I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 471

"Good afternoon, two. This time Miss Iori and Miss Takimoto will be the examiners together?" Li Yan asked.

"Yes, today Lun wants to assist other departments in recruiting, so I brought Nifumi-chan to check it out." Iori Koto said with a bright smile.

"...I, I don't think...is very suitable for being an interviewer." Taki today Fumi lowered her head slightly and whispered shyly.

Iori Hikari smiled brightly and said, "You are still talking about this, Nis Fumi, a little more confident, you are the elite of the team, there is no problem at all... Ah! Time is almost up, Uesugi-sensei, we are ready to pass. I'll see you later."

Li Yan nodded and watched the two of them head to the interview venue. From the words just now, Li Yan seemed to understand some messages: Probably, the next candidate for team leader is Taki Today's rich beauty.

At 2:20 in the afternoon, there was a lot of mist outside.

In November, hot and cold alternated, and the weather gradually turned cold. The dry air in the company's corridors and the cooling outside caused the windows to condense into water.

The number of applicants in the corridors gradually decreased. In the relatively empty corridor, a girl with red hair dressed in regular clothes was waiting quietly outside the door of the meeting room.


Just like when Aoba was in the interview, the red-haired girl looked nervously at the rainy and misty street outside the window, a little distracted.

Tokyo is a place where young people all over Japan seek their dreams.

Hokkaido is far away from the economic center and has a serious population exodus. The well-known cities such as Osaka, Yokohama, Nagoya, Kyoto... Although these cities are also suitable for graduates to work and settle, they are always more convenient than Tokyo. Children who grow up in remote areas have longing and yearning.

More importantly, there are few game companies in the cities of Hokkaido. Now, after receiving the interview notice from Eagle Jump, I took the Shinkansen with my childhood sweetheart for more than ten hours to find dreams in such a huge city. Just one step away.

"My name is Mochizuki Hongye, please advise..."

"My name is Mochizuki Hongye, please advise..."

She looked at the sky with a serious look, practicing the cutscene of the interview later.

"Okay, there is absolutely no problem. Xiaoming and I have been working hard until now and have been winning first place in the school for this moment."

The girl named Mochizuki Hongye silently encouraged herself.

Immediately, Mochizuki Hongye was about to return to his seat. When passing by the window, he inadvertently passed a gap, and the strong cold wind that was blown in dropped down the painting works in his hand.



Mochizuki Hongye noticed it, and immediately walked over to pick it up.

However, shortly after the drawing landed, Li Yan took a bunch of typos or some feedback information that the technical team, seiyuu team, and human design team gave him feedback. He walked and watched and walked to his office. As a result, Directly in front of Mochizuki Momiji, stepped on the representative work of the other party preparing for the interview...


Mochizuki Hongye suddenly stared blankly, watching the scene in front of him with his eyes wide open, and couldn't help but let out a distressed cry.

Li Yan heard the call and recovered from work. He looked at this stunned strange girl. After realizing something was wrong, he followed the other's gaze and looked at his feet before seeing a person. Set up painting, immediately felt bad, hurriedly let go.

"Hug, sorry!"

Li Yan picked up this painting and hurriedly apologized.

Soon, Li Yan saw this man-made painting signed [Mochizuki Hongye]. Although Li Yan is not familiar with the painting, the style of the man-made painting in front of him is quite unique, and he thinks it is very good.It's just that this excellent human design has left footprints that can't be erased.


Mochizuki Hongye looked at her winning entry dumbly and left a footprint of 42 yards, not knowing what to say.

"I'm really sorry, this must be a very important interview work. I didn't notice when I walked. If there is any compensation, I will try to make up for your loss..."

Li Yan saw in his eyes, knowing that he had made a mistake, apologized again and asked.

"...No, no more."

Mochizuki Hongye looked at the painting distressedly. After receiving the apology from this young man wearing a mask, he didn't mean to blame, and said, "This can't be all to you, and this painting is just a copy. Don’t take it too seriously, it’s okay."

She tried to wipe it, but the result was still not clean. Then she said: "This company only recruits one trainee in a group. Even if I go all out, I don’t have much hope. I still have a lot of representative paintings, so I reduced one. It will not affect the chance of admission too much."

When Li Yan heard this, he was slightly stunned.

"...Wait a minute, Miss Mochizuki."

Li Yan finally expressed his opinion on this sentence.

"Eh, how do you know my name?"

Mochizuki Hongye was shocked, raised his head and looked at him, and asked.

"When I returned it to you, I accidentally took a look at your painting, and there was a signature on it. You are very good, and you shouldn't be so arrogant, because my fault left shoe prints and it does not cause negative effects to the Eagle Jump examiners. If it affects, just explain the situation."

Li Yan looked at the shoe prints he had left, and then meaningfully reminded Mochizuki Hongye, who seemed nervous and confused about the interview.

"Maybe, this will be a way for you to stand out. Think about it. If the examiner sees a footprint on this page, how do you write down the article. If it were me, I would definitely not just say that I was just a reckless stranger. People stepped on it. In the Eagle Jump game company, the most important thing is not seniority. Ms. Mochizuki, how about trying to shape ingenious works in a more innovative way?"


Hong Ye always sounded like it was in the clouds and mist. However, in her unsmiling eyes, she looked closely at this young man wearing a mask, and between her delicate eyebrows, she always felt that something made her heart beat faster. .

This is the first time that boys are so close and concerned.

"Next, please come in, Mochizuki Hongye."

At this time, the door of a small meeting room was opened. After sending an interviewer away, Iori went to the door and shouted.

"It's me."

Mochizuki Hongye heard that, in an emergency, he finally put the soiled drawing into the album, forgot to say goodbye to Li Yan, and hurried into the interview hall.

"I hope I can compensate her a little bit..."

Li Yan watched this strange girl walk into the interview field and thought.

However, Li Yan still has an inexplicable sense of sight in his heart. The name Mochizuki Hongye is surprisingly similar to Liangfeng Qingye...

"My name is Mochizuki Hongye. I am 17 years old and I am studying in Hokkaido Shumei Vocational School. I am applying for a visual design position. Please advise me."

Mochizuki Hongye, with a somewhat stale expression, bowed slightly to the two young interviewers and introduced himself.

"Yes, Miss Mochizuki, can you talk about your thoughts on the character design of the game?"

Iori looked at the resume, showing a slight smile, and asked Hongye.

However, in the process of Q&A, it was not only Iori Hikari, but Fumi Takimoto who was present at the opening discovered a unique problem, that is, letting students from Hokkaido vocational school directly stay in Tokyo and work part-time. Irrational.

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