I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 475

At 7:00 in the evening, the sky was completely dark.

In the entire huge hotel restaurant, more than 70 people ate at the same time, and the air was filled with steam and delicious food.

Cool breeze Aoba is eating bone broth ramen, almost full of high-calorie foods, making Yuzu Iijima feel entangled. However, in the messy dining room, she once again remembered the previous scene.

Looking at the door, I saw that in the falling snow, Li Yan chatted with a short-haired rich girl for a while, and then looked at each other with a long-haired girl in the distance, which ended everything hastily.

This sense of sight is like watching an exciting Japanese drama...

"Both of them are big beauties..."

Liang Feng Qingye held the chopsticks, and thought silently: "Senior, what is the relationship with the two girls, I really care... I want to ask the senior, but I can't ask."

However, what matters more is the weather.

She looked at Feixue outside the window and thought: "I wonder if it will clear tomorrow?"


After a whole day of flying and train rides, a group of people are already exhausted.

Li Yan looked at the time schedule several times, and after asking Ming Haiyan several times, he was sure that there was no so-called mixed bath time, and he was relieved and entered the male pool to soak in the hot spring.

When he came to the hotel, he hasn't met the Xuexia sisters until now, it seems that he has staggered the time period.

"Right, teacher!"

Suddenly, behind Li Yan, Ming Haiyan's voice came.

"Huh?" Li Yan looked back.

"Remember, at twelve o'clock tonight, you will also go to the western lounge and listen to my Ming Haiyan telling you about the local customs and strange stories here. You can see or leave!"

Ming Haiyan said with a bright smile.

"……it is good."

Li Yan could hear that a group of people in the company had a small party, but he always felt that twelve o'clock was too late...

In the male hot spring, Li Yan went to the hot spring with a few of the company’s male colleagues. They were the muscular, calm, and gentle security guard Uncle Mitsui. He only saw the two-dimensional business glasses man, and the company hired him. His young driver is a handsome guy, but he is also a women's lady.

Snow fell in the sky, and a group of people were outdoors in hot springs. Li Yan has always only seen travel features on the Internet and magazines, but he actually mentioned it this time.

Perfectly spent the first night of the hot spring bath. After talking and laughing with colleagues in the open-air hot spring, Li Yan seemed to be enlightened and inspired. Now, the game script has been written to the penultimate chapter, which is " The fifth chapter of the hunting world: Journey in the sky".

Essay recording your own inspiration is a common method used by almost all experienced novelists.

"Senior, are you free now?"

In the hotel corridor, while Li Yan was taking notes, the clothes behind him were suddenly pulled by the cool breeze Qingye and asked.

"what happened?"

Li Yan came back to his senses and asked.

I saw Aoba, Momiji, Iijima Yutone who looked a little reluctant, Shinoda Hatsuki who was full of expectations, and Taki who was shy and Fumei today, all seemed to gather together.

"Blizzard has stopped, let's go make a snowman!" Aoba said excitedly.

"Hey, haven't you just soaked in the hot spring?" Li Yan asked curiously for a moment.

"Come back and soak again!" Shinodachu directly replied.

There is some truth, after all, bathing in this hotel is free, and there is no problem repeating it several times a night.

At this moment, when Blizzard was resting for the first time and walking out of the hotel, what was greeted was a dazzling galaxy, an already white world.

Although it was very cold, for Li Yan, who had never seen such a snow scene, he was really hooked.


The girls let out a cheerful cry.

Obviously in the team, except Aoba, everyone else is a little older than Li Yan, but they all rushed towards the beautiful snowy ground with a childlike heart.

In an instant, the girls began to build up snowmen individually or in cooperation.

"A bunch of aliens!" Shinoda Chu said.

"Don't pile up such disgusting things!" Yuyin, who was cooperating on the side, said hurriedly.

Li Yan doesn't know how to build snowmen. It seems to be a very professional technique. However, Taki, who is not far away, is quite skilled at making snowmen. In a short time, he can build a Doraemon. come out.


Shinoda's confidence was immediately diminished, and he was dumbfounded and made a hoarse voice. This is simply beyond the reach of an expert.

"It's amazing, Senior Takimoto, can you teach me how to make such a delicate snowman?"

Li Yan could not help but became interested in seeing it, and asked.

"Um... well, yes... it's actually not that difficult."

Taki Fumi was taken aback today, then his cheeks flushed, and he lowered his head slightly and said in a low voice.

This is a beauty who is praised by others. Li Yan is three years older. He has been taciturn and has never been accompanied by a boy. However, during the period when Li Yan was in contact with others, others said that Taki is good and courageous. The little girl, however, Li Yan felt even more that this senior had an indescribable sense of beauty.

In the end, most of the messages from Line, Li Yan learned some tricks.

"...I always find it difficult."

Made a few little snowmen, but couldn't do more difficult Aoba, squatting in a corner, whispered.

"Aoba, what snowman are you planning to do?"

After learning the trick, Li Yan quickly turned his attention to his junior, Aoba, and walked over to ask.


Aoba was shocked, and quickly planned to destroy the snowman who didn't know whether it was a pig or a dog.

Li Yan asked, "Are you going to be a snow pig?"

"Xue, Snow Pig, that's not it, I'm going to be a Snow Rabbit!" Qingye retorted with red cheeks.


Li Yan feels that no matter how poorly shaping it is, he shouldn't make something with such a big gap.

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