I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 429

At 8:50, in the bustling commercial district streets, there are still ten minutes before the time to go to work. Everywhere in the bus station and subway, you can see the uncle office workers who are afraid of being late and biting the bread and running. However, in Eagle Jump In the company of the social club, it is another scene.

In the IT group, a bunch of refreshing hormone drinks were poured, and a group of program girls who were busy working like robots in front of the computer kept writing line after line of dense program code.

In the music group, the band group with musical instruments is ready to try to play the long BGM walking in the valley. The voice actor group with scarce hands is also in the dubbing room, holding the script to record the in-game voice dialogue...

However, in the busy internal environment of the company, the only working area that looks normal and quiet is the character group upstream of game production.


An artist girl who has been fine-tuning the main characters of the game, with beautiful long purple hair, tied into a single ponytail with a cute red ribbon, with a sweet and delicate face that is as intoxicating as Japanese sake, in a peaceful time , Is an out-and-out Japanese beauty.

She wore an Apple headset cable while working, and when she was busy at work, she smiled and changed her Walkman into an anime episode of "Super Academy War: The Most Beautiful President".

It is said that the third season of "Super Academy War" has begun production. As a high-profile Japanese animation work, in addition to the brilliant battle plot that is talked about by youth and students, passionate animation works have also been born Among the many popular anime episodes that you can listen to, there is the role song of President Xin Heng Ning Ning, who has been in the top ten for three consecutive years, and the beginning tune of the Japanese-style tune, and then seems to be accompanied by apathy and elegance The emotion of loneliness, and the contradiction and consistency of love, just three minutes and twenty-five seconds, always let her singles cycle for half a day.

Eagle Jump's artist, Fumi Takimoto, 22 years old, is a proper super anime fan.Even in the row of books on the table, there are three selected illustrations of the super energy department and two classic collector's editions out of ten.

"Well, Jie Yinjiang, has the work that I told you been done yesterday?"

In the midst of busy work, a young woman with long blond hair and a beautiful face just walked by with a file, and then asked a female employee decorated with a skull in the office area.

"Uh, that... sorry, it will take some time, it will probably be done tomorrow!"

A cute woman with a cute style and short brown hair is still building a 3D game character, working and eating breakfast, but when asked by her team leader suddenly, she seems a little flustered and hastily. It took a day.

The blonde young girl smiled and reminded: "Ah, after all, the time has not come yet, but it must be done quickly. If it is a dry day, consider working overtime."

With that, she patted the employee on the shoulder and returned to her seat, leaving a girl with a frightened face.

Two months ago, Eagle Jump officially began to produce the latest work, "Elf Story 3". After the script was just finalized and handed over to the character group leader Yasami Mitsu, a steady stream of map art production and character drawings The design and 3D modeling work is continuously completed in the hands of AD Toyama Rin, employees Taki Today, Fumi, Iijima Yuzue, and restarted again and again. This production process has been going on for more than three months.

"Spare me, I don't want to work overtime at all, even if this company is willing to pay me overtime, I will..."

With a hairstyle similar to that of the anime character Sakura Kinomoto, Iijima Yutone couldn't help sighing, folded his hands together, and prayed quietly.

"Haha, it’s so funny to see your face. If you work a little more overtime, what's wrong with getting a little more salary? For me, I’d like to buy the new figure just launched this month. I’m very happy."

Suddenly, behind Yuune Iijima, a short-haired girl with a healthy complexion with her skin darkened by the sun showed a hearty smile and said.

"You guy is really natural. I don't know whether to envy you or laugh at you." Yuzue Iijima showed a somewhat envious and contemptuous complex eyes. He was the same employee who was not a role group. Said his colleague Shinoda Chu, who had joined the company in the future.

"What are you talking about, did Nisumi-senpai have bought several selected illustration books this month? Well, as long as you think about the overtime pay, working overtime is no longer too hard work." Shinoda He clenched his fist at first and said excitedly.

"It's great. Having something you like can numb yourself. Senior Nifumi can see that he likes games and anime quite a bit. Phew, if there are new people in the character group, just share the workload..."

Iijima Yukino turned his seat back in front of the computer and muttered to himself in a hopeful tone.

"Ah, it's been hard work, everyone."

Suddenly, a middle-aged woman with beige curly hair, glasses, and a shawl on her body walked into the office area of ​​the art team and said hello with a smile.

"Yes, yes, Miss Ye Yue, you are really free, we can't be busy here, so wait a moment, at noon, please have a chat when I have a snack."

