I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 454

"Of course, when I was your examiner, I decided to let you stay and make games with me. If you review, I will help you too. For this hard and happy time, thank you for being with me. Let's spend it together, let's cheer together, Aoba."

Li Yan looked at her and said with a smile.

"Yes." Seeing Li Yan's mood seemed to lighten up, Liang Feng Qingye responded with a smile.

In the end, Li Yan's investigation of some surrounding companies came to an end after a few hours of struggle.

Staggering the market positioning, Li Yan finally researched a classic and popular game that is most likely to impact the game work he designed.

"Battlefield Goddess 4.5", as one of the most popular series of Japanese RPG works, from the progress of the trial play, it is almost certainly aimed at the Japanese post-year market. The type is also an aerial fantasy hot-blooded combat game, no matter where you look at it. , Will pose a threat to the sales of Eagle Jump's works.

"...In short, after going back, let's discuss it with Miss Ye Yue."

Li Yan looked at the highly anticipated game OP and thought to himself.

As a result, when returning to Eagle Jump with Liangfeng Aoba, in the exhibition area, both Li Yan and Aoba noticed that the atmosphere was a little different.

"What's wrong, what happened here, Miss Shinoda?"

Li Yan asked.

Shinoda, who came to help, had a complicated expression on her face. When she saw Uesugiyan, her whole body was shocked, and then she said embarrassingly, "Ah, ah...it's Uesugi-sensei."

"?" The cool breeze Aoba looked curiously at the beginning of Shinoda, not knowing why. Many employees around him have always avoided talking about Li Yan, appearing in awe.

"...That, teacher, and Aoba-chan. Not long ago, a production staff from a company came to visit our exhibition area. I don’t know why, but I always think it’s a bad person. It seems that some of our company’s information has been leaked out. So, it looked like the other party came to interfere."


Both Li Yan and Qingye were slightly startled and looked at the door of the conference room of the exhibition.

Among the newly recruited group of part-time employees, it is possible that...there is really a commercial spy sent by other companies mixed in, causing Eagle Jump's new game intelligence to be intercepted.

"Then, Miss Ye Yue, please think twice about my suggestion."

As a result, a group of game company personnel from Sago walked out of the simple meeting room. It seemed that several game engineers and designers followed the company's high-level actions.


However, in the crowd of that company, at almost the same time, the eyes of the two found each other.

As an important collaborator of the studio, Sawamura Sayuri, who is the main designer of "Battlefield Goddess 4.5", is in the crowd at the moment, looking surprised at Li Yan who will appear here...

Chapter 246 Li Yan and the Latest Game


A fat cat was lying on the desk in Li Yan's office. Li Yan sat in front of the computer intently to study, write and modify the game settings of "Devil Hunting World", almost full of firepower.

After yesterday’s research by the Planning Department, Li Yan’s script title has been revised and fixed with this traditional, concise and powerful Japanese name.


At nine o'clock in the evening, a light rain began to fall in the sky. October is summer and autumn, and the hot and cold air currents are chaotic. For Japan with its four distinct seasons, the heat of this year is about to end.


Cool breeze Qingye passing by the office was a little surprised and caringly observing Li Yan who was working overtime, and some could not speak.


Suddenly, a brisk woman's voice behind her patted Liang Feng Aoba's shoulder, and her face turned blue with fright. Fortunately, her mouth was covered in time by the scary person behind her, otherwise the whole building would hear something A young girl screamed at midnight.

"Very risky, you really put all your attention on that man, no, Aoba, you are already like this when you are only eighteen... I really worry about your future."

Behind Liang Feng Qingye, the Iori light located in the company corridor covered her forehead, looking at her with a headache and said.

"Ahem, you just need to take care of yourself, aren't you worrying about the future?"


As a result, Yuan Shanlun behind Iori light unexpectedly gave Iori a "shot", and immediately caused the twenty-four-year-old female team leader to hold her chest in pain.

"Senior Yuanshan, senior Iori..."

Liang Feng Qingye blinked, and then she understood, shook her hand quickly, and said with an embarrassing smile: "No, I didn't mean anything, just a little worried about the senior..."

"Senior, Uesugiyan is your senior?!" Yashenguang and Yuan Shanren were taken aback and asked in surprise.


Cool breeze Aoba suddenly noticed that the sky was leaking, and then became more panicked, and said: "No, no, senior or something, just nonsense..."

Because the voice was too loud, Toyama Run took a peek to see that the door was always open, and Uesugi Yan, who was always ready to cooperate with the various departments of Eagle Jump, was too obsessed with writing and did not notice the movement of the corridor, so he was a little relieved.

The gossip location quickly moved to where the employees were resting. It was late at the moment, and tomorrow was Monday. The oily notes for [Tomorrow's general meeting] were already written on the reminder board. Most of the employees have gone back, and only left In the IT department, three people in the role group are still working overtime.


Cool breeze Aoba, who realized that she could not control her voice, bowed apologetically to her two bosses.

"So, what are you two hiding? It's totally inexplicable. Seniors are seniors. If you met before, wouldn't it be good to communicate and contact with each other in the company?" Iori asked.

"This..." Liangfeng Qingye scratched his cheek, a little hard to explain.

"Xiao Guang has always been a bit clumsy in this regard. Uesugi-sensei's handling of this matter is actually very rational. Only our character team and Uesugi-sensei can understand Aoba's strength. Others will undoubtedly believe their guesses even more. rumor."

Toyama Run didn't agree with Iori Mitsu's straight-forward mind. She smiled and said gently, "However, Aoba and Uesugi-sensei don't have to hide it now. After all, this seems very hard, and your strength will be shown well. The rumors will automatically shut up. If they are exposed for too long, they will also cause criticism. And if you are more careful, you can see that Uesugiyan's attitude towards you is absolutely extraordinary, and you know how you know you. ."

"Eh, no, me and senior... have never spoken in the company?"

Liangfeng Qingye opened his eyes slightly and asked.

"...In a certain way, you are also quite natural." Iori Hikaru looked at her helplessly and said: "In fact, the people in our group can generally see it, let alone what you observe Uesugi every time. And Mr. Uesugi was too obvious. He drank water seven or eight times a day, and every time he took the opportunity to see what you were doing, it was like an old man who came over from nowhere."


Liang Feng Qingye listened to this description speechlessly, but Li Yan's exaggerated way of caring for the younger generation was indeed a bit too much.

"By the way, when I was in Osaka on Saturday, I found something was wrong with you. Is there anything you want to ask your senior?" Toyama Run asked.

"Yeah, although you are still a trainee, but this can't work, it will affect your working status a bit. What are you struggling with these days?" Yashinko asked with a slight frown.


Cool breeze Qingye was taken aback for a moment, and then hesitated. Finally, she said, "I...maybe a little worried about seniors."

"During the exhibition, our company seemed to be interfered by the market by big companies. If it is not clear why the other company cares so much about the game scripts designed by seniors, I feel that seniors are faced with new and inexperienced things and have responsibilities. , There will be some confusion. Although the time is only short, the senior still makes me feel incredibly strong. When I returned to the company's exhibition area, I realized that the senior... seemed to know the staff of Sago's studio. same……"

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