I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 457

"That's good, then that's it."

The professor turned off for a few words, a little silent.

Academics also need to pay a certain price, such as energy, such as time, and... family.

He was divorced many years ago, and now he returns to teach in Japan, more or less to make up for the regret that he has come to realize after being alone in the United States.

"Sure enough, the animation industry culture in Japan is too developed. Not only the girl chooses to work in an animation company, but also Li is secretly writing novels..."

He didn't object to anyone's preferences, but after all he sneered at such entertainment-oriented culture, put away his mobile phone, and walked quietly to the graduate school of the Department of Physics.

When the professor left, Li Yan poked his head and looked at the distant figure, only to heaved a sigh of relief.

"It's great, at least I have escaped the catastrophe, otherwise I will be fined for copying books and the like. The fine for copying is nothing, but the final critical moment is delayed, and the consequences are a little unbearable..."

Li Yan looked at the figure of his mentor leaving with some trouble, and thought.

Today is Monday, Eagle Jump should officially start the game development project of "Hunter World" in the morning meeting.

The day before, he basically learned about the process from Hazuki Shizuku. The IT group, the character group and the music group will start working with full force. After finishing the production of "Elf Story 3" a year ago, he will rush to produce it after the year. After finishing "Hunting the Devil", it can be said that the company's destiny was blocked, and today I started to go all out.

Li Yan checked the time. It was 12:15 noon. After eating some bread and milk in a hurry, he went to the library and continued to study the game script modification work alone.

——"Hunter World Chapter 1 Burning Steel Witch"

The settings of the Seven Witches correspond to seven special magical physiques, corresponding to the earth, the pale witch, the power of mountain power development, the iron witch, the sea of ​​hell, the flame witch, the deep sea glacier, the witch of the glacier, and the permanent residence. The witches of the sky, the witches of the blue sky sleeping among the ancient trees of the forest, and the witches of the dark that have long fallen and are forbidden forever.

The plot of the first chapter has more than two hundred thousand words, and it has just been revised this morning and will not be changed.

The plot also tells the first round of cooperation between the pale witch Aisha and the somewhat selfish young hunter Ritter.

The important point of the first chapter is to introduce Ritter's unique personality and Aisha's unique personality. The game is very similar to the light novel description, and it needs to grasp the rhythm and skills.

Ritter, who has obtained a symbiotic relationship, is obviously exposed to his nature and has been living independently. The young hunter who has seen many dark sides ignores many daily help and ignores other people's concerns.For the [witch], who has a lot of notorious rumors in the streets and lanes, it is the opposite of a sense of responsibility and vigorous sense of justice. As a result, two characters with connected destinies can always have interesting daily contradictions in urban streets or in mazes. The plot can be started anywhere in the game as an interesting point of exploration.

The location of the adventure is set in the ruins of the ancient forest that was once the capital of steel, and the level design is mostly in charge of the experienced planner, Hazuki Shizuku.

Since it is a forbidden maze of steel casting, the background of the burning furnace is generally used to create the game background that is still forging steel. When the maze is automatically triggered, there will be bulging barbed iron fences climbing up around it, and it needs to be solved. Open organs and properly create maze blocks. The whole process of tackling key problems is matched with the rhythmic Gothic BGM to render the experience of the first battle of the main line.

Numerous battle details rendering, and some background historical plots of the maze also occupy a lot of words.

After the prologue and the first chapter are officially completed, the main character design and NPC, art production, action design, and dubbing work in the game will soon follow. The experience required for a simple progress of about 10% It takes a production team of dozens of people to work overtime for a week or so day and night to make it out.

Li Yan's game script setting style is increasingly deviating from Eagle Jump's traditional style for younger age or feelings.Aiming at more audiences from 11-40 years old, we constantly redesign and modify the written game script.

A thin black robe, a top hat, a double ponytail, and a slightly immature appearance, a serious and arrogant personality... The pale witch's personality design somewhat referred to some girls he knew.

In terms of appearance and wearing, referring to the appearance of the black dragon Nidhogg, this proud king of another world has always had an incredible beauty, elegance and slightly handsome temperament.But in terms of personality, he deliberately uses the characteristics of being natural, paranoid, overly serious, strong sense of justice, and having a great sense of speech as the inner character, which contrasts with the appearance to a certain extent, and the performance will be stronger.

However, a game does not have a clear main line, and the character's rich personality can solve all the problems of game design.

The game requires at least 55 hours of playable clearance time, and the whole plot and maze arrangement are also relatively tight. Therefore, general games are designed to enrich the game playability and extend the game time. Most of them will design side missions and exploration missions. It is a small game to solve the problem.

