I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 449

Liang Feng Qingye closed her eyes in pain, fully understanding what Li Yan meant by patience.

The tram swayed away from the station during rush hour...

Early on Saturday morning, the sky was still a bit grey and sunny. At 8:30, after receiving the induction training, it was the first day of formal work for part-timers.

In the middle of the night when I went back a few days ago, after a certain young man was stuck by several female tram wolves, today, a black Toyota Supra parked in the company parking lot not far away.

"Everyone, my name is Liangfeng Qingye, please advise me."

In the rest hall, the welcome party was in full swing, and more than 30 employees who had already gone to work gathered here to welcome the part-time employees temporarily joined by various departments.

The IT group, voice actor group, and action group have basically expanded with more than two members.

However, the role group only recruited one newcomer, and the other newcomer finally gave up the job. Liangfeng Qingye was the only newcomer to join alone.

Everyone was overwhelmed with the joy of the company's expansion. Liangfeng Qingye saw a few male employees in the last row in the crowd, namely the security group, the server maintenance group, and the planning group. A familiar figure in the group.

"...I always feel that the male employees and the senior planning team have a low status in the company." Liang Feng Qingye realized this with some embarrassment.

After the orientation meeting was over, Liangfeng Qingye was officially brought to the character group by Toyama Run.

"Aoba-chan, did you know Mr. Uesugi before?"

Yuan Shanlun asked with a smile.

"Eh!!" Liangfeng Qingye's expression suddenly changed, looking at Yuan Shanlun in surprise.

"That...no, no, it's not like that..." Liangfeng Qingye still clearly remembered Li Yan's words.

"Haha... Don't worry, I won't tell anyone, and I understand Mr. Uesugi and your concerns. You are also the talent I selected, so I believe in your strength. However, in general, Miss Ye Yue understands that you should I knew each other. During the interview, I didn't seem to expect each other to be there."

An AD woman with a gentle personality and short hair, Toyama Run said with a smile.

"...Sure enough, it was still exposed." Liang Feng Qingye thought helplessly.

"Sorry... Uesugi is my senior, but we did not go to the same school. We met by chance at the bookstore before. I have always been taken care of by him."

Liangfeng Aoba stood in the corridor, bowed slightly, and explained.

"So, in fact, I have also noticed that Mr. Uesugi has been paying attention to your side several times, and I roughly understand that, perhaps, this is the fate between you." said Toyama Run.


Liangfeng Aoba, who was wearing professional attire, blinked.

Soon, I arrived at the character group office area of ​​the game company. At this moment, the character group seat was still empty, and no one came to work at 8:45.

"Ah, I just worked overtime yesterday, so on Saturday, it's not late to come by 9:30. By the way, Qingyejiang, what would you like to drink?" Toyama Run asked.

"Oh, please give me a cup of fruit..." Liang Feng Qingye said with a smile.

However, for a moment, Liangfeng Aoba always felt that drinking juice at the company seemed to be considered as a child, and immediately pretended to be mature and changed his words: "Coffee, the one without sugar."

"...Ah." Yuan Shanlun naturally saw Aoba's mentality, showing a helpless smile, and he prepared for her.

Working overtime on Saturday was the most relaxing moment in Li Yan's heart.

After all, it is the same four hours. Daytime work will naturally be much easier than night work. However, Li Yan's expression does not look relaxed.

"What's going on with that guy Aoba... Is it okay to mix with the girls in the art team?"

Sitting in the office, Li Yan thought anxiously while designing the details of the remaining game script.

After all, when he went to say hello, he was quite unwelcome...

At 8:55, Li Yan finally couldn't sit still, picked up his thermos, pretended to go to the company's drinking place to get hot water, and took a peek at the character group.

Soon, before reaching the door of the character group, Li Yan heard the surprised voice of Liang Feng Qingye.

"Fat... Fat Fat Fat Fat Fat Fat... Fat Times!"

Aoba shouted in surprise from the character group.

"Wh...what's the matter?"

When Li Yan heard this, his face was suddenly shocked, and he couldn't help but look at it with some interest.

"Students? When are there students here..."

Immediately afterwards, the voice of the character group Iori asked in a daze.

"Ah! Xiaoguang, didn't you tell you not to wear this way in the company? Haven't our company already had male employees?!"

Yuan Shanlun hurriedly rebuked.


Li Yan heard it roughly, Iori seems to be sleeping in the company, and it only wears the one that is fat.

I don’t understand why, his heartbeat speeds up a bit. Although he really wants to know the details, he also clearly understands that if he walks over now, it will be difficult for him to gain a foothold in this company in the future...

"Go back first..."

The first temptation just came back and went back without going to the drinking fountain.

At 9:30, Li Yan saw that the time was almost the same. He picked up the thermos bottle again, feeling frustrated, and went to observe the situation of Liangfeng Qingye again.

This time, there was no sound from the character group. Li Yan narrowed his eyes and sneaked in as he passed by.

As a result, in front of him, all the members of the character group had arrived, and as a result, Aoba was completely caught in a dilemma in communication, filled with fear and entanglement...

"Um..." Li Yan's expression also became worried.

Sure enough, even the cool breeze Aoba, who was good at talking and good at communication, didn't even integrate into the group.

Li Yan has a shadow of collective places. From elementary school, middle school, high school... he almost always wanders in the dark corners of being excluded, so he has set two paths for himself long ago, scientific work The writer, or the novelist, locks himself in the office and does not require much communication with colleagues.

"Come on, Aoba..." Li Yan looked at the back of Aoba's somewhat dull head in silence, thinking.

10:30 minutes.

Once again, Li Yan sneakily took the thermos, passed by the door of the character group, and looked in, only to find that the situation and atmosphere were a little different this time.

At this time, Liangfeng Qingye used the company's special messenger software to talk to who and what, and then he was studying with a data book, and his mood seemed to be much better. This change also made Li Yan a little relieved.

It seemed that he had somewhat underestimated Aoba's strength. This optimistic and open-minded girl quickly reversed the form. Undoubtedly, this advantage even Li Yan envied.

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