I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 470

Chapter 252

Saturday, near noon.

There was a drizzle in the sky, and a monsoon rain enveloped this city. The hazy and wet street view. In a western-style restaurant, Ying Lili, sitting against the glass wall, carefully looked at the issue just published in November. magazine.

On the third page, the latest character set of Eagle Jump’s latest work "Hunting the Devil" is announced, especially the sickle witch Aisha, which can be seen as the core role of Eagle Jump as the most popular role.

In this portrait, people outside the industry may simply think it is cute and handsome, but professionals can read more.

In the character design of the Scythe Witch, it can be seen that this painter is good at sword walking and is very good at elaborating the American style. In the Japanese manga style setting, the green light and shadow commonly used in American comics are used, and the clothes are also With reference to the characteristics of the clown, the shoulders of the tuxedo are made into horns, and the tail of the tuxedo has been lengthened a lot, making it more European-style, which is quite popular with the Japanese overall...

"The heroine, as well as the third and fifth important characters, are all designed by Aoba. So, based on your professional judgment, what level can this level be positioned in the illustration design industry? "

Li Yan, who had just returned from the meal, put the burger, fried chicken and drinks in front of her and asked.

"This...it should be said that it's not bad. I will help you design a poster for you."

Ying Riri hesitated, and said: "It is already an excellent level in the field of illustration. In the ocean of Japanese painting and design, it is absolutely no problem to get a good position."


Ying Lili looked at the other personage plans and said: "I don't know why, her performance seems to be unstable. If such an excellent master device can be designed, other personages should be more than that. I always feel that this one Senior sister is still not hot enough, well~~~ This kind of problem exists for most of this age, and the foundation cannot be established overnight."

"……is it?"

Li Yan said thoughtfully.

As a result, Ying Lili rarely recognized other people’s design paintings. It can be concluded that Aoba’s prospects are indeed uncertain. It depends more or less on how she chooses to become an ordinary outstanding designer or a top-notch design. division……

Today, Ying Lili came to him to talk about the past. As a close friend, after learning that Li Yan has been involved in making games, Ying Lili was curious to let Li Yan take the person who had been mentioned by Liang Feng Qingye to show her a picture. , Li Yan also took this to consult Ying Lili's views on Aoba's professionalism.

"Okay, okay, although I also think that it is really important to enter a higher school and choose a career, but it is really annoying to see you like this."

Sawamura Ying Riri smiled and said, "Don't worry, if you don't know you, a senior who likes to worry, that senior senior in high school will probably be determined to join the work, but...under your pressure, I drew this series After the person is set up, she will probably change a little too."

"Huh? What does this mean?"

Li Yan was taken aback for a moment and asked.

"Let’s not talk about it now, let’s just say... otaku Li, you have a limit to being stingy. I deliberately ran over to find you from a long distance, but you invited me to a fast food restaurant for lunch. It's too much."

Ying Lili squinted at him and said.

The KFC chain store is strictly a Western restaurant.

"If you weren't eating here, you wouldn't be able to catch the 11:30 bus. And don't you like KFC very much?" Li Yan was taken aback and asked.

"...Ahem, don't treat me like a kid, it's okay to eat a few times."

Ying Lili's cheeks flushed slightly, turning her head away, retorted.

At about eleven o'clock, after the two had eaten fast food, Ying Lili was about to take the bus to the station.

"Um... Houseman Li, are you going to work soon?"

In the rainy and foggy bus station, Ying Lili asked.

"Yes, as long as you have time, you will almost pass by. After all, you are already responsible for this game." Li Yan replied.


Ying Lili was silent, thinking.

Suddenly, Ying Lili noticed that her shoe laces were a little loose, then put the umbrella aside, leaned down and fastened the laces.

"I said...this game script, in the strict sense, is considered the second novel written by the old thief Uesugi?"

Ying Lili, who was squatting on the ground and tying her shoes, asked suddenly.

Li Yan was stunned for a moment. When he said that, he remembered that Eriri had competed with Shiina Mashiro, but she won the final competition after all the hard work. The illustrator of his second work should be created by Eriri. Li is in charge.

"This...should...should not count." Li Yan said.

"Just kidding, I have no way to join a game company for the purpose of designing a game character. That senior lady did design a very powerful character from your script. It's amazing, I totally admit..."

Ying Riri had just fastened his shoelaces, and as a result, in the surrounding rain and fog, a bus to Tokyo Station approached slowly.

She stood up, picked up her umbrella, and waited for the bus in the white mist. Under the gray sky, the car lights were shining, and her golden hair was like golden glitter in the rain, and her white face showed a hint of dissatisfaction. , She turned her head to look at Li Yan and said, "But no matter who the opponent is, I won't lose."

The rustle... the sound of the rain is getting louder and louder, Ying Lili shows a smile and walks on the bus in the rain and fog...

Eagle Jump Company.

After sending off Ying Lili at the bus stop, Li Yan came to work at the company in the afternoon.

After Liang Feng Qingye heard that he was going to receive a friend who came to visit him yesterday, he also adjusted his four-hour work time to the afternoon.

When I took the elevator to the office area, the elevator door had just opened, and the doorway was once again crowded with applicants.

"...I almost forgot, I will recruit new people again today."

Li Yan quickly remembered what Ye Yuezhi had told him.

Within one month, among the trainees recruited in October, the turnover rate was as high as 60%. Many college students and career-choosing students who were preparing to graduate from high school could not bear the intense work pressure of game companies. They have chosen to resign.

From school to society, sometimes this is the general reality, and the fledgling students sometimes imagine going to work too beautifully.

The candidates this time are still all lovely women.

"Miss Ye Yue's weirdness..."

Standing in the corridor, Li Yan reluctantly understood a hobby of the company director.

"Good afternoon, Teacher Uesugi."

At this time, among the crowd, Iori who was holding a pile of resumes walked out and said hello with a smile.

"Miss Iori, and..."

Li Yan immediately glanced at the side of Yashenguang, and Taki, who was blushing with hands and feet, was rich today.

"...Noon, noon, teacher."

Today Fumi was silent for a while, and then he mustered up some courage and said quietly.

Such a soft sense of sight, if it weren't for Takimoto Fumi who also had a stack of resume materials in his hands, she would not be able to see that she and the team leader Yasami Mitsu went to interview applicants for the personnel group.

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