I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 455

Liangfeng Qingye recalled that in the crowd of people yesterday, he also saw the unique and beautiful scenery standing among the elite group of a certain company.

Kimonos are not uncommon in Japan. However, the beauty in kimonos will be the focus of everyone's attention everywhere. Even Eagle Jump, which is dominated by female employees, is almost overshadowed at that moment.

With beautiful hair, pitch black as ink, clear and bright pupils, smooth skin tone, she is a Japanese oriental beauty.

During the meeting, her status seemed to be at the same level as Yashenguang. She seemed to accompany the team to take a look. She didn't say a word from beginning to end. However, when she saw Li Yan in the crowd, her eyes seemed slightly slightly. Changed, and then she was silent, but her smile was clearly charming. Although she didn't say a word to Li Yan during the whole process, Liang Feng Qingye could see that this woman knew Li Yan. .

"Probably, I didn't realize that I had been observing the enemy camp for so long, only to find that my friends...or acquaintances...are on his hostile camp."

Liang Feng Qingye was a little serious, and she squeezed her hand in front of her chest, as if telling a story, she said.

"...Next time you let Aoba learn how to write scripts. You have a lot of imagination and observation."

Iori said with shame.

"However, it is indeed a correct answer. I also found that it should be so. As far as I know, that lady is a very good artist in the game industry and art design. Many well-known game companies hire her to design. Game character paintings and landscapes...If you have reputation and ability, probably no one in our company can match them."

Yuan Shanlun reluctantly admitted this fact, and she said bitterly: "Because the stand is at odds, the best way is not to get too close. After all, in an environment like business, if you talk in person, there will be no harm. Good, so Uesugi-sensei and Sago's painter probably knew and avoided suspiciously. The situation is similar to yours, Aoba."

Yashinko also agreed, and said, "I have indeed heard that he is a very powerful designer and painter. Sure enough, the famous novel, the old thief Uesugiyan knows people who are not simple characters..."


Liang Feng Qingye was stunned for a moment. She always felt that she had heard some unintelligible information, and asked curiously: "That, Senior Iori, the famous novel old thief... who is it?"

——"Hunter World Prologue·The Awakened Pale Witch"


On the dark continent, steel trains roared in the rail network before the collapse of the world order.

The moonlight was blocked by the surging clouds, and the leaves of the forest were rustled by the wind. The only bright spot was this iron-clad railcar, the most important means of transportation that fearlessly explores the dark continent. The scenery A faint mist was permeated, and the branches like the fingers of a witch Gulou kept flapping against this carriage guarded by iron armor.

This kind of firepower railcar, which has been heavy and rushing in the dark continent, is a unique close-up of the transition animation when the entire game is in the transfer location, and can even be used as a player to remember this game. Attractions screen.

Japan itself is a railroad country, and this country has an unspeakable preference for railroads. Therefore, when Li Yancai used train technology to express the world's highest industrial masterpiece...

The dialogue at the beginning of the plot has also been revised again by Li Yan, simplifying a full one-third of the extra opening explanation, which is used to reduce the common problem of the long opening speech of Japanese RPG.

In today's modification, Li Yan reserved the worldview in the epic OP, and put the game operation introduction in the optional, hunter's reminder card that pervades the darkness.

At the beginning of the story, it is about the skilled and experienced young hunter Ritter riding in the [darkest day] armored rail car to the depths of the dangerous forest. As a result, in the search for hundreds of years of abandoned urban monuments, the team encountered The attack caused the underground part of the tunnel to fall into a cave-in. The 21-year-old male protagonist who had always acted selfishly and thought he was selfish was finally buried alive at a critical moment in order to save his companions.

However, all of this was sealed in the ground, and the girl who sensed that the end of the world was near realized that Ritter’s wounded blood awakened the sleeping [Pale Witch], and finally through the sharing of life, the Witch forcibly extended it The life span of a young hunter...

Destiny is connected, passing through distant history and time and space. This is how the journey of young girls and girls is the most fundamental bond because of symbiosis.

This is the beginning of the prologue of "Hunter World".

"...The setting for the beginning of the plot is probably like this. The beginning of the Japanese RPG game, if it can allow players to interact with the game more, it should be more exciting and more impressive."

Li Yan looked at the re-edited prologue plot and settings in the document, and thought to himself.

The opening and trial play of the game is related to the direct sales of a work. After all, on the PS4 platform or if it is possible to log in to Steam in the future, it is possible to give new players a trial version.