"Elf Story 3" and "Star Nation", and I heard that the later work "PICO" such as Eagle Jump is to force maps and mini games to solve the problem of time, and the game "The Witcher" almost makes people think that it is compatible with all NPCs Playing Gwent with the enemy is the main line.

However, Li Yan did not agree with this design idea.

"Such a hide-and-seek game that is irrelevant to the plot or a maze ball game is still slightly lacking in gameplay in the game progress. This setting is not sensible..."

When Li Yan designed the plot on his laptop, he considered this detail.

After all, "The Witcher" still integrates the card game into the storyline, and you can choose freely, but the mini games added in "Elf Story 3" are a bit cumbersome. Players buying the game want to experience more from the storyline. What a fun way to play, designing a mini game for players to play in this way is equivalent to writing hydrology with almost the same effect.

Therefore, Li Yan decided to place all the side tasks on the Hunter’s Guild, because there are only three main villages, and the number of NPCs is not large. Therefore, the hunter’s entrusted tasks are generally closely linked with the NPC’s people. After strengthening the role impression, it also enriches and promotes the game plot to a certain extent.

The acrobatic performance of the acrobatic troupe can learn some unique skills, the NPC can learn more exquisite bargaining skills, etc., how to perform the work of a teacher and how to get along with a group of difficult kids...

In addition, the Pale Witch Aisha’s [Black Blood Scythe] setting has added some game collection functions, namely the collection of all enemy souls, which is the collection of all enemy information, and the past BOSS challenge options.

"In general, this is the story and game design of the prologue and the first chapter..."

After a busy afternoon in the library, it was finally time for Li Yan to go to work.

Li Yan checked the prologue and the first chapter of more than 300,000 words, and he was a little relieved. Finally, he was able to take it out to the director with complete confidence and let her perform the process.

Twilight time.

"...Time to go."

After Li Yan sent the script to Ye Yueshizuku, he put away his tools and started the first day as a formal planner, and as a scriptwriter, he set off to actually make a game of words.

In terms of human design work, at the all-staff meeting on Monday, the company director Ye Yueshizuku presided over the meeting and collected this most important design activity from all employees.

In Eagle Jump company, following the rules for more than ten years, the recruitment of new games is not limited to the art team, and even the personnel team can participate, but after several times, the art department is the winner in the person design.


The meeting was over long ago, and Liang Feng Qingye, who had returned to his seat, still had difficulty recovering.

"Everyone, whether it is a trainee or a full-time employee, can participate in this campaign... It turns out that Eagle Jump is the job of the campaign."

Liangfeng Qingye became a little nervous, thinking.

It should be said that experience in designing this industry is very useful, but it is not absolute, because the first thing in human design is creativity. The more distinctive the character design, the more the charm of the script role can be reflected, the more hopeful Elected.

However, this is not a simple and competent job...

In the afternoon, all employees received the settings for the two roles. As a result, the requirements were quite complicated. For Eagle Jump, a fantasy Japanese RPG, it was too new and difficult.

"Aisha, with a black top hat, a black European-style outer robe, a cute face, a gray and white double ponytail hairstyle, a figure about Bcup, a height of 156cm, age 17 years old, height weapon is a black black blood sickle; personality is a bit old-fashioned, vitality, Strong sense of justice and strong; hobby is to like sweets, and also very fond of small animals and children. Others: very talented in magic..."

"Ritter, with short black hair, a little bit fish-eyed, wearing a hunter hat, a coat, a height of 175cm, and a long-barreled musket; personality is a bit opportunistic, and he can talk about selfish life philosophy without changing his face. Will take care of others; my hobbies are ramen and energy food, I like to complain..."

Cool breeze Aoba once again looked at these settings in the office, as well as a prologue plot that was released, requiring the style to take into account American style, Japanese style, Gothic style, and mechanical style. Such a complicated design work is not very easy to draw. It is difficult, but it is a bit difficult for non-professionals to analyze the emotions from the descriptions in the prologue.

"It feels weird. Although it was easy at first, but after reading the prologue plot written by the senior, I realized that it was not the same. I always felt that the difficulty of the design was not the same. ..."

Liang Feng Qingye tried to draw some, but besides some more scraps, she didn't have any clues, and she was immediately unable to lie on the table and whispered.

"Green, green leaf sauce..."

Suddenly, a fluttering voice of a young girl came from behind, causing Liang Feng Qingye to be stunned for a moment, and then looked back.

Taki, who is second only to Toyama and Iori in the art department, is rich today, shyly almost like a cute new who doesn't understand the world, and his delicate face is all crimson, and slowly said: "That... Isn’t Mr. Uesugi your predecessor? His works have always been difficult to design."

"Eh, really, senior Nisumi?"

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