I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 474

As a result, in the falling snow, a group of people wearing thick clothes came down.

Under a dark night sky, the snow is endless. In the snow forest, you can't see your fingers. This area can only rely on a few huge lighting lights to shine a vague outline in the snowstorm.

However, when Li Yan was about to return to the hotel, with a large bag and a small bag, in the light, he inadvertently recognized one of the familiar figures...

In the falling snow, after getting out of the car, the figure kept his face in a state of perplexity. Under boredom, when observing this strange land, it turned out to be a little far away. When the "coolies" were busy carrying under the two tourist buses with "Flying Eagle Jumping", they also saw unexpected figures.

She couldn't help looking at the other person, motionless.



Xuexiaxuenai stood blankly in the wind and snow, and the snow fell. She was wearing thick black clothes, her long black and beautiful hair flowing in the wind, her extremely beautiful face beside the car, looking at Li Yan.

……How is this going?

She thought silently.

"Second Miss?!" Li Yan asked.

Xuexiaxuenai was silent for a while, looked at Li Yan, and shouted, "Learn..."

"Ah, isn't this a teacher?!"

Suddenly, another familiar voice, Xuexia Yangnai got out of the car with a happy smile and said hello.

"Miss Yang Nai?" Li Yan asked, looking forward with some surprise.

However, it soon became clear that in the black car, the next ones who came down were the Xuexia mother who had warned him, a few middle-aged men who looked stable, and Ye Shan. The people are among them.

It seems that two wealthy families plan to travel together.

"It's really been a long time since I saw you. The last time I passed by Tokyo occasionally, I saw you. Haha, it's fate. Are you traveling here too?"

Yang Nai directly abandoned Xuexia Xuenao who did nothing, walked up to him and said in greeting.

"...Yes, I recently worked part-time in a company, so I traveled here with the company, and now I help female colleagues carry luggage."

When acquaintances met, Li Yan was naturally in a better mood, smiled, and answered Yang Nai's question.

"Yang Nai, we are going to go in the house."

At this moment, in the distance, the beautiful Yukoshita's mother urged Yukoshita to say hello.


Yang Nai responded flexibly.

She stood in the snow, showing a very ordinary smile, and said quietly and seriously: "There will be a chance to chat, then, see you later."


Li Yan nodded and said.


In the cold wind, Xuexiaxue was alone, and there was no Biqigu or Yubihama beside her, only her lonely girl standing in the sky full of snow.

After looking at Li Yan deeply, her mouth moved slightly. It seemed that after saying something, she could only follow a group of people to the hotel.

Li Yan didn't hear what Xuexia Xuenai was saying...

However, Xuexiaxuno's words may be the same as the sound of the wind in his ears, just wanting to be heard by everyone inadvertently.

"As the daughter of a rich family, it's really hard work."

Li Yan stood in the wind and snow, thinking.


At this time, Qing Ye came out of the hotel, she shrank up and walked to Li Yan.

"Let me help together!" Qingye shouted to Li Yan hard.

In the noisy wind and snow, even if it is very close, it is difficult to speak.

"No, I can carry it with others, Aoba, you go back to the house soon." Li Yan shook his head and said.

"But, but, I'm going to eat at seven o'clock, so much luggage, I can't finish it by relying solely on the uncle security guard, seniors, and the business department."

Liangfeng Aoba resisted the gale and said nervously.

Li Yan looked at Liang Feng Qingye's serious and hard-working expression, knowing what she really wanted to help, so he handed her a lighter bag and said, "Then you just take the small bag, don't force it."

Liangfeng Qingye smiled, nodded and said, "I understand."

However, at 6:45, after a group of people finally carried all their luggage inside, Li Yan breathed a sigh of relief. As a result, no cool breeze Aoba returned to the hotel.


Under curiosity, Li Yan went out again to look for Cool Breeze Qingye.

"Aoba, Aoba, where are you?" Li Yan asked nervously.

However, inadvertently, he saw a snowdrift on the way between the parking lot and the entrance of the hotel, and under the snowdrift there was a corner of the bag that was handed to Aoba at 6:30.


Li Yan looked at this young girl lying on the snowdrift somewhat speechlessly.

"Study... Senior..."

Lifting his head from the snowdrift, Aoba, who could not get up at all, said to Li Yan crying.

As a result, at a distance of only ten meters, Liangfeng Qingye wasted all his strength due to the strong wind and luggage, and a mountain disaster almost happened...

The cool breeze that warmed her body, Aoba, listened to the rustling wind outside the window, with a lingering expression.

"Huh, fortunately, I was discovered by the senior, otherwise I wouldn't be able to crawl out of the higher and higher piles of snow..." Liangfeng Qingye said with a sigh.

"Your physical strength is so weak that you will lose to Gale." Hong Ye always felt a little weird, said.


Cool breeze Aoba dry with a smile.

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