I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 450

11:20 minutes.

When almost eating, the sneaky Li Yan went to drink water again.

If this is what Hazuki Shizuku saw, he can only use fishing at work to describe his frequent pouring and drinking. When Li Yan walked through the office area, he suddenly discovered that this time there is no need to sneak in. .

"If you are in a formal dress, you need to wear it like this."

Iori Hikaru held the camera and stretched out his hand to unbutton Liang Feng Qingye's collar, reminding him.

Li Yan looked at it, and it seemed that it was indeed the case. He thought of some men, Kagurazaka Acorus, who always wore black professional uniforms, only when he unbuttoned them, he looked more capable.

However, after Liangfeng Qingye was unbuttoned a few buttons on his collar, he stood shyly and blushly in the corridor. I don’t know why. At that moment, Li Yan, who was watching from the side, thought of "Minor The Protection Law is a book of Chinese laws.

"...Sure enough, the previous outfit is more in line with it."

Li Yan and Yashenguang suddenly looked alert and thought.

However, Li Yan knew that he shouldn't stay for a long time. In general, Li Yan was basically at ease with Qingye's situation, and he hurried past them calmly.In general, I can see that Iori seems to be a very considerate team leader, and Li Yan feels more relieved.

"Ah, it's better as before."

Iori light tied Aoba a gift belt again and said with a smile.

After a series of busy work, I finally took the head photo of the employee ID. Iori looked at the photo and said with an OK gesture.

"Yes, hard work." Liangfeng Qingye said with a smile.

"This picture of you is so cute...Compared with Mr. Uesugi's employee profile picture, it has restored a lot." Iori Hikaru looked at the camera film and said with satisfaction.

"Study...no, what happened to Mr. Uesugi's employee profile picture?" Aoba immediately became a little concerned and asked.

"Hmm... Forget it, you signed a non-disclosure agreement when you entered the job. You can show you the negatives. You are the first employee in the company to see his true appearance... To be honest, it shouldn't be considered as such. It's impolite."

Iorisaki showed the camera to Liangfeng Aoba with a face full of doubts. As a result, there was Li Yan's head on the negative. However, the pictures taken with the camera in a proper way always seemed to be from which underworld movie. The close-up is normal, and a fierce air makes people look scared...

Cool breeze Aoba stared blankly, unable to speak for a long time.

"...Hey, who is this person?"

Company drinking station.

When Li Yan was resting, he was thinking a little bit. During the orientation meeting, most of the senior officials had seen it, but he still didn't see the deity of the president of the social society.

It seems that the company has always been managed by Hazuki Shizuku. However, for this new game project, Hazuki Hazuki made a decision after consulting the company president carefully. According to reason, the company president should be working in the company. That's right...


Li Yan, who was pouring hot water, suddenly felt a furry object rubbing against his foot.

He lowered his head and looked down, and saw a fat and big black-and-white cat.

"..." Li Yan's face was a little hard to look.

He doesn't hate cats, but, seeing this body type, the expression of this cat is a bit like Teacher Cat.

"I have seen you several times. Whose cat is this and can be put in the company..."

Li Yan picked up the cat, feeling a little heavy, thinking.

As a result, this cat had a red scarf tied around its neck with the name "Shuiyun" written on it, which was probably the cat's real name.

[Beep beep!

Suddenly, the editing system in Li Yan's consciousness suddenly reacted.

——Work: "new game"

Rating: B+

Suggestion: As a cute work with the theme of lily, it can merge the company culture and the fun of making games. It is a very warm and interesting work.

"...What's the matter?" Li Yan blinked.

Li Yan also understood that this company, or some of the people he met, should also be characters that have become real in the virtual world.

As a result, the editing system turned out to only play a role in Shuiyun.


The lazy cat made a lazy sound.

"But it doesn't matter. After all, it's not a cat teacher. In any case, this cat won't say anything about the novel. It's really reassuring."

Li Yan hugged the cat and said cheerfully.

However, this cat, which was so fat that its eyes became a line, made a strange sound in front of Li Yan.

[Update Volume 9 soon, meow~~~~]

Li Yan's eyes changed, and he looked at the fat cat in horror.


From his dream, Li Yan suddenly stood up, his face pale, his head was sweating, and he was breathing heavily.

"Senior, what's wrong with you?!"

The cool breeze Aoba asked in surprise.


Li Yan came back to his senses and found himself in the restaurant on the company floor. In retrospect, he seemed to be resting here for a while during the lunch break, and fell asleep accidentally.

There are also employees on other floors around eating, looking at them curiously, causing Aoba to have a little headache.However, Li Yan was not fully awake yet, but saw the water cloud sleeping on his stomach, and he immediately stared at it with some alertness.

"What's the matter, senior, have you had a horrible dream?" Liang Feng Qingye asked.

"Haha...it seems like this, quite a terrifying dream." Li Yan replied with lingering fear.

"Unexpectedly, seniors will have something to be afraid of. By the way, we are actually off work now, seniors, do you want to go back together?"

When there was no one, Liang Feng Qingye dared to approach Li Yan and asked with a smile.She had put her pocket on her back and was about to go back.

"Ah, yeah, then..."

Li Yan stood up, ready to go back temporarily.

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