I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 456

When Li Yan heard this, he immediately noticed something wrong, and seemed to guess that Liang Feng Qingye had heard of his background from others.

Li Yan was silent for a moment, then looked at Cool Breeze Aoba, and explained in a somewhat subtle way: "I am indeed still serializing some light novels. It is also because of the company that I have the opportunity to come into contact with the game script industry... But, It’s definitely not just an ordinary author like you’ve heard. In the field of games, I’m basically just beginning. Since I’m writing game scripts instead of light novels, I don’t need to care about anything else. Any other status, so you can be considered a newcomer just like you."

"By the way, cough cough, I also expect you will know this sooner or later, sorry, Aoba, the less people know about this, the better. If you encounter readers on such an occasion, it will definitely be very troublesome. thing……"

Li Yan quickly reminded this life-and-death message for the purpose of precaution, and said.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I also forgot for a while that you have been hateful... No, no, it's just that you can't communicate with readers a little bit... That way..."

Liang Feng Qingye said with a bitter smile, always feeling that talking about his seniors today, there is a sense of sight of landmines everywhere.

"Probably, it shouldn't be as exaggerated as Sister Iori or Senior Toyama said, saying that just calling his name in a bookstore or a crowded place will definitely cause a commotion..."

Cool breeze Aoba thought with a smile.

"...That's the case, so the senior is writing the game script at Eagle Jump as a writer."

Liangfeng Qingye understood, and thought.

This kind of work arrangement is not strange to Aoba, who is familiar with games. A long time ago, game companies had many connections with famous novel writers. Novelists writing scripts for game companies have always existed, similar to the current situation. The famous games in Eastern Europe, the "Witcher" series in Eastern Europe, recent popular works "Blood Relations", "Metro 2033", the prototype of a certain company's "Assassin X Article" are all adapted from famous story novels.Even "Rainbow X" has novelists.

"By the way, tomorrow, there seems to be a meeting to be held." Liangfeng Qingye said to Li Yan.

"...Yes, tomorrow, the official production of "Devil Hunting World" will begin." Li Yan turned around and said.

When Cool Breeze Aoba heard it, she was shocked. In fact, as a researcher, she didn't know the content of the meeting. This news was almost exclusive information from the planning department, but many employees guessed it would be this one. thing.

"Congratulations, senior, tomorrow, I will work hard to help make the game out! I have been making the NPC model of Elf Story recently, and I have learned very happy, so I promised that I will definitely support Senior!"

Cool breeze Aoba clenched his fists and said excitedly.

In the black rain, Li Yan looked back at the cool breeze Qingye.

Obviously the crowd was surging and the voice was noisy, but amid the ticking rain, Li Yan's eyes looked so bright in the dark.

"...Thank you, Aoba." Li Yan said with a smile.

Tomorrow will be the day when Eagle Jump and he officially set sail.

Game companies have always borrowed the hands of novelists to inject soul-like stories into games, so he came to this small and sophisticated game club.

Yesterday, Sago company came to commercial interference with Eagle Jump's release time. The other party's investigation was basically the same as him. They all believed that January would be the best time for a work to become a classic and sales trump card.

January is the time when Japan’s year-end bonuses are on sale. Two months of standard funding will make office workers and students the backbone of consumption. However, Sago’s performance over the years is irrational, so "The Goddess of War" is a classic. The 4.5th generation of the high-profile game was born.

After going back yesterday, Li Yan found in Gabriel’s game warehouse that she had bought the first part of "Goddess of Battlefield" that she hadn’t played much. This work is more special, that is, the gameplay is very special. In view of the role playing and Between FPS and chess games, Gabriel called it a boring game of [10 minutes of operation and 3 hours of dialogue].

As a result, after the game was carefully studied by Li Yan, the value of the masterpiece with more than one million sales was finally reflected.

"Battlefield Goddess", whether it is characterization, battlefield design, and progress in the ingenious plot design are quite excellent works, almost as an anime.

For Gabriel, who doesn't have much patience and only likes Krypton Gold, it has almost made her a big difference. It is easy to pick up this one, but it is quite difficult to play a good achievement in a strategy game.

This is a very good work. More importantly, Sawamura Sayuri joined in. He is very familiar with Miss Sawamura's strength, so the art part of the next work is definitely not bad...

However, yesterday’s intervention completely angered Li Yan. In any case, he would not allow any outside forces to trample on and dominate his creation and efforts. Therefore, he is also ready to give it a go and go all out. Within months, I made the best game with Eagle Jump.

Chapter 247 The Confusion

University of Tokyo.

In the English class in the morning, the dangerous situation finally happened.

When the get out of class was over, the class that was full of students suddenly became empty...


Li Yan sat in the last row of seats in despair, staring blankly at his laptop for class, and the content of the game script was still being written on the laptop for class.

However, he didn't know when it started. His venerable physics tutor was behind the scenes and kept watching him writing the game script...

"Bad, bad..."

Li Yan felt the chill behind him. He wanted to see the professor's face, but he didn't know why, but he didn't even have this courage.

Originally, Hagi-Mura Bell would normally help him check it out, but today Hagi-Mura Bell asked for leave because of a high fever. As a result, she was caught upright by her mentor when she was rarely protected.

"...It seems to be well written, but also very hard."

Professor Ogura gave him the right to operate the computer and said calmly.

Li Yan's face was pale, he turned around cautiously, his eyes were full of fear and worry, and immediately, he confided all the review books he had written in his heart in the shortest time: "Well... Teacher, you Listen to my explanation, I just took a short run, and it’s time for get out of class when I reflect on it. This is definitely not my normal state. I have completed the review of all subjects very seriously, without any intention of letting down the teacher’s expectations. , I will never do it again from now on..."

In this classroom, once this professor appears, there will never be a second student who dares to stay here.

This American professor of physics specially hired by the University of Tokyo is a well-known university in the United States and Japan for his rigor. Only from his gray hair and piercing eyes can appreciate his academic rigor and pressure.

"There is no need to be so restrained."

The professor looked at Li Yan and said, “It’s good to have such introspection, but this is an English class. I know that your English scores are pretty good. If it doesn’t affect my coursework, I won’t keep asking questions. ."


It is rare for Li Yan to hear that his professor is so approachable, and he suddenly feels a little unbelievable, even wondering if he is in a dream.

"Of course, the premise is that your grades and academics should not be lazy. If you let me see your test scores or papers in a mess, I will definitely not spare you."

The professor stared at him and said.

Those mellow and wise eyes looked directly at Li Yan, and Li Yan quickly took back the illusion that he felt that his teacher was approachable, and immediately felt shady in his heart.

"Okay... Teacher."

Li Yan replied helplessly, thinking that he had to be cautious about his examination and thesis topics during this period of time...


The professor's cell phone rang suddenly, and now it was almost noon, when it was time to leave work or school, he checked the phone and walked to the corridor of the teaching building.

"It's me," the professor said.

[Dad, I’m sorry, I’m very busy at work today, I’m afraid I will spend the night at the company again today.

A very young woman said in an apologetic voice on the phone.

"Really, then come back to me in two days, just have a meal... By the way, how is your mother?"

[Recently, I have some colds. Many people around me have caught colds because of the change of seasons, but it doesn’t matter. Mom is all well.

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