I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 453

"Isn't my dream to design a teacher? The senior I longed for should be the senior Iori. If I follow Iori, it should be more helpful to her design experience. The seniors think so too..."

"But why..."

Cool breeze Qingye quietly looked at Li Yan's back, remembering the daytime dream, and finally thought: "I still want to learn from seniors that are not design..."

As a result, the late incident was a large-scale late incident involving overtime work on Sunday, so Li Yan and Liang Feng Qingye did not encounter any condemnation.

Next, it was a special event planned by Li Yan as an Eagle Jump trainee.

Commercial espionage...

No, the meaning of activities is not so serious. It should be said that almost all companies will do things like this in public places.After all, the shopping mall is the battlefield, and only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle.

As it approached twelve o'clock, the Osaka Game Show did not cool down because it was approaching noon, but the entire huge venue was surrounded by crowds of visitors.

World-renowned console game makers such as Ubisoft, Sega, CAPCXM, Sony, and Microsoft are occupying the attention of video game enthusiasts. There is a long queue of black and overwhelmed people waiting to enter the masterpiece’s demo area to see what happened. .

"It's over... After this whole day, I don't know how many game companies I can master the work information."

Li Yan frowned, squinted and looked at the dark crowd in front of him, thinking.

Correspondingly, the number of demo fans on the Eagle Jump exhibition area may not be as good as one-twentieth of those on Sega and Sony. It can be seen that the strength gap is almost crushed.

Of course, fifty regular members plus ten trainees can't compare with a company composed of more than two thousand elites.

Li Yan has been collecting games from Sony, Sega, and some small and medium-sized companies or independent studios, and secretly recorded the time when they were likely to be released.

Compared with powerful game production companies, Eagle Jump's game undoubtedly has a huge flaw.

That is, whether it is the "Elf Story" series or the mediocre "Star Country", they are too focused on producing fairy-tale fantasy style works, so I looked for well-known writers from Sanhe Library to write a new series of works.

Undoubtedly, both Qianshou Cunzhen's "Thousand Demon Change" and his "Witch" series (title tentative) changed the previous style.Among them, because he has studied the style of Feiying Yuedong Company, he merged his own and the style of the previous work. After the magic change, he wrote a brand-new game script. Probably, this is also the most suitable game for the current sale.

"...Sega, seems to be launching a masterpiece of the year."

"Senior, are you going to see the games at Sega?"

Suddenly, a girl in line behind asked.


Li Yan was shocked immediately, and when he looked back, he also shocked the cool breeze Qingye who was behind.

"Qingye, why are you here too?" Li Yan asked suspiciously.

"Because Ye Yue said...the big game companies have more games to launch, so I hope I will come to help the senior..." Liang Feng Qingye scratched his cheek a little, and said with a shy smile.

In fact, after Iori and Fumi came to the exhibition together today, she finally changed her mind. After consulting with her colleagues, she changed to a two-person team to look at the intelligence of other game companies.

"Then, please pay attention to Japanese-style RPGs and other works. I will try out a variety of games. Then we will share the experience and information of these games." Li Yan lowered his voice and told Liang Feng Aoba. Said.

"Yes, I will do my best too!"

Liang Feng Qingye raised her hands and squeezed tightly, knowing that doing so is clearly a commercial espionage, but she still has to work hard to get a little information out... Although this kind of work always feels that an artist is not competent.

"However, this game company is also a very powerful company. When I was young, I often played games made by this game company. It was really interesting."

Liangfeng Qingye looked at this crowded demo team and said with some emotion.

"is it……"

Li Yan raised his head and looked at a large screen in the major game exhibition areas around him, which was showing the promotional videos of games that had been released or were about to be released in recent months.

Indeed, looking at the content of the promotional video, I feel so exciting and unforgettable.


Li Yan quietly watched the various mature and well-known works of Sony, Sega and other well-known game companies.In this vast sea of ​​people, here is a huge market that belongs to others, and their powerful game creativity.

The script he wrote himself and the game script he assisted in the planning of the game script made Eagle Jump's bet with this huge bet, and the confusing mood followed one after another.

The cool breeze Qingye behind noticed that Li Yan showed some complicated expressions when he watched other company's game OP.

"That... Senior, what are you thinking?"


Li Yan returned to his senses. He turned his head and looked at Liang Feng Qing. He didn't intend to show it, but after seeing Liang Feng Qing Ye's caring expression, he was silent for a while. He finally thought about it and decided not to hide it from Liang Feng Qing. leaf.

"Just think about some messy things for a while."

The surrounding game propaganda OPs are endless. I don’t know how much work will be lost after the battle of this game work... Just in the two game exhibition areas of Sony and Sega, there will be love formation, 3A masterpiece magic game, 3D Cool running games and so on, no matter which work, the other party's effort and effort will not be less than his side.He stood at the center of this fiercely competitive vortex.

"From a layman to a professional, even after a lot of research and learning, I am good at creating, but to make a game and fight against these game works, I still feel...the current preparations are a little overwhelming a feeling of."

Surrounded by a group of game propaganda, Li Yan said: "I actually have always understood a little bit. At best, I am just a novelist. In the end, just to realize a long-lost dream of my own, I suddenly went to make a game script and even won. It’s Eagle Jump’s future bet...but I haven’t swelled to the point where I think I can do any text creation, Aoba...I can’t afford to lose this time."

He can't afford to lose...

However, he did not want to lose this challenge without starting.

People are not steel, they have emotions, and they sometimes hesitate when encountering difficulties again and again.


Liang Feng Qingye stood behind Li Yan blankly, looking at his back.

I don't know why, it seems that he has gone through such a thrilling journey with all kinds of hardships, and that figure once again fell into the situation of fighting alone.

Relying on the dreams during the day, she suddenly understood that a person is under such loneliness and heavy pressure. Even with great strength, it does not matter if one person goes on alone, but it feels like a desperate journey. And will not be happy.

"...Senior, in Eagle Jump, do you feel happy playing games?"

Standing behind him, Liangfeng Qingye, who was almost overwhelmed by the crowd, raised her head slightly to look at him and asked.

"This one……"

When Li Yan was asked this way, recalling the bits and pieces of making games, he realized that even after a series of things, even if a lot of precious homework time was wasted, he lost the match with Qianshou Village Zheng, but stayed in the end. The scenery for him is still pleasing to the eye.

"Although it was my dream to join Eagle Jump, when I was working later, I realized that the trainees were all expanded for the purpose of processing and producing the senior's game scripts. I have never been confused anymore. Sure enough, making games with the seniors is Very interesting work, I will definitely remember this memory."

Liangfeng Qingye smiled brightly, crossed her fingers, and said, "Senior, I will accompany you down the road. The game will definitely be popular. Let's cheer together!"

Li Yan was slightly fascinated.

In the noisy exhibition, after all, the shock of being surrounded by tough opponents gradually subsided, Li Yan gradually realized that he was worried by his younger generations, and finally, he was a little happy.

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