I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 427

"Um..." Ying Lili stared at the scene in front of her, holding her head in her hands, a little confused and unable to think, and asked, "So, what happened?"

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu glanced at her and said coldly: "No need to think, there is no way for a head like you to sort out anything."

"What, do you treat me as a fool?!" Ying Lili immediately stared at her angrily and asked.

But all of a sudden, both of them received a text message on their mobile phones, which gave them a rest for their curiosity all day.

——Megumi Kato: I always have a good job.

"Huh?" Ying Lili and Shi Yu were taken aback.

Chapter 235 Competition!The script of the new game

"Calling you over this time is to introduce you to a more interesting job."

In the early morning of Sunday, in the editorial office of Sanwa Library, all the outstanding authors of Kagurazaka Ayame were gathered. After Li Yan, who didn’t know anything about it, came late, then Kagurazaka Ayame came. Announce the company's cooperation plan.

Kagurazaka Ayame glanced at the surrounding authors with a smile, holding his chin with his hand, smiling and asked, "Who is interested in taking a part-time job and writing a series of game scripts for a game company that has been cooperating with our company for a long time?"

All the people present, Qianshou Village Zheng, Uesugi Yan, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, Izumi Masamune, Lion Boy Guoguang, Kusuna Longhui and the others changed their faces one after another.

"Okay, a few seem to be very interesting." Kagurazaka Ayame looked at it for a while, showing a slight smile, and he thought to himself with pleasure.

"Game script, that, Kagurazaka-san, what kind of game script?"

Among them, Lion Boy Guoguang was one of them. He immediately asked with an interested look.

Kagurazaka Ayame took out the plan and said to them: "It's very simple. Our company has always had a cooperative relationship with a small and medium-sized game club called Feiying Yuedong. A game that can move people's hearts is not only A fun game setting is needed, and more important is an interesting story setting and character creation. For example, "American X Day" is an excellent work that can surpass most American dramas in terms of plot, let alone always pay attention to it. The Japanese game club created by the script."

Flying eagle?

Both Li Yan and Xiazhiqiu Shiyu felt that this name was a bit familiar, but realized that this game club did not seem to be a well-known big company.

She looked at the plan, read the request, and said, "For the game type, it is a Japanese-style fantasy game of combat."


Suddenly, Shiyu Kasumigaoka, Longhui Kusuna, and Guoguang Shitong all showed embarrassed expressions. The first request was that they almost eliminated the writers from the romance department, the daily department, and the campus series. Up.

The remaining Li Yan, Qianshou Village Zheng and Izumi Masamune all have some fantasy experience and skills, which almost exactly match their professional abilities.

"Next, the second requirement is to be able to write a story for all ages, without involving socially sensitive themes, such as homosexual behavior, and the brother-controlled or sister-controlled plots that have been popular in Japanese anime."

Kagurazaka Ayame quickly read the second request.


Li Yan, Kusuna Longhui and others looked at the original confident and gearing Izumi Masamune, and they lost the color of life in an instant.

"Why... this hateful society doesn't understand the charm of my younger sister..." Masamune Izumi clutched his head almost groaning in pain, and whispered.

"Authentic, if the other party has such a request, you can write a novel that does not involve the emotions of your sister. After all, it is a game for all ages. As a professional writer, making plot compromises is sometimes a professional quality." Li Yan looked at Hequan Zhengzong who seemed to be giving up and whispered.

Masamune Izumi froze for a moment, then fell silent, pondered for a moment, sighed slightly, and said with a bitter smile to Li Yan: "Sorry...senior, as expected, I still can't do it. If I don't write a novel about my sister, for me, That novel has lost its ordinary fun."

Li Yan, Lion Tong Guoguang and Kusuna Longhui looked at this partner who was so natural and supposed to be the same with very complicated eyes, and they all sighed: "You guy is out of help..."

Kagurazaka Ayame looked at them with a smile, and said, "The other company requires that there is one last point, that is, the author's popularity must reach a certain level. At this point, I believe that every teacher in front of me has enough The qualifications to do this, well~~~ Calling you all over, in fact, for the first two requirements, ask how many people are willing to follow up. Writers who write romance works can also try to write a fantasy combat story. Come out, and... Izumi-sensei, isn't the first work in the fantasy combat department? As long as the welfare plot is slightly removed, the sister-controlled plot is also very competitive."

"No... After all, I'm already in charge of a work, and I'm a candidate, so I knew that I probably wouldn't be able to take on such a job early in the morning. Although I'm very interested, I have to win this with the combat story. Colleagues in the field, the possibility is too small, they can only give up."

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu thought quietly for a moment, and then explained.

Her words can almost represent the aspirations of writers of the same type as Kusuna Longhui and Shitong Guoguang. The most important point is that the field advantage is too low and the energy is limited, so they rush to participate in some extra work. If they can’t do their best, it’s better. Choosing to do the work at hand is more practical.

