I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 461

Liangfeng Qingye's heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

Finally, it was her domain.

In order to live up to the expectations of seniors and bosses, Liangfeng Qingye wants to join Zhuolu's team today.

Five or six senior executives, including game director Hazuki Shizuku, game planner Uesugiyan, and IT team elite Apoken Haizi, were selected for the selection. The final choice still fell on the unreliable game master planner. Hands.

At 9:30, all the works were put on the table, and when the time came, the selection began.

Out of fairness, almost all the entries of the contestants will be put on the projection light for everyone to see and comment one by one. Therefore, the mood of the contestants present is a bit upset.


In the comments, Ye Yueshizuku got the work of Iori Light, and his eyes suddenly lit up and smiled and said, "It's the turn of the Iori group leader."

The discussion at the scene suddenly subsided, and all the employees focused on the company's most popular personal designer works, including Liangfeng Aoba.

The company has always been rumored that the result of this human-made competition has long been scheduled...


She made a faint voice of concern, and her entangled mood was very weird. She hoped that her idol Iori could produce amazing portraits, but she also hoped that her work could surpass her and exceed her career goals.

"Yes, please take a look." Yashenguang said.

Soon, a picture of the person design was displayed on the screen.

Everyone was a little surprised, staring blankly at this talented young man as a teacher.

The character design designed by Iori Hikaru has obviously changed the style of painting. It has broken away from the familiar styles of the series of "Elf Story" and "Star Kingdom". It is specially designed for Uesugi's special style and adopted a Japanese style that has never been tried. The American style strives to design the two protagonists' personal drawings.

Cartoon, beautiful, and capture the script description far more than other paintings.

"...At this level, even when she was in contact with Ying Riri last year, she did not achieve this design ability. Miss Iori is indeed quite remarkable."

Li Yan reviewed the design draft, and the editing system also got an evaluation of [A], which made him think secretly.

"Um...very good, I originally thought you would continue the style of "Elves Story", but you didn't make such a mistake. You really deserve to be Iori."

Hazuki looked at the main figure painting in his hand, as well as various expression paintings, and said with appreciation.


Liangfeng Qingye became a little nervous, thinking.

She immediately began to review the personalities she had drawn in the morning. Although these designs are her most proud of so far, they are somewhat exaggerated, and there are temperamental expressions, whether they lose points...

"The next thing is, Miss Yuanshan's work."

Hazuki Shizuku always feels a little surprised. Even Yuan Shanren, who has always been indisputable in this aspect, has also entered the battle. She is looking forward to his performance. The design drawings in hand have not disappointed her.

Yuan Shanlun's painting style is mainly unique and full of tension. Although the beauty is not as good as the works of Iori, the characteristics are enough to make up for the defects.

The evaluation of the editing system is: [A-].

Li Yan had to agree that Eagle Jump is really a Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger. In terms of art, there are so many excellent artists involved, and the game's graphics should be able to compete with Sayuri.

After reviewing the works of the next few people, Li Yan and Qingye finally heard Ye Yueshizuku say the name of the next candidate.

"...Next, it's Liang Fengjun's work."

"Yes, please take care of me!" Liang Feng Qingye said nervously, tightening his nerves.

Hazuki got the design drawing, and then turned to the page of human design.

The atmosphere is like a quiet lake broken by a drop of rain, which stuns a storm.

Iori Light, Yuan Shanlun, and even Ye Yuezhi and Li Yan were all there.

That picture does not have the character of the heroine, it seems that only the character of the heroine and witch Ai Xia is driven out.However, the girl in a black dress, with gray and white double ponytails, has a bit of toughness in her pretty and cute face. The huge sickle is a bit exaggerated, because the time is scattered and the background is a huge British clock.

Different from the fairy tale style of Iori, Toyama Run is full of tension. The sickle witch designed by Liangfeng Aoba is like a girl next door. The British style is full, and the personality is not very good at first glance, but the dress is very elegant. Quite handsome, almost like burning.

[Beep beep!

At this time, Li Yan's editing system also got its fairest evaluation.


The girl in this painting, with a cold and angry look in her eyes, seems to have allowed Li Yan to see the ideal heroine image of various forms of harvesting and killing monsters with a sickle in the BGM background music similar to Castlevania... …

Chapter 249 Come on, cool breeze Qingye!!

At noon, the tram stop.

The sun is shining and the breeze is proud.

At this moment, the station is a bit empty, and the working hours of the second week are about to end in no time. However, autumn can be described as refreshing, and the same is true for a certain girl.

"Take a good rest today and can't force yourself anymore."

Li Yan said to Liang Feng Qingye on the front platform.


Liangfeng Qingye stretched out her hand and pulled Li Yan's clothes slightly.


Li Yan turned his head curiously, looking at the cool breeze green leaves with his head slightly lowered.

Immediately, Liang Feng Qingye opened his hands and hugged Li Yan's back vigorously. This move shocked Li Yan.

"What, what's wrong?!"

Li Yan asked in surprise.

"Yes, nothing!" The cool breeze Qingye holding him raised his head and said with a happy smile.


Li Yan stared blankly at this young girl who had won a big win in the morning. The heroine of the set was awarded the highest rating of S grade. As a result, because there was no male lead, he adopted an A+ grade person designed by Iori Light. Suppose, no matter what, Liangfeng Qingye is undoubtedly a dark horse for newcomers in the game industry.

As a result, after receiving the compliments and congratulations from Takimoto Fumi, Iori Mitsu and others in the company, he just dared to respond with a slight smile. After falling down, he was almost happy to behave like a predecessor.

In addition to being embraced by Ying Lili last year, Li Yan has a second girl who will embrace him...

"Congratulations, Aoba."

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