I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 430

"Huh?" Iori Mitsuya was stunned, not understanding what Taki Fumi was referring to today.

Tokyo, in a restaurant street in Shinjuku. At dusk, the street is coming and going with a group of carefree students from various schools after school.

A bicycle parked at the entrance of an open-air restaurant. Next to a plate of fried seafood noodles and drinks, a laptop was placed.

——Yes, I have come to Eromanga again to bring you the latest illustration study time.

——This time the painting role is a new character in the third season of the highly anticipated "Fantasy Demon Sword", the demon cat Qianqianjiang. Many people like this character very much, I also like this character quite, because The character design is one of the few more exposed characters in the fantasy series, but it is just a joke. Qianqian's character is quite ingenious. It should be said that he is indeed a popular anime character. The characters are quite interesting.

On the Niconico website, the live video of Mr. Eromanga’s painting started again.

This time, the live-streamed characters have once again surpassed the hot-selling works after painting the characters who were responsible for the illustrations in the past, linking the new cute characters from the fantasy monster knife.

Li Yan paid special attention to Hequan Sagiri's account at Station N. This time, he also watched this live broadcast with some purpose.

——This time it is Qianqian from Demon Sword Legend, great!

—— [In fact, the illustrator's design is somewhat different from the Qianqian described by Qianshou teacher. In the end, the illustration still can't draw the graceful feeling described by Qianshou teacher.

--same feeling.

The barrage behind is constantly popping up [+1] words of approval.

It has to be said that Qianshou Village’s character, plot, and writing description are highly acclaimed even in serious fiction forums. This is an extremely opposite treatment to Uesugiyan, his public enemy of this forum.

——Much more beautiful than Super!


As the saying goes: There is no harm if there is no comparison. Li Yan immediately felt a heart-wrenching pain when he saw the inadvertent message.

Li Yan showed a rather troubled and tangled expression, so he had to bear with it and continue watching.

The design of the game script has been going on for about a week and a half. In all fairness, Li Yan thinks that his creative ability has not regressed, but he has not made any progress. Therefore, because he stayed in place, he wasted a lot of time...

In a week and a half, Li Yan continued to study the script mode in the excellent game, but the computer folder was filled with scraps of the game script, but he still hadn't written a satisfactory script.

Seeing that the time for the game script to be selected for selection is getting closer and closer, and this time the opponent is Sanhe Library ranked first in sales for three consecutive years, and all the chapters of the work can be displayed in the evaluation system of the editing system. To write a good work and not hesitate to pull out your fingernails to remind yourself [writing witch] Chishou Village Zheng.Just like in the power system, the strongest venerables are often martial devils who entrust almost all their hearts to power and become crazy. Qianshoucun Zheng is probably this type of crazy creator.

......For such an opponent, Li Yan has not yet come up with the prototype of the game script.

Over the past week or so, Li Yan has been visiting various game clubs at the University of Tokyo, and he has also used the plots selected by Gabriel to learn from the game. He has also bought a lot of game magazines, and almost brought him The original writing materials are once again enriched.After this series of efforts, Li Yan did not relax.

"I don't know how Qianshou-sensei's progress is going..."

Li Yan was eating ramen, watching the live broadcast of Izumi Sagiri's paintings, and thought to himself.

In the end, an ordinary supporting role in the N-battle live painting "Fantasy Demon Sword" directly attracted as many as 20,000 people to watch online.At the time, Eromanga’s live-streamed painting of his book heroine Akiyama Akyu has attracted less than 40,000 online viewers. It can be seen that the popularity of "Fantasy Demon Sword" still makes Li Yan look forward to it.


He deeply understood that, as a foreigner, it was quite difficult for him to be able to remain anonymous in this light novel market, which only belongs to Japan.But in every industry, there are people outside the world.From beginning to end, he also knew that one day he would meet opponents who were more talented and yours than him in various fields.

Some geniuses can always have more creative inspiration than most authors in the creative field...

"All right……"

Li Yan finished his dinner preoccupiedly, put down his chopsticks, and quietly watched the increasing number of online people, and various enthusiastic situations discussing the story of the fantasy monster knife. In the end, the video soon came to an end. .

—— [Almost, that's it, what do you think?

A monster girl in an exquisite cat-eared kimono was presented. Li Yan Jingjing watched the characters in Qianshou’s pen be deeply loved, and at this moment he still couldn’t come up with a game script to fight Qianshou’s campaign, even It’s hard to say whether Eagle Jump’s senior game script writer level can surpass this period of time. What exactly should he do...