Kagurazaka Ayame looked helpless, looked at the three of them, and said, "Uh...that's it."

Izumi Masamune said: "My words, I have similar reasons as Kasushiko-senpai. After all, the new work is still in the development stage, and I have to take care of the family. So... sorry, Kagurazaka-san, I can’t participate in this part-time job either."

"Well, this is understandable. After all, I am also looking forward to the work that won the first place in the last essay competition, which can give full play to its potential." Kagurazaka Ayame nodded and said.

As a result, everyone in the editorial office suddenly calmed down.

Kagurazaka Iris, Kasumigaoka Shiba, Izumi Masamune, and others have also noticed. The two of them haven't said a word, or even asked, quietly waiting for this last moment.

As a type of work, there are some collisions, ranking first in the sales and strength of Sanhe Library, and the strongest writer in the second. Early on, each other knew that each other might stay, and they have been patiently waiting for this opportunity. , Finally, in a moment of tranquility, a strong atmosphere of flames permeated this office.

As the dark horse author who broke through the siege last year, Uesugiyan, whose sales almost catch up with "The Legend of Fantasy Demon Sword", and the super best-selling novel author Chishoumura, who has been the No. The work of the script.

"It seems that there are finally two teachers who plan to take this opportunity to compete a little bit." Kagurazaka Ayame seemed to understand the thoughts of Li Yan and Chishoumura, and said with a smile, looking at them.


Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu looked at the two authors standing together, and even she herself became a little nervous.In the story of "Fantasy Demon Sword", she, Uesugi Yan, including Izumi, almost all bought this work and studied it. From her point of view, Chishou Cunzhen really deserves to be the only one born in a writer’s family. Female, the style of writing is like a professional literary writer, meticulously describing the brilliant storyline, purely in the background of writing, not only can far exceed Uesugiyan, even she is not confident that she can win this junior high school admission candidate.

However, Uesugiyan is not without advantages. As an excellent student of science, Uesugiyan's works are almost impeccable in the description of combat, and the description of emotions is simple and meaningful. Even she herself has always had no cold blood. Can't help but follow it, and it can be seen that the "old thief's name" is not false.

Therefore, even she is a little curious. In terms of creation in this field, who is the top two in Sanhe Library, who can write the best works...

"..." Li Yan looked at the plan in Kagura Saka Ayame's hands. Sure enough, he also realized that the silent Chijumura Zheng seemed to be waiting for something. For the unknown field of light novel writers, he was not alone. This is of great interest.

——……I always wanted to ask you, do you find it interesting when you play games?

——Yes, it will be very interesting.

"I have always had hope. If there is a chance one day, I can compare it with Teacher Uesugi. Can I do my best this time, teacher?"

Accompanied by Kato Megumi's answer in his heart, Chijumura Zheng, who had been silent in front of Li Yan's eyes, raised his head and looked at him, asking with a smile.

Li Yan once had a game dream. It should be said that almost many young people with him would dream of leading a game development by themselves.He feels that in the carrier of storytelling, the storyline and emotions described in the text can be vividly shown. In addition to film and television methods, it is game interaction.

As a result, on this day, there was really an extremely rare opportunity that fell in front of Li Yan, burning Li Yan’s belief that he must win. After enrolling in the Department of Physics at the University of Tokyo, he seldom achieved career goals. , Such a surging mood that hopes to win.

One yuan apartment, room 505.

"It's really white, I said don't run around naked!!"

At noon, in the hot weather, the roof seems to save money for air-conditioning. Recently, I can always hear the shy and annoyed scolding of Aoyama Qikai. September is the hot season and the beginning of school. It is ending. After writing the eighth volume, Li Yan originally thought that he would temporarily stop touching the writing for a while. However, in the noise of Qihai and Zhenbai on the roof, and the sound of the video game BGM downstairs, Li Yan himself was sitting. In front of the computer, I started to search for game works developed by Ealge Jump, and researched the types of works that this company is good at.

Eagle Jump, a game company founded in 1995, has a small number of personnel and a small scale of registered capital. It is rumored that there have been several risks of bankruptcy on the Internet. However, the game works developed by it have always been due to their unique style and workmanship. There are many loyal fans supporting this company, and many technicians have joined Eagle Jump because of its fans.

The hot-selling work "Elf Story 1" was developed in 2010, and the follow-up work "Elf Story 2" was developed in 2012. Due to personnel changes and other impacts, the sales of the game's sequel was not ideal, so it has not been released for many years. After the news of the third sequel was released, many loyal fans originally thought that the classic series was cut in half. It seems that this year there was an amazing news about the development of the third sequel, which caused a lot of heated discussion.

"...Wait a minute, how did you see the cover and name of this game?"

Li Yan was taken aback for a moment, staring at the cover of the game in the style of Kingdom Hearts on the screen.

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