Yukino Iijima, who was rushing to work, didn't even look back. While working, he complained about this idle plan.

"Ah, Jie Yin-chan is really good at complaining. I just stopped by. Seeing how cute everyone is working, let me appreciate it... No, encourage..."

Ye Yueshizuku, the chief planner and head of Eagle Jump's game development, smiled slightly, with a mysterious tone, and announced to the public: "Yes, although it is a bit out of date now, but after hearing the conclusion, I can't Don’t announce the company’s new plan in advance. Heh heh heh! After a while, in order to prepare for the next game work, the company will probably come to a few new colleagues! This fresh and exciting news, how about it, should be able to give Everyone relax, right?"



Hearing this news, suddenly, not only Yuzue Iijima, who looked forward to his younger generations to share the pressure, but also Shinoda Hatsuki, who has always been the youngest and has the feelings of the elders, and Taki, who is listening to music, are rich and beautiful. With a look of astonishment, he stared at the head of the group leader Iori.


"Great, I always feel that no new people have joined the company for a long time."

"It's a small company after all~~~"

In an instant, the character group began to lively, discussing new people joining.

"I always think...will the recruitment plan be announced too soon? Maybe it doesn't matter?" The short-haired girl Toyama Run, who has been working in her own post and has a gentle and elegant temperament, is watching quietly. A group of employees chatting, smiling, quietly pondering the question of whether they are thorough.

Unconsciously, the company seems to be carrying out a new round of employee expansion.

"...Small company, to be honest, it is indeed a small company." Ye Yue Shizuku lowered his head slightly and said helplessly.

Soon, the heavy work environment suddenly became active about the topic of new people joining. Even in the group leader's seat, a young woman with long blonde hair working with headphones also noticed something and took off the headphones. Then came out.

"Ah, you're talking about newcomers to the art department? The next work, I always think it's too early to say this. After all, isn't the work "Pinco" scheduled to start next year?"

As a result, during a conversation, I finally attracted a blond young woman who had been hiding behind the partition and wearing headphones at work. She noticed something at first, so she took off the headphones and walked out to understand the matter. Probably after that, he smiled heartily, as the group leader, started to fish with the group members in front of the boss.

"Ahem, Iori, I didn't say that the newcomers who came to the company are only new members of the character group. I also didn't say that the next game will be "Pinco"."

Hazuki cleared her throat a little, and after seeing the effect of the topic's program, she revealed a slight smile and said.


The girl with the surname Iori, and the four other staff present, looked at her one after another, not understanding what she meant.

Eagle Jump is a small game company with a history of 20 years. It mainly relies on the development of the "Elf Story" series to obtain a part of the competitive game market. However, it has long hoped to establish a number of popular game series. Feiying Yuedong Company has also been working hard to cultivate the birth of new series of works, and the adventure game "Pinco" full of fairy tales has been included in the company's development schedule long ago.

"No, Pinco, what is it?" Iori blinked and asked.

Hazuki Shizuku smiled slightly, did not say anything, but looked at the characters of the card character group Takimoto Fumi, Shinoda Hatsuki and others, these girls who make games and seem to be anime fans themselves, she smiled and shook her head. , Said: "At that time, you will all know, and it is still confidential."

"...?" Taki looked at each other in puzzlement today.

Iori and others showed a speechless expression, looking at Ye Yueshizuku who turned to leave, they always felt a little disgusted by saying that half and half, deliberately pretending to be mysterious.

However, Ye Yueshizuku had just arrived in the corridor, and she seemed to see someone. She was taken aback, and then she smiled.

"It's been a lot of hard work to come from afar, so let's go quickly, investors are still waiting." Ye Yueshizuku calmly looked at the unknown customer and said.

"Okay, then let's go. Miss Ye Yue, today your company is still full of explosive power for work as always."

After examining the working conditions of this game company, a woman's voice with a capable and energetic voice came in the corridor.

As a result, under the curious eyes of Iori Hikari and others, a woman with short hair and working clothes came to Hazuki Shizuku. At a glance, I could tell that this woman who was about the same age as Iori Hikari was a genuine business. Superwoman, she seems to be carrying a thick file bag.In those eyes full of self-confidence and ambition, even the Iori light felt an inexplicable sense of penetration.

"Which company does this lady belong to?" Iori Hikaru looked at Kagurazaka Ayame and asked curiously.

Taki Fumi sat in her seat today, and noticed inadvertently that there was a document bag with the words "Sanhe" on it. She was taken aback and blinked.

"Large, probably, it's just a similar name..." Taki Fumi turned his head away, and said shyly and quietly.

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