I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 462

Li Yan also understands Liangfeng Qingye's mood. Almost everyone will be floating at this moment. This is not irrational.

"Ah... sorry, senior."

Cool Breeze Qingye was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that he and Li Yan were not close enough to do this action, and hurriedly let go, his cheeks flushed a little, and said.

Li Yan smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. This time your design is really amazing. In terms of design, Aoba is indeed very talented."


Cool breeze Aoba was taken aback for a moment, and then he laughed with great interest.

"In fact, this set of people was inspired by dreams in the morning when I was dreaming, and rushed out!"

She smiled brightly and began to explain her success history, saying: "I thought that the design would not be able to catch up this time, but I stayed up late last night and read the script written by the senior. After being fascinated by the role for a while, she had a strange dream. I always feel that Ai Xia’s character should be a bit cool and a bit natural, and it turned out smoothly."

"It's so good, I can get inspiration from dreaming, but I can't dream of this after writing for a year..."

Li Yan was helplessly envious, thinking.

Liang Feng Qingye held her bag, and then said: "I heard that Sister Iori explained that half of the main characters of the game will be designed by me at the beginning of the day. At that time, I will definitely ask the seniors about the setting."

When Li Yan heard this, he was taken aback for a moment, then turned around again and asked: "Tomorrow you don't plan to go to rest, do you review your homework..."

However, before the voice was over, Liang Feng Qingye showed an expression of fighting spirit, clenched a fist and said: "Of course I must continue to work hard, and finally make some achievements. I have to cherish it. Employment in the future will definitely help! "

Li Yan fell silent, watching the gleaming happy posture of the younger generation in front of him for a long time. For a while, he became a little worried and wanted to persuade a little bit.

No matter how talented you are, being able to learn without a teacher is very different from having an excellent teacher lead the way.On the one hand, you should avoid crooked roads, and on the other hand, you can master the theories and experience of more famous professors. After standing in the highest position, it is not too late to expand your own path.

After all, he hopes that this small, exquisite and hard-working junior behind him can take a good study.


In the end, Li Yan did not speak out his interference words.

"I hope I can become a powerful human designer like Sister Iori. Now, I finally look a little bit."

Liangfeng Qingye said with emotion.


Li Yan looked at Liangfeng Aoba's excitement. After graduating from high school, Iori Hikaru himself became the leader of the game company and a well-known teacher.Li Yan's path is not suitable for everyone to choose. After hearing Qingye's dream, he seemed to feel whether he was too restrictive of the other party's take-off, after all, he had no plan to interfere...

The next day, in mid-October, the weather seemed to start to become slightly cold.

In the area close to the Tropic of Cancer, it is still very hot at the moment, but the normal temperature in Japan today has been maintained at 15-23°C.

At 8:30, that day, after Liangfeng Qingye swiped his card, he walked into the office area.

"I have to add some oil today!"

Liangfeng Qingye said silently in her heart.

"No, the gloss needs to be darker to create a dark effect, try to make the forest trees more weird."

Suddenly, Liangfeng Qingye heard Li Yan's voice.


Cool Breeze Aoba was taken aback for a moment. In the office area of ​​the character group, she watched three people who were earlier than her gathered around the computer to discuss game design.

"Senior, Senior Toyama, and Sister Iori are all there... It sounds like they are talking about game design."

Liangfeng Aoba blinked.

Wearing a mask and hat, Li Yan focused all his attention on the various map effects in the first chapter. Sixty percent of the renderings designed by Yuan Shanlun and Yashenguang, who had seven or eight years of experience, were sent back. Revised more than three times.

It is very difficult to decide on the graphic style of the whole game, but Li Yan's rigor is even a bit tricky for workaholics.

On the contrary, Li Yan has a deep understanding of IT knowledge, and also has a good understanding of screen design. It is worthwhile to make improvements. Therefore, the art team can only try to move towards the most ideal map design style.

I'm not afraid that the plan will require more changes, and I'm afraid of encountering game planners who understand and work harder than them.

The Iori who watched from the side noticed the cool breeze Aoba, and then smiled and said, "Ah, good morning, Aoba."

"Good morning, Sister Iori, Senior Toyama, and senior."

Cool breeze Aoba returned to his senses, and then said with a refreshing smile.

"good Morning."

Li Yan looked at Cool Breeze Qingye. Although his expression eased a little, he could see that his attention had not been diverted from the computer at all. After reciting a sentence, he immediately returned to the design drawing of the game map material.


Cool breeze Aoba sensitively felt something was wrong.

I don’t know why. Today, the first time I saw Li Yan at work, I felt completely strange...

"Ahem, that..."

Iori Kamiko sneaked up in front of Liangfeng Aoba and whispered: "From eight o'clock, Uesugi-sensei is almost as strict as a devil. Both Toyama and I are about to change the material and get out of anxiety, Aoba, Design your character design drawings, running motions, standing motions, and various expressions carefully, otherwise you will have to work overtime at home."

"Sister Iori, it's too exaggerated."

Liang Feng Qingye hesitated and said.

Iori Hikari showed a bitter smile and said, "Huh, wait until you hand over all your protagonist's design to your senior today, you will know. Anyway, carefully consider the role and don't fall into the same endless changes as me. The point of change."

Cool breeze Aoba gradually fell silent. Iori Mitsuo didn't know what Cool breeze Aoba had always cared about. After she reminded in advance, she continued to study ARPG material design issues with Li Yan.


Liangfeng Qingye continued to stare at Li Yan blankly.

At this moment, Liang Feng Qingye is the first time to see Li Yan who is fully committed to work. This legendary novelist who has forced such an excellent illustrator to modify the style of painting several times has never seen his eyes at this moment. , Extremely serious, almost devoted all of his thoughts to the construction of the work, like a scientist who cannot be disturbed...

"Senior Yuanshan's game landscape design, are there really so many problems?"

Liangfeng Qingye was a little curious as she listened to the conversation between them.

Soon, she sneaked over and looked at the map style designed by Yuan Shanlun. After taking a look in the crowd, from the perspective of painting and artistic evaluation, this kind of landscape map is already quite complete...

"In terms of leaves, the dynamics of falling leaves will be better. The leaf material hopes to be finer and darker. This section of the first chapter is very important. The number of enemies brushed out is relatively small, which will load the PS4's body performance. Compliance is also in line with the settlement result. It should be possible to render more efforts in this area..."

Li Yan talked to Yuan Shanlun again.

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