I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 473

"Snow view!" Shinoda first shouted with an open hand.

"... It's snowing really hard, the first time I saw it."

Li Yan looked out the window and said with some emotion.

"Really, then this trip is really the right choice, senior."

Liang Feng Qingye, who was sitting next to him, said with a smile.

The long-lost company trip has officially begun.

A red train driving into the deep mountain and snow forest is driving in the winding mountain forest, covered with snow, and the scenery is quite spectacular.

Hokkaido is one of the most sparsely populated areas in Japan. I almost came to this area, as if I had left Northeast Asia. The leaves of a towering forest in the cold temperate zone were packed with white falling snow, whirring and shaking slightly. .

In November, Tokyo is still in the cooling season, and the real falling snow cannot be seen until December. However, it is impossible to see such a spectacular snow scene in Tokyo.

At this moment, the northernmost part of Japan is also the peak tourist season, and Li Yan, who came from the south, is also looking forward to this trip.

"I don't understand, it's already very cold, so I want to go to a colder place... Uesugi-sensei... Well, let's close it for a while, I'm almost freezing to death."

Yukino Iijima trembled coldly and complained.

As a native of Mie Prefecture, Iijima Yutone, who grew up in a warmer climate, can't stand the cold.

"Okay." Li Yan also shivered with cold, holding his body, said.

Li Yan and Yumune Iijima are acquainted with each other. When this lovely girl was working overtime, because of the loss of her contact lenses, she temporarily wore thick glasses frames. As a result, she ran into it once at that time. Looks like Yingli Li...

At this moment, it seems that among the people in the carriage, the two of them are in the most similar situation and cannot stand the cold.


Sitting in the other seat, Mochizuki Hongye kept staring at Cool Breeze Aoba.

Within two weeks, Mochizuki Hongye had learned about Aoba's strength, and it was indeed quite powerful. Even the number one in the school, she could see that Aoba's design ability was above her.

"Senior values ​​her so much, absolutely because of her talents. One day, I will prove that I am more suitable for designing perfect personas for senior's games."

She quietly made up her mind.

At this moment, the red train passed a deep mountain slope. Soon, people in the carriage on the left saw the ski area, the cable car, and the skyline far away from the ski area, which was lit up. Illuminated town.

"Everyone, that is the hometown of Hongye and I. Welcome to Narugu Town, Hokkaido!"

Narrator Haiyan smiled and announced to the employees of the Eagle Jump company in a carriage.

"Oh oh oh oh oh!!!"

Cheers came from the entire carriage.

"The ski area seems to be some distance from the town."

Li Yan looked at the scene and said.

"Yes, because the skiing venues are basically built in the deep mountains, so after we get to the station in the town, we still have to take a half-hour ride to get to the ski resort."

Aoba smiled and said.

Li Yan looked at such an isolated ski resort, was silent for a while, and thought to himself: "Scenes like this are usually set as a closed environment by detective novels or comics to increase the atmosphere of horror."

"I heard that Zhenbai uncovered a confusing incident in the local area during his last mountain trip, and solved some hidden dangers among girls. Although they are basically campus-like secret incidents, it seems that Zhenbai now has more and more problems. Good physique... Cases happen wherever you go..."

Approaching night, at 18:20, the sky has gradually entered darkness.

Not far from the ski resort, there is a large-scale folk hotel.

The company contracted two tourist buses. At this moment, the wind and snow were blowing and the wind was roaring in the valley. Li Yan and his party got off the bus one after another and settled in the folk hotel of Ming Haiyan.

"Welcome, everyone."

At the door, a forty-year-old woman in kimono led the hotel staff, bowing and saying.

"Mom, I brought everyone from the company here."

Ming Haiyan said with a smile.

Ming Haiyan's mother seemed to be carrying a bit of vicissitudes in her busy life, but she could see that they looked very similar and treated each other politely with a smile.

Yuan Shanlun and Ye Yueshizuku stepped forward together, and began to exchange greetings with Ming Haiyan's mother.

Li Yan and Yashenguang carried large bags and small bags, a total of more than 70 people. At this moment, tourists from home and abroad have already occupied the surrounding hotels, large and small. It can be said that a room is hard to find. I have to say that through the relationship between Ming Haiyan , Eagle Jump company saved a lot of money.

"Yan, what are you still doing? Hurry up to take the luggage for the guests and take them to the house."

Suddenly, Ming Haiyan's mother's tone changed, and she seemed to exhale her daughter in the same tone as her subordinates.


Li Yan, Iori Light, and Liangfeng Qingye Deng were shocked. They thought they would see a warm interaction between mother and daughter, but at this moment they seemed to be back to the company.

"Yes, yes. Then everyone, please follow me upstairs. Our Japanese-style bedroom is a room with 16 people, and heating is provided around the clock."

Ming Haiyan is very used to it, said.

"It's great, great!"

With thin faces and white snow all over them, Li Yan and Yuu Iijima who had experienced a mountain disaster said with pale expressions.

"...Hongye, how is the relationship between Yanjiang and her mother?"

When they went upstairs together, Aoba asked curiously.

"Haiyan has a very good relationship with Auntie, so don't worry."

Mochizuki Momiji explained: "It's just that Haiyan's mother always hoped that Haiyan could inherit the family business. However, Haiyan and I have the ambition to go to Tokyo to make games. Therefore, if Haiyan cannot be converted by Eagle Jump, we can only return to inherit the family in the future. I'm done..."

"...It sounds so pathetic."

Li Yan and Yashenguang, who looked sour in their faces, stared blankly at Mochizuki Hongye, who sympathized with their best friend, and said in unison.

Just when Li Yan, one of the few male employees, had to help carry women’s luggage in the snow, suddenly several black cars stopped by the roadside, attracting Li Yan’s attention.

In any case, this style is the scale of the trip of the rich.

However, when Li Yan became a writer of light novels, he has been living an ordinary and slightly impoverished life. He has completely forgotten that he is actually a "rich second generation".

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