan were not the same as originally expected. I originally thought that I would stay quietly in a beautiful countryside, write my work smoothly, and return it well. Long-awaited readers, this is a sufficiently perfect future.But in the pastoral life, with the patronage and encouragement of friends, a profound and unforgettable new time passed.

A few days later, Shiwa Kasumigaoka and Eiri Sawamura quickly boarded a tram heading south in the early morning, and they returned to the school to continue their classes together, leaving Li Yan alone here again. .

However, Li Yan's summer vacation time is gradually coming to an end. In the work experience of racing against time, Kang Na's summer vacation seems to have come to an end...

Chapter 229 Light Novelist and Realistic Editor


The sound of crickets in the field one after another, the hot air filled this wooden building, no matter how the fan was blowing on the body, the unavoidable heat still made this young man sitting in front of the computer somewhat unbearable.

The days without air-conditioning are indeed quite uncomfortable, which makes Li Yan once again have to admire the scientific workers who invented products such as air-conditioners, and cleverly use the energy principles of physics to enable humans to control natural forces such as heating and cooling.Perhaps people in the world have become accustomed to such inventions and don't care about it, but he studied physics at Dongda University, but he felt quite emotional in the inner suffering at this moment.

"I really want to use the air conditioning in the Supra to cool myself down, but that guy's fuel consumption is a bit too high..."

Li Yan was sweating all over, squinting his eyes and thinking.

After all, he is only temporarily living here. If he settles down for a long time, he may buy an air conditioner and use it directly.However, in a few days, until the day before the start of the University of Tokyo, he will say goodbye to this place completely.

At the beginning, Shiina Mashiro and Aoyama Nanami visited, to the nearest Sawamura Eriri and Kasumigaoka Shiba, this house has always been full of lively and energetic atmosphere. It is clear that the environment on this side cannot be compared with Tokyo, but this week For more time, it is much more lively than his apartment in Tokyo.


Li Yan was silent for a while, temporarily put aside his work, and looked at the few residential lights in the dark mountains and trees outside the window. He vaguely realized that he had some nostalgia for here, and he was reluctant to leave Here.

The idyllic environment is not as boring as imagined. Perhaps during this period of living, Li Yan gradually fell in love with this peaceful and extraordinary place...

——Ding Dong!

Suddenly, Li Yan's new computer issued a clear email alert, and the name of the sender popped up in the lower right corner, which immediately attracted Li Yan's attention.

Sawamura Sayuri.

"Miss Zecun?" Li Yan was taken aback, thinking.

He immediately opened the email and looked at Sayuri Sawamura, who hadn't heard from him for a while, and suddenly asked him something.

There was a compressed package in the mailbox. As a result, after Li Yan unzipped the file, there was a TXT file and a few electronic photos in that folder. As a result, he first opened the TXT and read the content inside, only to understand that Zecun was a period of time. What is Sayuri doing?

The content of Sawamura Sayuri’s email told Li Yan that she is currently in Los Angeles, the United States, participating in the illustration background design work of a game studio. In view of the fact that the latest series of "Monster X-Man" is released in America, Sawamura Sayuri The reputation of this professional painter has also increased. Now she has been working in the United States for a week or so, and her work is almost over, and she plans to go back to Japan in the next few days.

[Sawamura Sayuri: By the way, it should be night on your side. Before I go back, I want to ask if you have any gifts from the United States you want?Over the past year, Yingli Pear Sauce and I have been under Uesugi-kun’s care. We always hope to repay this, so you don’t have to be polite, and try to name your favorite American specialty.


Li Yan thought for a while, and always felt that if he refused, it would not be a polite and polite behavior for Sayuri Sawamura who sent an email to ask specifically. Since he is a friend, it would be more appropriate to accept some gifts.

As a result, Li Yan asked for the latest edition of the American "Science Magazine" and Marvel comics in August in his email reply.

"These shouldn't be too expensive..." Li Yan looked at the e-mail sent out, thinking silently.

Soon, Li Yan looked at the photos again, and the results were basically photos taken by Sawamura Sayuri in various landmarks in Los Angeles, Emerson University of the Arts, Crystal Cathedral, and Los Angeles Chinese Peking Opera Theater.

Sayuri Sawamura seems to want to share American customs with Li Yan, but in every photo, Sayuri Sawamura in a kimono seems to be the highlight of the photo, and her sun-like smile is almost beautiful.

And in the crystal cathedral, which only needs to respect the gods, Sayuri Sawamura smiled and took a picture, standing in front of the huge stained glass of the church, the colorful glass luster, standing is from the east The Yingying woman is so harmonious, beautiful, demure and holy.

"It's just against the sky..."

Li Yan looked at the photo, this was an effect that other girls couldn't approve, and he couldn't help but think with emotion.

The time in Japan at this moment is 11:05, but in the United States, it is just after ten in the morning.

In the high-rise buildings of Los Angeles, with the roar of cars, the sun shines through the glass windows into this temporary studio.


Sawamura Sayuri looked at the content of the email that was immediately replied to in her computer mailbox, and her face was surprised and sad.

"What's the matter, miss?" Kimura, the assistant beside him, saw the slight change in Sayuri Sawamura and asked.

"Ah... I asked Mr. Uesugi what special American products he wanted, but he asked me for "Science Magazine" and American Marvel comics." Sayuri Sawamura sighed and said worriedly: "If it's a magazine, Obviously there are works such as "Playboy", "Hospitality" and "Singularity", but I actually like to watch knowledge things that are all data and theory... Kimura, don't you think that Mr. Uesugi's thinking is a bit unusual. "

"The thinking of the eldest lady who my subordinates thinks is always crazy is even more unusual!" Kimura sighed.

"Well, well~~ It's just a joke." Sayuri Sawamura said with a smile.

She looked at the e-mail, thought quietly, analyzed and said: "I just didn't expect him to be interested in Marvel's story... It seems that "JOJO" tends to be American-style comics, and Uesugi is also in the collection. Marvel describes superpowers. Fighting is also unique. It seems that the teacher is really continuing to learn."

"The subordinates don't know much about American comics..."

While they were discussing gifts, the office door was knocked gently.

"Miss, it may be the engineer responsible for modeling the game scene, Mr. Davis and Mr. David." Kimura said.

"Ah, let them in." Sawamura Sayuri was still thinking about the gifts she gave Yinglili and Li Yan when she returned home, and she recovered slightly and said to Kimura.

"Okay." Kimura nodded.

Chatting with the two middle-aged white men at the door for a while, Kimura took on the basic negotiating work and handed them the completed scene pictures drawn from various angles. Under the inquiry of David and others, he reluctantly Lying... explained that Sayuri Sawamura is designing a new magical style scene.

"It is exhaustivework...... (The drawing is quite perfect)"

"I think we should decide this project as soon as possible (I think we should decide this project as soon as possible)."


After Davis and David reviewed the landscape design drawings, they were suddenly a little surprised. You said and I started to discuss it. It seemed that they were quite satisfied with the design effect of that area.

"Great, it seems that the client is very satisfied. It is indeed a young lady. The talent and imagination of painting are all at the level of genius. It is a pity that the former young ladies have used such precious talents in the indecent BL area of ​​C89... …"

Kimura heaved a sigh of relief. She looked back at her studio owner with considerable admiration, the woman she had always been fascinated with, but before her eyes, Sayuri Sawamura really took out a paintbrush and couldn't help painting something.

This scene made Sayuri's assistant's face blue.

"Wait... Miss, you shouldn't draw BL fantasy (BL fantasy) suddenly in front of others!!"

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