Perplexed, Li Yan was about to turn off the video.

—— [Ah, yes, at the end of the last time, a lot of audiences said the shortcomings of the dance I recently learned. This time I have improved my dance posture. Then, at the end as always, Let me show you the latest results of my efforts!

Mr. Eromanga, wearing a very unique mask, left the camera, and then played an anime music, and then accompanied by the music, this girl with slightly fat arms and thighs began to make up a new embarrassment. dance.

"Sister Izumi..."

Li Yan looked at him, always feeling quite embarrassed. He couldn't help thinking about how this girl was stimulated. Recently, he became fascinated by his own choreography of modern dance, and he really liked the one who was bent over with both hands. action.

Perplexed, Li Yan was about to turn off the video.

At the end of the short dinner time, Li Yan rode his bicycle to a large bookstore passing by on the school route.

In this large bookstore, it was dinner time at this moment, and there were very few people in this empty bookstore. Only then did Li Yan show the convenience of being a college student. He once again looked for information about games. Magazine, learn more experience in game creation.

In fact, there is still a plan on Li Yan's computer desktop that makes him feel feasible.

The Q version, Japanese style, adventure type, and the plots that pave the way for the special gameplay are all well integrated into it, and it has absorbed the criticism and experience of these legendary story series such as "Elf Story", and created a Li Yan for this. I think it is a more all-age-oriented and interesting game script.

-"The Story of the Hunter and the Witch" series.

As the plot direction, the main story is that in a special world, before the ancient times, because of the violent magic, in order to suppress the root of the out of control magic, several witches with powerful and different abilities choose to sacrifice themselves, and they will lose control. Contained by magic.However, after the Civilized Continent lost the leadership of the Witch, it also gradually lost the right to the sun. The world was shrouded in darkness and became the [Witch Yongye].

After hundreds of years of loss of sunlight, the world that was prosperous by magic has gradually collapsed. Humans rely on mechanical technology to reluctantly continue to contend with the monsters living in the dark and develop their own civilization.And at the beginning of the game, as a young hunter, Ritter, who is looking for treasures by exploring the various ruins of the Dark Continent, took the steel train that can lead to the Dark Continent to further explore the deep danger zone, because he encountered the ancient ruins. Sudden distress, as a result, the owner Kute was seriously injured in order to save his companions, and was buried in the ground by the collapsed tunnel.

However, the soil interacted with one of the sleeping witches who saved the world, and the blood merged to awaken the pale witch Charlotte who was sealed in the earth. The witch used the symbiosis contract to save the dying protagonist, with pale hair. After the double horsetail witch awakens, she clearly understands that the world will still perish if it does not return to the Sunshine Age. She forces the treasure hunters to defeat the glaciers, lakes, seas of fire, forests, and other powerful fallen witches in the dark continent. , Thus launching ARPG's different world adventure game.

In the choice of weapons, the male lead is a melee heavy mechanical knife, which can be transformed into different forms.The heroine Pale Witch, who has lost most of her magical power, has mastered void magic, and is good at magic attacks with void attributes and earth attributes.

In the game, the style is set to Q-shaped cute characters, and the background adventure style is rendered in a fantasy type. The temperament of the pale witch is also rendered in the Gothic type, designed as a proud and indifferent noble queen personality, long in life Time has separated from the times and can't understand machinery at all. I like not to know how to pretend to understand, and I especially like sweets.

The game script involves a large number of characteristic game designs, including two main switching characters, important NPCs, and interesting plots for each level of the plot. Almost all of them are more clever, flexible and strong than the plot designed for light novels...

Just as Li Yan was holding a game magazine with many excellent game information, suddenly, he heard the sound of weeping.


It seemed to be a slight sigh, and it seemed to be a choking sound, so slight that if you were not paying attention, you would not care. However, Li Yan heard it. He was slightly taken aback, and then he took the magazine and walked to the side with some care. In the hidden corridor of the window, see who is crying.

As a result, on a gleaming, transparent and clean glass, golden sunlight fell on the bookshelf, and also shining on the figure of the petite girl who was also watching the game magazine, holding a game magazine in both hands, and lowered her head slightly. The blue hair also blocked her face.

However, Li Yan knew her but did not know her.

Because on the way to school throughout the year, I always bumped into her at a subway entrance several times a week, and because I met so many times, I became a stranger.

It seems that this young girl at this moment has fallen into an extreme depression.


Li Yan held the magazine and stared blankly. He had seen people who were depressed, but it was the first time he saw the girl who shed tears while watching the game magazine...

Chapter 237: The Lost Young Girl

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