Li Yan also almost made major changes to the persona.

——[The main role part.

——Ritter Grot: A seasoned hunter who is not suitable for his age will always be very selfish in his daily life, but his essence is just a young man who knows the sinister ways of the world; he knows how to take care of people and knows a little about everything, but A partner who is not interested in anything and is worth relying on.Good at long-distance firearms and weapons, can use various ores found in the maze of relics to modify the performance of firearms, and are humans who have left stigmata in their hearts.

——Aisha: One of the ancient witches who have saved the world. Because of their pale hair, it is recorded as a pale witch in history; with a double ponytail hairstyle, a delicate and slightly immature appearance, wearing a large black robe, a suit shirt, and a skirt Have leggings, serious personality, occasionally appear lively, some do not understand the world, know magic knowledge, good at close combat, the weapon is "black blood sickle"; the magic characteristic is to be able to absorb and defeat the witch to obtain the opponent's unique power, also Change the color of the robe.

In terms of human settings, Li Yan made the most important setting changes in the ARPG game. He directly abolished that women are generally magicians and men are generally specific to fighters.

The male protagonist is a maze hunter, so naturally you need to conquer many mazes to gain additional abilities. The female protagonist is a witch who accommodates all magical powers. Naturally, she absorbs special abilities in the main line for character growth.However, many doors in the ancient labyrinth that no one can enter require the special magic power of the witch to unlock.

In other words, all abilities can be particularly useful in game exploration, and affect the training direction of different players.

"Moreover, the male protagonist’s special firearms can actually show weakness and crit in precise long-range attacks, and the heroine’s sickle in the domineering harvest also shows the tenderness of the girl, which will be more flavorful than a single performance role. In the novel, it is the so-called asymmetrical setting. If the heroine is set in this way, it may be more emotional, and there are so many jitters in Japan that will definitely like it..."

Li Yan reviewed his story and thought about it quietly.

The whole work is determined to use 2.5D anime style for modeling and research. In Li Yan’s thinking, he feels that his work should be in the PS4 special effects rendering battle environment, retaining the unique style of Japanese games, and cooperating with the comics. Wei style, Japanese manga style, and grotesque Gothic style and mechanical style blend together to create the most unique game.

Since returning from the Osaka Game Show, Li Yan has understood that his settings still need to be changed, and the game plot should be polished to be able to fight against the high-profile new work of "The Goddess of War" after a few years.

It was already 10:03 at night.

[Boom boom boom.

The phone on Li Yan's desk suddenly rang. He looked at it and it turned out to be a text message from Liangfeng Qingye, mostly reminding him that it was time to get off work.

However, at night, the sound of rain outside the window is still rustling, and maybe you have to get wet...

At night, on the rainy streets, the street lights seemed a bit too dim, and it was the rush hour when the station was crowded with office workers waiting for the tram.


Liang Feng Qingye's hair was a little wet, and she looked at Li Yan in amazement.

"Senior... is a very famous novelist?"

She blinked, staring at Li Yan blankly, looking around, but she didn't know why, she didn't seem to be a light novelist at all.

It should be said that if he had been involved in the underworld, or was a TV drama star, she would basically believe in 70% to 80%, but that kind of light novel writer made her somewhat unable to believe in it.

"There is no literary taste, and there is no thick-rimmed glasses like the school's literature club, and there is no sense of homeness. Are the seniors really writing light novels about the otaku fantasy?"

Liangfeng Qingye kept raising his head, looking at Li Yan, frowning his brows, thinking.

"That, senior..."

At about 10:10 in the evening, when I walked to the station, I put away my umbrella, and the cool breeze Aoba, who could officially talk to Li Yan, finally couldn't bear his inner curiosity and shock, and asked: "Senior, you... you……"

The roar of Tokyo vehicles was accompanied by the sound of ticking rain. The crowded station seemed quite lively. As a result, Li Yan was stopped by the cool breeze Aoba behind him.

"Huh?" Li Yan turned around and looked at her puzzled.


Liang Feng Qingye looked at Li Yan with a smile, don’t know why, and looked at this face-to-face face that always attracts women’s crimes like this, and thought: “No, I can’t ask at all [So senior, who are you? A light novel writer who is always chased by readers] Such an excessive word..."

"What's wrong?" Li Yan asked curiously.

"Yes, senior... If you are senior, writing novels must be very good, because the script is so powerful..." asked Liang Feng Aoba with a dry smile.

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