I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 451

"Ah, Uesugi-san, and Liangfeng-san, you guys were here."

Suddenly, Ye Yueshizuku's voice came from the door and said.

"Huh?" Li Yan was taken aback for a moment, looking at Ye Yuejiao.

"There is a very important thing to tell you."

Hazuki asked with a smile, "It's just a small matter. I heard that there is a game show called [Large Comprehensive Game Experience Conference] in Osaka. It will start tomorrow. At that time, there will be several major game companies. The game works after the month will be promoted. Uesugi-kun, this should be a rare case of arranging the release time of each company's game. So, tomorrow, can you please test the enemy's intelligence for a while? "

Chapter 245

Early in the morning, 8:10.

In a house in the center of a fork in a Tokyo street, a sleeping girl is sleeping soundly with a hedgehog doll.

For the high school girl who is studying hard and working hard, she has neither the superpower of the electromagnetic cannon nor the desire to save the world. She is just a tired baby-faced girl.

In the dream, the girl dreamed of a deserted Middle-earth world that looked like a devil. In a gray sky, in a piece of ocean, in a piece of wasteland where fallen travelers were buried, weird bells rang, The lids of the two sarcophagi were opened.

Accompanied by tragic music, this is how the adventure begins.

"Aoba, the bell is ringing, it's time for us to fulfill our mission."

Li Yan, wearing a knight suit, stood in front of the sarcophagus, looked down at her, and said.

"Yes, senior, I will cheer!"

Liangfeng Aoba, dressed in priesthood costumes, stood up from the sarcophagus and said seriously.

As a servant of the mission, she took the staff and followed the resurrected knight to this mission place, and finally exhausted herself and fell on the road of the journey. Now, in order to continue this deserted world, She resurrected with the senior, and headed to the unknown.

The mission of the two of them is that no matter what kind of enemy they will encounter in front of them, no matter how many times they are killed, they can only challenge again and again until they become stronger and defeat all the enemies that hindered them. , Until the final destination.

However, as a rookie novice to lv1, he followed the protagonist of the game to the gate of a palace. As a result, he was swept by a huge and terrifying sculptural monster and shot her flying out, followed by floor debris. Fell to the ground together.

"It hurts!" Liangfeng Qingye felt that his whole body was falling apart.

It hurts and tired, I can’t get up at all...

"Aoba, what are you doing, get up soon?!"

Li Yan, who was fighting the enemy inextricably, blocked the giant sculpture's offensive for her, and couldn't help but turn his head to wake her up.

"No, senior, I really feel that my predecessor is falling apart and can't move..." Liang Feng Qingye replied, lying on the ground painfully.

The ground was constantly shaking, with rays of light shining in front of her eyes. She looked at the powerful knight in a daze. Compared with the protagonist who can always overcome difficulties, she always felt that she was just a burden, and said dizzyly. : "Senior, go ahead by yourself, I think you can only get here..."

The tragic music lingers in the ears, the courtyard gate of the palace, but the game has just begun, but she can't even pass the beginning stage.

"Listen to me, Aoba, this is just the beginning..."

The figure wearing the heavy armor slashed down with a sword, and the opponent fell to his knees, shed black blood, while the rusty armor gradually burned into the spark, preparing to start the next round of duel with the violent opponent.

The man with the vicissitudes of eyes looked at her and said, "If you can't do this difficult point, how can you stick to it in the future? Now that you are here, you must be fully awakened. Do you understand? So weak, get up quickly, we have to keep going..."


The bruised cool breeze Qingye stared blankly at the strict and kind figure. Finally, she gradually understood and started to get up hard...

That's right, even if there are many enemies and difficulties ahead, she can't just stop here, watching the rough palm that stretched out, she stretched out her hand and stretched it toward the palm that pulled her up...

[Boom boom boom!!

Suddenly, the door of the room was knocked, and Liangfeng Aoba, who was still dreaming of the suffering plot of a certain game, was awakened suddenly and opened his eyes immediately.

"Aoba, getting up soon, it's almost ten o'clock, didn't you say you want to go to the game show too?!"

Li Yan knocked on the door and said anxiously.


Cool breeze Aoba suddenly woke up from the state of confusion, and was taken aback.

Today is Sunday, whether it’s school or company, it’s a holiday time. However, Cool Breeze Aoba suddenly remembered it. It seems that when I was at the company yesterday, the game director Miss Hazuki said that games will be held in Osaka today. At the exhibition, Eagle Jump will also bring the works "Star Kingdom" and "Elf Story 2" to the exhibition, requiring the company's participating employees to arrive in Osaka before 10:00...

However, last night, following the advice of the company’s seniors, Liangfeng Aoba tried a game he bought. As a result, he didn’t get through the first level BOSS from seven to ten. After the abuse, I made the dream of that game...

As a result, she looked at her mobile phone, the time was already 8:17.

"Uh... uh uh uh!!!"

When Liang Feng Qingye looked at the phone, her face turned blue in fear.

"Ah, I'm almost late!!"

Liangfeng Qingye let out a scream.

Li Yan, who came to Liangfeng's house with Ying Ningning, heard the screams in the house, and he sighed helplessly, somewhat thankful that she was finally awake.

"Uesugi-kun, has Ningning-chan wake up Aoba? Sorry, I asked you to come here and ask her to go to the library to review and prepare for exams. Let’s have some snacks later. I beg you a lot of homework."

Shouted the Liangfeng family's mother in the restaurant on the first floor.


"I will do my best..." Li Yan replied politely with a nervous and guilty face.

"Xiao Qingjiang also said that she was a member of society, but she slept deeper than me, and only woke up for so long..."

Ying Ningning, who watched Li Yan talking a lot with Liangfeng's parents, sighed slightly, and she thought to herself as she watched the messy sound coming from the room.

This is almost a bad development. In order to explain Liangfeng Aoba’s strange behavior of going out and returning late, Ying Ningning actually used his relationship and claimed that he was a senior who obtained a degree from a prestigious university in Tokyo last year. Recently, Aoba The reason for coming home late is that the two of them are in the library to review with him to prepare for the entrance exam...

Although Ying Ningning didn't know it, she actually accidentally hit some real content in the lies she made up.

As a result, at 8:25, Liangfeng Qingye, who was wearing formal clothes, finally hurried out of the house and joined Li Yan and Ningning who had come out of Liangfeng's house earlier.

"I'm going out!"

Cool Breeze Qingye shouted at the door, closed the door, and came to Li Yan and Ying Ningning.

As a result, after chatting for a while, Ying Ningning separated from Liangfeng Qingye and Li Yan on a fork, and Liangfeng Qingye and Li Yan headed towards the parking lot of the residential area.

"I'm very sorry, senior!"

After Liang Feng Qingye followed Li Yan for a while, the more he thought about it, the more ashamed he became. He couldn't help but bowed to Li Yan, closed his eyes nervously, and said with apologize on his face.

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