I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 413

Kimura hurried over to stop Sayuri Sawamura who had entered the realm of painting, and reminded him quietly and nervously.

"!" Sayuri Sawamura was taken aback, and then stopped painting. She hurriedly turned over the two portraits of two American game engineers who were naked, hugging each other like an Athens sculpture, and smiled bitterly. , Said: "Sorry... my hands are itchy."

"Ahem, I always feel that the two of them have great potential, so I can't help but paint a bit... Phew, it's been many years, and sure enough... I shouldn't be involved in the fields I once liked. Sometimes it's true. I envy Uesugi and Ying Lili, who can create whatever they want."

Sayuri Sawamura sighed lightly, smiled, and said with some nostalgia.

"...Miss, your thinking is really worrying," Kimura said helplessly.

"By the way, why don't you give that little gift to Uesugi first, since he is interested in Marvel, the meeting gift that the gentleman gave me can also make the most of it, which is also a good thing."

Sayuri Sawamura thought of something and said with a smile.

"Oh I see."

"By the way, I also ask for the gift. In addition to those two items, after sending it by the way... I will buy the Xbox One console and popular game discs. I think Uesugi would like this. Little gift."

Sawamura Sayuri smiled, showing two shallow dimples.


In the early morning, the cool morning breeze in early summer was a bit damp, blowing into the house, and Li Yan fell asleep quietly.

He had a dream.

Dreaming that when he was in the second autograph meeting, he was in a frustrated mood and once again said that he would extend the eighth volume by two months to complete the news. The result was unexpected The voice of comfort, iron fans enthusiastically expressed their understanding, and first bought the seven-volume novel to support his long-term cultivation, which made him feel the unforgettable warmth and laughed quite happy in his dream.

"Thank you everyone... I must have a good rest, and I won't be too procrastinated..."

Li Yan, who was sleeping on the bed, said in a dazed dream, even the laughter was a little excited.

"Get up, Master Li..."

Kang Na entered his room, pushed Li Yan, and said.

"Kagurazaka-san recently said many good predictions... It seems that life is getting better and better..."

Li Yan's dreams continued, completely sinking into his dreams, unwilling to wake up.

"..." Kang Na stared at Li Yan blankly, jumped up and hit Li Yan's abdomen directly with her elbow.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Conna?!"

"Good morning, I'm going to get up, Lord Li." Kang Na greeted him looking at him with those ignorant blue eyes that were the same as Ying Lili.

Li Yan was puzzled and asked annoyedly: "It's morning, but why do you want to wake me up like this? I almost lost my soul for nine days!"

Conna blinked and explained: "My name is Thor, it's always like this, only then can I wake people up."

"..." When Li Yan heard, how can the human belly be compared with the parts covered by the dragon scales of the Tianlong? It's nothing for ordinary children to prank like this, but he always feels the pain of being hit by the dragon.

However, with this elbow, Li Yan's reaction was similar to Thor's.

"Master Li, I'm going to school tomorrow." Kang Na reminded.

"That's it!" Li Yan was taken aback. He checked the date of his phone and found that tomorrow was the end of the summer vacation at Kangna Elementary School.

Li Yan took the car key and said to Kang Na: "Sorry, Kang Na, I didn't notice, I have been too busy recently, so I will send you back today..."


Conna lowered her head, the look on her round cheeks seemed to be indescribably disappointed.

"What's the matter, Kang Na?" Li Yan asked in a daze for a moment.

"I have to rush back today, but...I haven't said a good part to Lianhua." Kang Na lowered her head and said quietly.

"Is that so... Then it's okay to talk about it before leaving today, but it's just a little rush." ​​Li Yan thought for a while and proposed a plan.

Kang Na shook her head, and whispered: "I promised the lotus sauce, I want to go to play together. If you say it, Lianhua is alone again, it's too pitiful."

Li Yan remembered that Fujinomiya Kushi seemed to have mentioned that in the whole village, Lianhua seemed to be in the first grade, with no peers at all.In this village, almost every child who came out of these years grew up without peers. It seems that when Conna and Lianhua met, Lianhua deliberately stared at Kang as if looking at an alien. Na, eventually the two became friends.

"In the past few days, almost every day I went out to play..." Li Yan looked at Kang Na and thought.

Let’s go catch fish together, catch cicadas together, and pick wild vegetables and fruits together. It seems that when Koshigaya Xiahai used mineral water to fill the cave to catch cicadas, Kang Na swallowed the cicadas directly in front of everyone. He hurriedly announced in front of him that he was going to clean his stomach and something.

Conna's arrival seems to have brought a lot of laughter to this village.

Li Yan didn't understand what it was like to have a playmate in his childhood, but he spent his childhood alone since he was a child, and he can also understand the desire to have like-minded playmates.Seeing Conna's hesitation and loss, he also somewhat understood Conna's worry.

"So, Lord Li..." Kang Na raised her head and looked at him with imploring eyes, and said: "Today, I promised Lianhua to go play together. After playing, I will fly back to Tokyo by myself. If you do, can you take care of the lotus sauce for me?"

"Huh?!" Li Yan asked in a daze.

Kang Na looked at him with eyes that trust him deeply, and said, "Please, Lord Li, Lianhua will be handed over to you for the time being. You will definitely be able to accompany Lianhua well. If it is Lord Li, you can definitely amuse Lian Hua happy!"

"..." Li Yan fell silent. He always felt that such trust was a bit too heavy.

However, Li Yan always felt a little breathless under the gleaming pair of the little girl in front of him, and the pitiful look in her eyes.

"No, absolutely no, Conna, my novel is about to be finished. This is the most critical moment. You must not take it lightly. You should understand me?!"


In front of the doorway outside the house, there was a cry from the palace Lianhua.

After a few tens of seconds, soon, the door of the rental house opened.As a result, before Lianhua and Koshigaya sisters, it was not just Kang Na who came to the door, but Li Yan, an otaku writer who had never liked going out, also stood at the door, as if he was going to go out with Kang Na.

"Ah, teacher, don't you need to write novels today? We are going to dig bamboo shoots. Do we want to go together?" Koshigu Xiaoju asked with a smile.

"...Yes." Li Yan said weakly.

In the end, he still didn't shout out the fantasies in his heart, so he could only agree to Kang Na for the time being and take care of Lianhua in the palace.

The chirping of Zhizhi kept on, and the hot wind got hotter and hotter. Li Yan followed Yuegu Xiaoju and his party towards the dense bamboo forest area in the mountains.

"By the way, I remembered the story the teacher told that night. I really want the teacher to change it, and I still feel nervous." Koshitani Natsumi who walked behind complained.

"Yes..." Yuegu Xiaoju said bitterly.

"Teacher, you are too bad-hearted. When Xiao Xiaoju returned, he cried all night and said that he must be happy or something..."

"You, what are you doing, I am not that strange!"

The Koshigaya sisters are still noisy, but they still seem to be quite expecting him to make up the following story.

"Wait a minute, isn't this just a reminder?!" Li Yan thought for a while, always feeling a bit distressed in his heart, and suddenly understood the meaning.

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