I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 414

"Let’s tell the story to Sister Guang. Sister Guang can’t hurt her back, saying it’s a stomachache, Xiaoju, why does it get stomachache when listening to the story?” Miyauchi Lianhua pulled Koshigaya Xiaoju’s clothes and asked .

"Probably... the story is too cruel," Yuegu Xiaoju said.

"Lianhua, I probably ate too much unclean food, so my stomach hurts." Kang Na explained as she walked.


Li Yan's pace was getting slower and slower, he always felt a little embarrassed to look at the surrounding atmosphere, why was there a sense of repelling him from the beginning.

"Um, teacher, would you use a hoe to take bamboo shoots?" Yuegu Xiaoju asked with a smile.

"...Bamboo shoots, bamboo shoots...bamboo shoots?" Li Yan was taken aback for a moment and asked.

"Ah, what are you doing, sir, I said a long time ago that we were digging bamboo shoots together. It rained a lot a while ago, didn't it? In the mountains, there are many wild bamboo shoots coming out."

Koshigaya Natsumi said with a smile.

That's it...

Li Yan looked at the two loli figures of Conna and Lianhua, who were too similar in temperament. He always felt that if they were separated in this way, it would be considered a perfect separation...

"Why didn't the teacher's story put the resentful spirit and Tsuruta together in the end? It's so heartbreaking." Koshigu Xiaoju whispered.

"Ah, I always think it's like a friend relationship. It hasn't reached the level of emotion you mentioned." Koshigaya Natsumi retorted.

"It would be great if we could meet again... There should be a story behind."


Li Yan listened quietly, his expression slightly moved.

——[Teacher, you are a bit too honest in one aspect, shouldn't you continue to make up and make a good ending?

"..." The words Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said to Li Yan under the night sky echoed in Li Yan's heart again.

Finally, I walked to the other mountain pass of the village, and under the shade of a tree, I was in the palace, I was in the palace, I was in a firefly, Fujinomiya Kimi, and the second girl in the palace was about to go to school in Tokyo. Unknown girls with long blonde hair are waiting.

"Huh? Someone I haven't seen before." The blonde-haired girl looked at Li Yan and asked.

"...I said, didn't he come here to rent a house through your intermediary relationship. Isn't that the foreign student who came from Tokyo? Did you not look at the photos at all? Obviously accepted the intermediary fee and said." Yihu's expression darkened, and he asked helplessly.

"Ah...no, no, I still remember it, but the difference between the photo and herself is a bit big." The blond girl who looked a little hardcore was taken aback, then looked at Li Yan carefully and explained.

"Where is the gap? They are all handsome guys." Miyauchi Ichi said with a smile.

Li Yan smiled bitterly, not knowing how to answer their topic.

"When I first met, I was actually the intermediary in charge of renting information in this area. My name was Kagayama Kaede. I also opened a grocery store for a while, so I can advise you a lot."

Kagayama Kaede said hello.

"...It turns out that you are the intermediary who communicated with me on the Internet. When we first met, my name is Li Yan. Please advise me." Li Yan was taken aback, and then realized that the intermediary who contacted him actually lived in this village.

"Let me tell you, sir, the violent tyrants in the dim sum store used to be very fierce. It's better not to mess with her..."

When Koshitani Natsumi was about to shake out all of Kagayama Kaede's family property, he was covered with a mouth before he finished speaking, and Kagayama Kaede was stunned.

"Pain, pain, pain..."

"You are really talking too much. Tell me if you can correct your idiot's bad habit." Kagayama Kaede said coldly.

"Okay, I'm leaving." Miyauchi Ichi said with a smile.

Li Yan took the small shovel for digging bamboo shoots, and he followed the group and started walking into the mountains.

"..." Jiaga Shanfeng looked at Li Yan's back with some care, and was speechless for a while.

Miyauchi Guanghua on the side said: "I said, even if the teacher looks good, if you stare at him like this, it is easy to be misunderstood. Also, Sister Mu Shi has been eyeing it a long time ago. Don't grab it. ."

"Really, what are you talking nonsense." Fujinomiya Kisili said.

"Stupid, I will show you the information he uploaded to me. The picture is clear at a glance. Senior's eyes are all narrowed into a line. How can I understand the difference."

Kagayama Kaede took out the phone and showed the public information to the group of them.

The originally curious Yuegu Xiaoju and others looked at it, and their expressions suddenly changed.


"I see, the temperament has changed too much. The guy who is not photogenic at all, although he is indeed himself, but the sharp sword-like eyes and the murderous feeling in the photo always feel like some underworld. The guy who came out of it. He looks so gentle and casual now, and he's almost like two people." Kagayama Kaede said.

"...It should be the kind of person who is super non-photographic." Fujinomiya Kumi and others thought with emotion.

Li Yan was still not clear from start to finish. One of the important reasons why he was brushed down by Waseda and other universities is that the photos really make people feel a little dangerous.


As a result, after probably not going very far, I arrived in an endless bamboo forest.

With a simple reminder from the palace, everyone began to spread out, looking for the relatively fat new shoots buried in the leaves.

Li Yan walked in a bamboo forest on a hillside by himself, looking for bamboo shoots suitable for digging. However, the breeze blew behind him, making him startled for a moment. He turned around and looked at the clear blue in the bamboo forest.

"..." Li Yan was silent.

Originally I thought I came here just to write a novel, but when I looked back at the blue sky and the village like this, at first it was Conna who wanted to go back, and then he wanted to go back. I always felt that Mo Ming was a little lonely.

Whether the bond between people is reckless or true, we must make up ourselves...

"Teacher, are you looking for bamboo shoots here too?"

Suddenly, a voice similar to Kang Na came from behind Li Yan, which made him startled. He turned around to look, only to see Lianhua holding a small shovel.

"...Yes, it seems that it is easier to get more rain here, so I think the bamboo shoots here will be better." Li Yan looked at her with a smile and said.

Miyauchi Renhua's eyes flashed and she exclaimed excitedly: "That's it! Teacher, let's find the big bamboo shoots together! Can't lose to Kang Na and the others~~~!"

"Huh?" Li Yan was taken aback, not understanding what happened.

As a result, under the explanation of Lianhua in the palace with earthy accents and some inaccurate pronunciation, Li Yan understood what happened. It seems that Conna and Lianhua are playing a game of [Who dug up the bamboo shoots bigger]. It seems that Fujinomiya Mu Shi has secretly helped Kang Na to find the big bamboo shoots.

"Understood, then... Let's defeat the Fujinomiya combination together." Li Yan said.

"Yes, sir!" Lian Hua raised her hand and said in salute.

While looking for the bamboo shoots, Li Yan walked and looked at Kang Na on the side. Finally, he said, "Gong...Lianhua, since we are now a companion, we can’t hide too much from a companion. It's secret, so I plan to tell you the secret of Conna and me, but you must keep it secret."

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