I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 428

As a result, in my memory, I quickly recalled the 500 yen second-hand game disc that Gabriel held in the game store yesterday morning, as if it were a work developed by this company.

Apart from anything else, Li Yan immediately took his laptop and rushed downstairs.

[Ding Dong!Ding Dong!Ding Dong!!

"Open the door, Gabriel!" Li Yan hurriedly rang the doorbell, already deeply aware of Gabriel's bad habit of opening the door when playing games, and knocking on the door too softly would definitely not make this lazy angel come out.

——What's the matter?Preaching or learning, if you say these, I will talk about it another day.

Soon after, the doorbell heard the voice of a girl whose fatigue value almost exploded after staying up all night.

"No, this time, I'm here to play the game." Li Yan said into the intercom.

As a result, there was a crackling sound in the house, and the sound of rapid footsteps quickly came towards the door. The door of room 405 was quickly opened by Gabriel. Her hair was a bit messy at the moment, and her face was thickly cultivated. Dark circles, with a sunny smile, greet like-minded comrades.

"Welcome to Gabriel Gaming Hobby Club! You, a learning mad who doesn't understand life and flexibility, finally figured out. If you don't play games on Sundays, you still play woolen yarn!" Gabriel smiled gently like an angel. , Said with emotion to Li Yan.

Li Yan looked at Gabriel with a complicated complexion, and whispered: "Don't show a sincere expression of saving the world when you say such depraved words..."

Sure enough, I walked into the house and quickly found the "Elf Story 2" that was just bought back in a pile of game discs. This is a game work on the PS3 platform. I moved out of the console that had already eaten some dust. Li Yan began to try to play the second sequel of this game club, where is his expertise and where is his failure.

"Oh, this game, a very boring game, are you so curious?" Gabriel's eyes suddenly became lazy, and she asked where she was looking at the TV screen.

"The company that developed this game is cooperating with my library company to develop a new series of works. At present, I and a novelist in the library company are competing for the right to design the script for the next series...probably, it is similar. It's the same as the essay event, but if I win this time, my work will be able to successfully land on the PS4 platform."

Li Yan took the handle, looked at Gabriel with serious and serious eyes, and said.

"This time the activity is pretty good, so, do you plan to play this game to study the other party's problems?" Jiabaili understood and asked.

"Yeah... uh, you have already played this game, Gabriel, you are really desperate to play the game."

After Li Yan clicked into the game interface, he saw the achievement of the bronze cup trophy in the [continue] interface. He couldn't help but looked at Jiabaili after staying up late with some worry, and said.

It should be said that Gabriel’s game is actually pretty bad, and the level he can pass over and over again, Gabriel has to be replayed more than ten times to pass. Such a bronze reward is probably the result of countless efforts. Played through this recreational game.

After entering the game, after watching the animated ops, story introduction, and character narration of "Elf Story 2", the part of the player operation officially arrived.However, after reading these parts, five minutes have passed.

"..." Li Yan was holding the handle and seemed to notice some problems with the game.

"Yes, I have never seen such a long-winded opening game. This phenomenon is probably also common in Japanese-style works such as "Rune Workshop", "Mind Legend", and "Golden Sun". "Gabriel said with a yawn, looking at the TV screen.

This is the so-called compulsory plot.

In the field of fiction, this kind of phenomenon called [forced plot] is also a common phenomenon.Too long introducing the worldview of the novel and the characters on the scene is undoubtedly a threshold for quickly dissipating readers' interest. This is a blind spot that needs to be extremely avoided.It just so happens that traditional Japanese-style RPG games pay much attention to plot portrayal. Most of them like to tell the story and interact with characters at the beginning. You probably understand the outline of the world. In a sense, it really needs to be grounded.

Li Yan silently understood the design ideas of Eagle Jump, and began to continue to operate the handle to explore the setting and plot of this game.

Gradually, the fun of this game began to be understood. The game world view of fairy tale color, the colorful and skillful maze mechanism, and the variety of monsters that need different weapons to hit. The story mainly talks about enemies and friends. The two protagonists of the game separate their routes for adventure, and continue to use another sharp protagonist to stimulate the player-operated protagonist to carry out the psychological tactics of various achievements... Play it seriously, it is still a pretty good game.

After playing, Li Yan also discovered that the most important selling point... is not the plot part, but the gameplay settings, and the superb game art design.

Li Yan has been playing, while Gabriel watched Li Yan flexibly use various tactics to defeat monsters, and then explored a lot of maps that were easy to overlook. The more she looked at it, the more shocked she always felt whether she was fighting for nothing. Once again, I realized that this game turned out to be such a gameplay.

"Sure enough, if you are not a fan of the previous game, you can't feel the game battle at first. It means that these cumbersome designs are good. It turns out that there is such a gameplay..."

Gabriel sighed and watched Li Yan play the previous part, always feeling that it would be better for him to try to play again.


Li Yan was operating the handle, and gradually, while feeling the excellence of the game, he was also silently feeling the experience of himself and Gabriel in this game. After all, he also had a sense of this game. Initial understanding and knowledge...

I have to admit that there is a big gap in design ideas between writing light novels and writing game scripts. It should be said that writing well light novels may not really be able to design first-class game scripts.

This is why most of the games based on light novels and comics are somewhat different. Now, the more you study and understand this game that has been denied by the market, it involves the plot and gameplay determined by the game script. The ingenious setting, the more he understands the current him, there are not many dry goods that can be taken out of inspiration, and a sense of anxiety and powerlessness quietly disturbs his heart.


Li Yan silently understood the gap between this profession. Good-looking is not necessarily fun, and fun may not be good-looking. This is the difficulty between him and Eagle Jump. How to integrate together is the biggest problem.

Therefore, most non-fan players are likely to abandon this sequel. For example, Gabriel players who are demanding and sensitive to the plot, but are weak in operation, have no way of starting from the beginning, and naturally will not dig into Zangde. Too deep of fun, that is, the completion of the story of the game is not high, lacking the fun of players to dig.

At present, he has no confidence to come up with an excellent game script to conquer the game planning of Eagle Jump. Although he does not know what Chijomura will think of, but at least he does not have many conditions to support him to defeat. The first writer of Sanhe Library.

Upon preliminary understanding of this, Li Yan also felt that this was not a small gain.

He put down the handle, then looked at Gabriel, who was beginning to have interest in replaying, and said with emotion: "This company does have a lot of problems with the game, but it can be seen that Eagle Jump is very dedicated to the game. , Play it again, Gabriel."

"Cut, I'll play the game just like that." Gabriel showed a scornful expression, turned her head away, and said with envy and hatred.


Next, Li Yan faced the huge gap in transitioning the story from the library to the game script. I don’t know why, the more seemingly difficult challenges, the more itchy his hands, hoping to write a wonderful game script. , Let yourself not only walk in the world of light novels, but also extend your hands to the game, a world full of imagination and creativity.

In the early morning of the next day, in the sky of Tokyo, a gray cloud was constantly surging, and a drizzle began to fall.

Eagle Jump, it’s obviously a relatively early time, but the IT and Art Department have already begun to work in full swing in order to rush to the "Elf Story 3" project that has just started.

However, September also seems to be a time of anxiety for Japanese high school students.

It is necessary to make difficult choices in the two roads of university and society, and the confusion and anxiety caused by such decisions in the future are like drizzle in the sky, gray and unclear.

"Huh..." Following a group of classmates, the blue-haired girl with a double ponytail hairstyle held an umbrella, looked at the gray sky, and thought about the general direction of her future life.

"Aoba, what are you in a daze? Go to school quickly, or you'll be late."

One of the girls walking in the front who looked a little squeamish turned back to look at her, and reminded curiously.

"...Ah, good."

This lovely blue-haired high school girl hurriedly rushed to catch up with an umbrella, and for a moment, in the drizzle, brushed by a young cyclist who seemed to be also on the way to school.

"Huh?" Li Yan, who was wearing a raincoat, was taken aback for a while, stopped the bicycle for a while, and looked at the petite girl with a background similar to Lianhua in the palace, and stopped to take a look.

"It's a bit like... Forget it, I'm about to be late. I don't know if I secretly write the settings today, will I be caught by the professor of the elective course..."

Li Yan thought, re-started his bicycle and hurried towards the University of Tokyo.

In the damp street, in the faint drizzle, two separate figures were standing in the sky above the advertisement of a building, which just opened the promotional poster of "Elf Story 3"...

Chapter 236 The Lost Social Girl and the Script Novelist

Sega Corporation, namely Sega Co., Ltd., joined Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft to become the world's four largest video game production companies. This is a game empire with strong Japanese blood and invested by Americans, headquartered in Shinagawa, Tokyo. Higashi Shinagawa 1-chome.

However, today I am not introducing SAGE, but the game company [Eagle Jump], a 53-employee game company that is located in Higashi Shinagawa Street, one kilometer away from Sega, regardless of whether it is the headquarters or branch.

Although it is a small game company, and somehow it was built in an ordinary commercial building one kilometer from the headquarters of Sega, but it has survived for more than two decades, and the initial staff has been expanded by three. Times more.

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